
Tree Rebirth

Jack, a supposedly evil man, is given a new life, but his form is not of his choosing. When given the chance to reincarnate, an angel curses him instead, but who's to say this curse is not a blessing in disguise? Follow Jack as he discovers his new body and the world around him. Is Jack pure evil, and will devilish luck continue to help him rise to the top, or does fate pity his soul? Only time will tell.

shit_ass · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Determined Will

Day 2

Using that sensation allowed him to start meditating, as it helped him get into a repetitive rhythm that he was comfortable with. Jack soon found out, and by using the sensations to guide him, he discovered the dimensions of his new body. As it currently stands, Jack found himself inside a sphere of unknown proportions.

Although the feeling of this strange sensation previously overjoyed Jack, he had already grown weary from its repetitiveness, and his mind felt like it was failing on him. Despite this, he persevered and soon found an anomaly that began to escape his sphere. As he continued the repetitive meditation, it became more and more apparent that something was slowly leaving his shell. He tried but realized he was incapable of moving it.

Previously, there was nowhere near enough information to discover the true nature of his new home, but with this vital clue, Jack feels like he is on the cusp of realizing the true nature of his predicament. 

'Assuming that whatever I have become is something that does exist on earth, that would narrow down the options of what I could be a lot! The only living thing I can think of that starts as a shell, only to sprout out of that shell is a, no, no, no, no, it can't be.

After mulling it over, Jack couldn't think of anything else, and if he still had a face, it would have displayed a nasty grimace as he thought

I have become a PLANT!!!!' 

'That cruel angel, how could he do this to me? I can't believe someone could be so evil to curse me to a life like this!' Jack disparagingly thought.

After this revelation, Jack's resolve is almost crushed, which is dangerous considering it is the only thing keeping him sane. Jack is a man who does not break easily, but even he would crack soon if he can't find the silver lining to this situation.

Not allowing himself to give up so easily, Jack tried recalling anything that could help his cause, which was not easy as his mind had been a mess throughout this whole ordeal. It then clicked; Jack would have slapped himself if he had a face and hand.

'I became complacent; as a plant, there would be no way for me to feel anything, yet I was able to. Such a thing should break all common sense, but it works: This means that this place doesn't follow the Laws of physics as I know it. Not only that, but I as well am an anomaly. Naturally, as a plant, I should be incapable of thought; the only explanation is that I have a Soul.'

When Jack began to piece together all of the information he obtained, Jack slowly regained his confidence, almost to the point of optimism, until he reminded himself that even if it were possible to escape this fate, it would be practically impossible for it to happen soon.

'back to the meditation, assuming that the explanation for the sensation is that I'm bringing something into my body. The only solution for this scenario would be that I'm utilizing my Soul to do so. But if that is true, how can I prove it?'

When Jack found a plausible answer, he began to test it. He would start his meditation as usual but forced his supposed Soul to move more of this thing or substance he is bringing into his body. Jack was wary not to push it too far and only went slightly farther than it seemed like his Soul was comfortable with. Jack was afraid of permanently damaging his Soul as a result.

'URGH, that hurt more than I thought it would,'

His Soul was incapable of handling the excess pressure, which caused it to become temporarily damaged, leaving Jack with a lingering pain that felt like a heavy migraine. Although one would typically be displeased with such an outcome, the migraine gave Jack something to distract his mind, and his hypothesis is now fact, so it was a win-win for Jack. Now that Jack's theory was correct, he decided to call his meditation method Absorption.

6 Hours After Day 2

It had currently been one hour since Jack's test, and the pain wasn't subsiding. Jack couldn't think of anything to solve his problem except for Absorption. Jack believed that since Absorption hurt his Soul, it could cure it.

Jack decided to try Absorption but only brought in a lesser amount than typical. Moving his Soul hurt, but after a single round of Absorption was complete, it seemed like his Soul was absorbing the substance, and his pain began to recede. Jack was left with only a slightly painful headache now. Jack continued to meditate until his pain disappeared. 

Absorption can fix his Soul, which could also mean it could strengthen it too. Jack thought about the previous radius his Soul could safely extend to bring in the substance. From what he could remember, the radius was about the length of his shell, and now it would be three times that amount.

'So it looks like I'm making progress after all,' Jack thought.

Previously, Jack had believed he would be stuck struggling aimlessly forever, so even a small development like this meant a lot to him now. Jack continued to use Absorption, but this time not merely to take his mind off his predicament but to grow and do anything he could to escape.

He pushed his Soul to its very limits, intent on escaping this hell as soon as possible, no matter how much pain it caused him. Though Jack wasn't foolish enough to go beyond his Limits, even though he knew if he did, this would all be over. Now that he had a chance, Jack would do anything to get revenge on that angel. Jack will never give up without a fight.

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