
24. Trio consolation

R: Sylvia Werner.

L: Kira, Katy, Gran, Dad, Marcus, Driver.


Narration: Sylvia sat on her bed clenching her hands tighter tightly. She was so angry at herself more than ever. The door knob bends but the door is locked.

Kira: Sylvia open up.

Katy: It is us. Com'on open the door.

Narration: Sylvia hesitated by their knocking continued. She reluctantly walks up to the door and opens it.

Sylvia: Come on in Girls.

Narration: They walk in and shuts the door bolting it shut.

Kira: Are you alright?

Katy: we heard some of the things that Ethan blabbed in the Kitchen… little though.

Kira: What exactly did he tell you that broke the last straw?

Katy: Kira, isn't that a bit sensitive?

Kira: We are her best friends. It is the only way for us to be able to console her. So what did he tell you or call you?

Katy: Sylvia, don't answer her if you don't feel like. You are already pretty shaken up.

Sylvia: He called me a lot of things that I can't even think of one calling his or her sibling. First he accuses me of throwing myself at influential men.

Katy: In other words, he called you a whore.

Sylvia: Yep. He even says that Marcus and I have been making out especially after seeing us at the bar together.

Kira: But that was a coincidence. I mean, we were there too and he didn't come in with us. He was there before we even arrived.

Sylvia: I tried to tell him that he was a coincidental meeting but he was adamant saying that he was a bit suspicious as to how I went from staff to PA in two days.

Kira: Was he deaf or didn't he hear what Marcus said during the dinner?

Sylvia: He accused me of planning with Marcus to say exactly what he said at the dinner. Then he asks me what Marcus was doing buying me clothes at the mall?

Katy: You met at the mall?

Sylvia: Yeah, he brought Sabrina to the mall and that was where I invited Sabrina to my official dinner.

Kira: But did you really invite Sabrina over to put Ethan in check?

Sylvia: if I said no, then I would be lying. I was going to tell Ethan to bring her over but after what had happened between us yesterday, I knew that if I told him that I was going to have an official dinner, that he wouldn't come.

Katy: So what did you tell him?

Sylvia: The same thing I told you guys but then he goes on as to how I was receiving the clothes as payment for going intimate with him.

Katy: Oh my God, he actually said that?

Kira: Pretty much the Ethan I knew that fought the bullies in the senior class because of his sister when he was still a junior, that Ethan isn't this one.

Katy: Tell me about it.

Kira: Sylvia, the only thing I have to say is… to hell will his comments. So tell me, how did that slap feel?

Katy: Kira!

Kira: What you can't tell me you don't want to know, I mean, we have been trying to know what it will feel like to slap our big brothers… so Sylvia how did the slap feel?

Sylvia: Pretty satisfying, I guess.

Katy: No way, you actually enjoyed slapping your brother?

Sylvia: Not really, I mean I felt I went a bit Far with the slap but hey, he did deserve it.

Katy: So Kira, how are things with Mikey?

Kira: Mikey? Which Mikey?

Sylvia: How many Mikey are you familiar with? We mean the bartender?

Kira: Well, I don't know how exactly to answer that question but so far…Mikey is just…well Mikey.

Sylvia: Speaking of which, what about Josh; I heard the weather in Kansas is pretty harsh.

Katy: We talk yesterday night and so far things are actually great. We haven't had much of a problem despite distance.

Kira: Never been a fan of long distance relationship but yours seems to be going fine.

Sylvia: And it better… for Josh's sake.

Kira: So what about you Sylvia?

Katy: Yeah, when are you going to surprise us with…the man of your dreams.

Sylvia: Please girls, when the time comes, I will let you know. For now, let's drop the topic of boys.

Kira: Tell me about it. So how about we go through your choices, I mean you can't go to a mall with a multibillionaire and not come back with some designers.

Katy: Oh com'on Kira, it seems you've forgotten who Sylvia is, she wouldn't exploit the world's richest man even if her life depends on it.

Sylvia: Not so sure on the life part though.

Gran: Girls, it seems you are having a celebration in there. Sylvia, your boss is about to leave, perhaps you would want to tell him something before he goes.

Sylvia: Coming Gran, Guys don't touch any of my bags till I get back.

Narration: Sylvia walks out of the room and sees Marcus seated with her dad. She walks up to them and stands.

Dad: I trust you to be a very good person and Sylvia, I am sure you know what to do when you get uncomfortable?

Marcus: I am pretty sure it won't come to that. I don't think I would risk losing my finest employee.

Dad: For your sake that is. I am going upstairs.

Sylvia: Thanks dad. Com'on.

Narration: Sylvia leads Marcus and the driver out of the house to where the car was parked.

Sylvia: I am so sorry for what happened back there and that you had to see that.

Marcus: Obviously your brother doesn't seem to like me that much. His girlfriend, what's her name again?

Sylvia: Sabrina?

Marcus: Exactly, how long do you know her to invite her to your official dinner? Or was what you brother said true?

Sylvia: Partially, she was living beside me when I was in college and is a very good friend of mine. I was the person who linked her up with my brother.

Marcus: Okay, I will be here to get you by ten in the morning. We will visit every known shoe store and get you some, accessories. And please don't wake up late again.

Sylvia: I will try not to. Hope you enjoyed your dinner?

Marcus: As a matter of fact, I did. Thanks for…

Sylvia: I wasn't asking you, I was talking to the driver.

Marcus: Yeah, I suppose you were.

Driver: I did. Thanks a lot Sylvia.

Sylvia: Anytime. Good night and drive safely. I don't my boss to wake up in scratches.

Marcus: Good night to you too. Com'on let's go.

Narration: Marcus climbs into the car and it starts. Sylvia waves as it drives down the road then she turned and walked back into the house.