
Trial marriage: Life changed

Jessica's parents founded one of the top business all over the world. They have money, fame, a happy family moreover a peaceful life. And so they had many enemies because of which they died. On their death day, Jessica was with them, she was saved but because of the psychological trauma, she forgot everything. She doesn't even know that she was adopted much less about her real family. But someone knew and was trying to get them together. Everything was going fine until one day, her best friend betrayed her and she was forced into a marriage.

KimRiPie · Realistic
Not enough ratings
6 Chs


"I want to talk to you about the marriage. Can we talk alone for a moment?" asked Jason.

"I told you, 'I won't marry you.' so get lost." Mona turned around and started climbing the stairs.

"Wait, you won't be able to run away from this marriage like this" Jason protested. "I have a way that will be helpful for both of us. Please listen to me once."

Mona stopped on her way and turned back. And gave him a questioning look. "Fine, but you got only 5 minutes to finish what you want to say. Come upstairs."

"Alright." Jason followed behind her, after entering her room, he was about to close the door when Mona spoke up.

"Don't close it, are we having an affair or what that you need to close the door."

"But this is supposed to be kept between us, which others shouldn't know. So, obviously we need to close the door, in case someone overhears."

"You are right but it feels weird so, you stand near the door and will stand on the other end. And don't worry cause no sound can be heard from outside." Mona warned him while he closed the door.


"Now tell me, what is it," Mona demanded.

"Trial marriage. We can get to know each other and if in 3 years we can't stay together, I will present you with the divorce papers from my side. And tell everyone that I am not fit for you.


"In the trial marriage, I have 3 conditions:-

'1. We won't interfere with each other's personal life. But we will try to get to know each other.

2. You will move to the USA with me after we get married.

3. If we find that we aren't suitable to spend the rest of our life together then, we will divorce..′

" Are you crazy? You are talking about two person's life, is this a joke for you?"

" Just tell me one thing will you do it or not? If you don't agree, my father and your father will use different methods to make you agree. And in that case, you will lose your freedom, dream, and everything. But if you decide to do it, I will give you everything. So think carefully and give me an answer. Will you do it or not?"

"Let me sleep on it," replied Mona doubtfully.

"Alright, but you got only 2 days at most."


After saying his part Jason left and Mona sat on her bed in a daze thinking about what she should do cause if this turns into a failure not only hers but also her family's life will be affected.

At night her mother came to her room to talk to her.

"Mona, you should know that your dad is a man of his word so unless he is dead you are bound to get married. Mr. Hopes saved him when he was at his lowest point but he never asked for anything and also their family is 1 of the top rich families of western countries. Now that such a scandal has been created in your college you can't continue there so it's better for you to start afresh life. So you won't suffer if you get married to him." her mother tried to make her agree to this marriage.

"Alright, mom. I got it. I will give it some thought. You may go back to sleep now." Mona was clear now about what she had to do.

Two days later.

In the morning when she was having breakfast with her family she received a message from Jason, asking her to meet him at a café near her house.

"Have you decided?" Jason sounded impatient.

"Yes." Mona tried her best to sound calm.


"I will do it."

"You sure?"

"Yes, I am sure. But I have 2 conditions."

"Go ahead."

"First, I will only get married after I turn 20.

And second I want to stay in India for another year. I will go with you to the USA in the month of July next month." Mona wanted to clear her name before she leaves this place.

"Ok. I agree with both the condition but the 3 years will only be applicable after we get married. You ok with it?"


"Well then. I will bring my parents to visit your house tomorrow."


Both parted their ways but soon Mona squatted down on her way and started crying, thinking about the things that have happened in the past few days. but what she didn't know was Jason was standing right behind her cause she forgot her phone. At last, he turned around and left taking the phone with him.

When she finally calmed down and got up to go home she discovered that she didn't have her phone. She went back to the café only to discover that Jason had left her a note.

"I have your phone. And I will bring it to you tomorrow cause I have some work to do today.


"Jerk" Mona scolded under her breath.