

It's been two days Andrew and Suzan finalized their deal though Andrew have been following her around like a fly chasing a poo. The dress have been made. they both wore it. indeed they both look like an ideal couple. Suzan isn't happy about them wearing the same outfit. after the advertisment. Andrew took Suzan to a play ground for kids. Suzan wasn't happy but she smiled.

SUZAN: why are we here?

ANDREW: we are here to watch them play.

SUZAN: why?

ANDREW: I love kids ( suzan sigh. a beautiful little boy ran to them. he looks like 5 maybe 4 ) " hi handsome. what's your name?

LITTLE BOY: my name is Ken.

ANDREW nice name. where is your Mommy?

KEN: she is talking with her friend. my friends and I are playing hide and seek,do you want to join. if you don't. byeeee( he ran away. Andrew chuckled )

SUZAN: ( feeling pain in her heart to see this little boy) I have something to do. I will be back later.( tears drop down from her eyes. Andrew hold her hands. siara was passing with a kid when she saw them. her heart ache. she couldn't help but continue looking. the little girl look at her then Andrew and Suzan)

LITTLE GIRL: they look cute, aren't they? ( the child just rub salt on her wound. if she can kick the child so hard that she fly away. she would)

SIARA: uhn ( that's all she can say "uhn. she walk away with the child)

SUZAN: let go of my hand.

ANDREW: what happened. I have never seen you like this.

SUZAN: you don't have to. let me go or I will scream.

ANDREW: scream then. do you think I care.( she tried to force her hand out of his ). " I thought you want to scream. do it you are free.

SUZAN: am not going to disgrace myself because of you. a little action if mine can be leak to the media. don't want to be draged into something I don't want.( she continue to try until Andrew had enough. He carried her in a bridal style, leaving siara in more pain. she watched from afar after dropping the child).

( Andrew carried her into the car and drove away )

After taking good care of the kids at the park she walked alone late at night. she was hurt by what she saw

SIARA: could she be the same girl that night? ( the thought of her being the same girl hurt her. she didn't realize that the rain have started till it fell heavily. she didn't mind she continue walking. she was lost in her thought. the man she loved and thought he loved her too was having a ( PDA) public display affection ). she sat down beside the road,an umbrella covered her. noticing rain is no more falling on her she looked up to see a young handsome man though it was night but the light and the rain tells how handsome he is)

Hi am Johnson.( she faced the floor and ignore him )

Johnson do you mind me sitting close to you ( still ignore )

Cane saw them together he gave Andrew a call. Andrew was driving when he got the call. he stopped and picked it)

ANDREW what!

CANE mission successful sir. I found siara

ANDREW where is she?

CANE she seems to be having a romantic night.

ANDREW: ( angry tone a d face) what rubbish.

CANE: am not joking sir. wait let me send you a picture ( he took a picture and send it ) have you see it ( Andrew look at his SMS with him and came he became even more angry when he saw the image than when he heard )

ANDREW: location?