
Trial Wolf

LilleyPad · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Was It Her Fault/She Still sticks up for Me/Beating Tucker

Everest's POV

I had no regrets, it was totally her fault right? Who am I kidding it was totally her fault I wish humans would just listen but no instead they have to be complicated. Them and there stupid wanna be wolves or what they call dogs and cats. I don't understand them at all. The humans and those cat things, but that's a different topic for another time. I started back for the camp and when I got there I actually saw the dumb human had food. I was super shocked by that but then Madelyn had to go make a snarky comment "See what happens when you listen to me instead of trying to force me to listen to you?" I scoffed and just went into our little cave thing and went to bed mad. So again I woke up at 5:00 and to my surprise the stupid human thing was up. "Trying to hunting without me I see?" she obviously knew what I was trying to do. "Yeah because you can't seem to follow orders." "Well I already caught some more rabbits, would you like some or would you like to keep insulting me?" "Both." She rolled her eyes. For the first time I noticed her beautiful red fur on her head or known as hair. I never really noticed this until now. "Everest are you coming to get the food or are you going to keep staring at me like you want to kill me?" I walked forward and got some of the rabbit. It tasted better cooked but I wasn't going to give her a single compliment. "So what do we have to do today?" she asked me like I knew, what a silly human. "Why ask me? Do I look like the Alpha?" I said. She said jokingly "No you look like the omega." I was super angry and I think she just wanted to rattle me.

Madelyn's POV

I just said that to Everest to rattle him. I can say right now that I think me and Everest aren't on the best of terms. I really don't think we could even be a team I mean we can't even hunt together. We were already on day 2 and had a bunch of angry feelings towards each other. I mean if that's not toxic I don't know what is. We only have two more days to figure out if we could make it as a team. We went to Everest's alpha, Purely and asked what the next challenge we would be assigned to do. He said it was just friendly pack games to see how the pack would take us in as one. So Everest pulled me aside and said "no matter how much we hate each other we have to put it aside for today, I need to keep looking good in front of my pack." Alpha Purely started off the games with a simple running course. When we were at the start Everest saw one of his enemies he said his name was Tucker and then like out of a nightmare my mortal enemy Wyatt appeared next to Tucker and said, "Well, well, well look who we have here the pathetic Madelyn and her stupid trial wolf Everest." I said "I may be stupid and clumsy and everything else Everest is not so don't insult him."

She Still Sticks Up For Me

Everest's POV

I can't believe she was sticking up for me after all the things I said and how stubborn I've been. We then got in line for the sprinting course, there would be a first place for wolves and a first place for humans. Alpha Purely howled to begin so we set off at first I was winning but then stupid Tucker took over by cutting me off I could see Madelyn towards the back of the human group but at least in front of 3 people.

Madelyn's POV

I was doing horrible at the beginning but at least Everest was getting ahead for our team. I was at least ahead of a couple people which was better than I had ever done in gym class. As we ran farther down the course a lot of people's stamina dropped but that was the good thing about me I had trash speed but great stamina. I eventually came neck and neck to Wyatt he didn't seem happy about it at all. So in normal Wyatt fashion he pushed me down like the cheater he is. Everest saw that and was shocked so he came running back to me because if your teammate gets really hurt the other teammate has to sit out as well. He came back to me and asked "Are you terribly hurt?" I replied "No I just sprained my ankle I'll be fine at least go try and win for us." So Everest went back to running.

Beating Tucker

Everest's POV

Well since she was fine I just kept running all I cared about was beating that stupid wolf Tucker. We've had bad blood ever since his Father killed my mother. His father had lost his mate when she gave birth to Tucker's litter so even though my mother and father had found each other and everyone knew about them being mates he'd try to steal my mother away from my father, but like the loyal mate she was she stayed with my father until one day Tucker's father decided if he couldn't have my mother no one could have her and he killed her in front of me and sisters. This just fueled my heart even more.. So I ran right past him and into the finish line not long after Tucker's dirty human ran past the finish line and won for the humans. I knew that Wyatt dude didn't deserve it but it was whatever. Again I don't understand humans and how they could be so dirty to each other especially the human females. They could fight then make up right after I mean are they crazy or what? But I marched back to Madelyn proudly.

Madelyn's POV

Everest walked towards me obviously very proud of himself. He was just proud that he beat his mortal enemy and I didn't mind I also hated Tucker seeing how he was Wyatt's wolf. The reason I hate Wyatt so much is we used to be best friends until he started acting weird and only talked to me when he wanted something and one day after he asked me for money I decided to follow him and he went to the skate park to meet up with some of his friends and then he started sharing all my secrets and told them he was just using me.