
Trial Of Love

What is true happiness? When asked, do you answer by stating; having all the best luxurious items in the world, living in a big estate, being able to travel the world, maybe even being famous as a celebrity. For some, it would indeed be a dream come true, while for others it's their reality. Join me as Elizabeth tries to find her true happiness in life whilst discovering love along the way.

_AngelGrace_ · Urban
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515 Chs


"Young Miss, the food is ready." 

Elizabeth heard Long calling for her name. Despite how she wishes to stay floating in the water, she must. The fact she hasn't eaten anything, her energy is draining quite rapidly. 

The girl swam back to the shore as her eyes met with Cris. She did not say anything and only went to grab her robe and sat on the beach bed. 

"Guys, go ahead and eat. I'll dry myself first."

"Dig in everyone!" Cris shouted excitedly as once again he was the first to devour the food without even taking into thought that he'll be poisoned. 

"He sure is one carefree person." Elizabeth gazed at Cris admiringly. It made her wonder what life would be like if she could be free. She was already at the age to make a decision but since she went through such a dramatic event in her life which she couldn't even remember. Her family has taken her freedom away.

"Hey, Miss Knightley. Come on."