
Trial Of Love

What is true happiness? When asked, do you answer by stating; having all the best luxurious items in the world, living in a big estate, being able to travel the world, maybe even being famous as a celebrity. For some, it would indeed be a dream come true, while for others it's their reality. Join me as Elizabeth tries to find her true happiness in life whilst discovering love along the way.

_AngelGrace_ · Urban
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515 Chs


Knightley's Estate 

It's been a few hours since Elizabeth arrived home with her mother. She didn't see either her father nor grandparents since they were away doing personal matters. Her grandparents visited some relatives whilst her father was busy back in the company. In the end, she was left all alone since her mother had things to do as well. 

"Is everything alright?" 

Sam knocked at the girl's doors as she entered to check on her. She hasn't seen the girl for awhile now since she woke up. 

"Sam, it's good to see you " Elizabeth responded with a smile but she was soon caught by Sam and questioned. 

"Tell me, why did you come back?" 

Elizabeth knew she couldn't lie to Sam and she does trust her. "I need to look for something." 

"What is it?" Sam.curiously asked as she sat next to the girl. 

"I don't know, but I'll know it once I find it."