
Trial Wolf

LilleyPad · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Introduction/ Mountain Trials

You may be asking who I am or what this story is about. But to start off I am Madelyn Summers and my wolf is Kelpie. We live on the beach with my mate Dakota Anderson and this is the story of how I found Dakota and how I truly connected with Kelpie. When I was 16 I was finally able to have a trial wolf. A trial wolf is a wolf who seems to be compatible with a person you only get three trial wolves if you aren't compatible with one of those three wolves you just get stuck with one and most of the people who get stuck with a wolf they aren't compatible with, they never learn to bond with their wolves and that creates an outcast. That only happens 1 in 5 times. Outcasts can't join a pack until they go through the trials to prove they have bonded with their wolf. Little did I know Kelpie and I would be in those trials. But we aren't to that point yet. Back to the story. Also to clarify how the packs work it consists of humans and wolves and then we get wolves from different packs or our own packs and then we are one. Anyways I headed down to my alpha, Alpha Gacey. My alpha's family and my family had always been close. His son and daughter were like best friends to me and I loved them to death. When I reached the dock Alpha Gacy was waiting with three wolves behind him. He introduced me to the first wolf Allusion, she was a small auburn wolf with big blue eyes. She looked very friendly, but Gacey said she lacked strength but made up for it with speed. He thought we would be compatible because of how we both were very kind and forgiving. But he thought something that would get in the way of our bond and that was Allusion was very trusting and I was very untrusting. Then he introduced me to Everest, a beautiful white wolf. He said Everest lacked stamina but had lots of strength. I could obviously tell he was made for the mountains. Alpha thought our personality traits equaled each other out like how he was unforgiving and I was forgiving he thought we would always come to terms with the better option. He next introduced me to Kelpie, a breathtaking black wolf with seaweed green eyes. She looked like she was a goddess's wolf. He thought we would go well together because we basically had almost the exact same personality. But thought we would also clash because of how similar we were. I got to pick the wolf I wanted to spend my first trial with so I picked Everest the dashing white wolf. Alpha then put us on a temporary mind link. He then sent us off and reminded us I could still see Everest and touch him because we had not yet had the 'Bond Ritual'. Once the 'Bond Ritual' was completed we would be one, and I could shift to my wolf but the downside was we couldn't always be together. Once we reached the mountain pack we were escorted to the Trial wolf section. From there on we would go through a bunch of challenges to see if we wanted to become one with each other. The first challenge started in the morning which would be basic hunting. Simple right? Well not when you have a controlling wolf with you.

Mountain Trials

Everest's POV

I woke up at 5:00 in the morning and of course the lazy human was sleeping. How did she expect to be on top if she was still sleeping? So I woke the human up and she was very grouchy as expected. I didn't really want a human in the first place, at least not a lazy one. She looked at me with tired eyes and asked why we had to get up so early. I said meanly "So we can eat unless you want to starve." She pouted and looked at me with anger in her eyes but I just rolled mine. "So you coming or am I just gonna hunt by myself?" She rolled her eyes and said "Why did I pick you first? "I'm not the type of wolf to be surprised at some stuff but she didn't seem like the type of person to talk back. With not talking another word we set off for the elk grounds. I finally speak up and say "I can smell their tracks, we should be careful now". She pulled out her bow and quiver, the quiver only had 3 arrows so if she used all three we were probably screwed out of a meal.

Madelyn's POV

I had pulled out my bow and quiver and Everest and I started out for where the scent was coming from. Once we got to the grounds we saw a bunch of elk like hundreds of them. We were in a bush looking for the weakest one when Everest says "I'll take lead go up ahead so when I drive l the elk toward you, you shoot it." But I wanted to take the lead because he was faster so he could do a quick grab at the neck then maybe I shoot it. So I suggested that and he didn't like that so we started arguing. Then he finally yelled "I'll take lead!" and then the elk herd bolted and we were screwed for today. He then looked at me and had the audacity to yell at me "It's all your fault you should have just listened to me!" "My fault? My fault Everest? I wasn't the one who just screamed like a baby!" Anger filled Everest's eyes. He yelled at me again saying "Well if you would have listened I wouldn't have had to scream and we would have a nice meal!". I just started walking back to our little camp because I was so over this wolf already I knew I wouldn't pick him.