

CANE: Bright light street.

SUZAN :( angry) you took me to a park then you forced me into your car and now you stopped, talking to someone I don't care about.

( look at her from the rare view mirror )

CANE :boss are you with another woman.

ANDREW :( cut the call ) the rain is falling heavily. I have somewhere to be.

SUZAN :so I should come down, for that reason.

ANDREW :am not heartless.( open the door) drive yourself home. you can keep the car.

SUZAN: what! do you realize that I can buy more than billions of this car ( Andrew came down from the car ).

ANDREW: remove one from the billions.

SUZAN: ( opened the door and came down ) How could you say such.

ANDREW: ( walking ) drive yourself home, you are lucky you not one of those flings of mine. don't be ungrateful.

SUZAN: ( covered in water ) I don't blame you. ( entered the driving seat and close the door) I can't take this no more.

Andrew walk and ran, he didn't bother to take cab. the did this for her.

ANDREW :thank God Bright light street is not far. I would have kick that thing out of my car.

( He got to the street. he walked around but no one was there.he gave cane a call,he picked) I have arrived at the street. I can't find anyone.

CANE :sorry boss they are no more there.

ANDREW :why didn't you call then. you allowed me walked to this place.

CANE :you did it for love.

ANDREW :where are they now.

CANE: they seemed to be enjoying themselves. ( mocking tone) I want a relationship like this (Andrew blood is boiling)

ANDREW :You are fired.

CANE: don't forget that i am working on something important for you.

ANDREW :where are they now!

CANE: Katrina concert. I am at her concert enjoying myself. looking at them makes me ( Andrew cut the call. hearing the beeping cane smile)

( Andrew searched online where the location of Katrina concert is) Sole street! what kind of street name is this! ( ANDREW walk for about two hours he got there, he was not

allowed in by the bansers. He doesn't have a ticket. he tried to get in until Mrs Dawn saw him the mother of Katrina)

Mrs DAWN: Andrew ( turned to where he heard the voice. he doesn't care about the person) oh my it's really you. what are you doing here?

ANDREW :( smile at his opportunity) Mrs Dawn nice to meet you. I heard that Katrina is around. you know that she is my friend. you are related to mother. she is like a sister.

MRS DAWN: you came to see her?

ANDREW :yes. i didn't think it through that I Andrew wouldn't be allowed in.

MRS DAWN: ( to the bansers) don't you know who this. this is an important person. you should learn to allow such people into any concert with them around the media will be on fire. ( to Andrew) come with me my son.( they both walk in, he looked around for siara)


KATRINA : this song I want to sing, is for all the lovers.

JOHNSON: ( look at siara ) do you want to listen.

SIARA: yes. do you that am that heartbroken?

JOHNSON: seated under the rain lost in thought, for girls sure it's heartbreak.

SIARA: I listen to her songs everyday. I love her so much ( tears drop down her eyes).

JOHNSON: she have not start singing, you are crying.

SIARA :her voice sounds like an angel ( Johnson roll is eyes )

JOHNSON ( mind) too emotional.

KATRINA: ( singing)

The vastness of life, is used for me to fall into your hands.

The more I want to escape, the more I can't escape from your sight.

You and I have only this one life, only this one moment

Don't care about others, no matter how much they laugh

confused thought in my head

Don't know whether to cry or to laugh

When i hold your hand I'm really happy

Flower bloom, wind become drunk

Because you are by my side.

KATRINA: love is not easy to find. when you got one cherish it, don't let it go ( raise tone ) be selfish if you can ( the crowd stood and applaud)

JOHNSON: to heck with love.

SIARA: you don't understand the meaning of love.

JOHNSON: love is when you seat under the rain crying, confused and lost.

SIARA: this is the life challenges you face when you fall in love with the wrong one.

JOHNSON: you are hurt, aren't you?

( Walking away. Johnson followed her, Andrew saw them)

ANDREW: ( to Mrs Dawn) thanks so much I will come visit. I just remembered I forgot something in the car

MRS DAWN :okay. will you come back to meet with Katrina.

ANDREW: I will.( walk away)( Katrina went for another round. this time she made everyone cry)


SIARA :why are you following me.

JOHNSON: I want to make sure you are okay.

SIARA:( stop walking. turn to face Johnson who also stop walking) I really appreciate you for bringing me here. thanks alot. am okay. you don't need to worry about me.

JOHNSON: you are not happy. you can share it with me

SIARA: we just met. why do you care about a stranger

JOHNSON: I don't care about you. am only consign about the health of people. I thought of making you happy, not just you but everyone.

SIARA: so you go round looking for people that are unhappy. you wish that unto them. you caused this to me.

JOHNSON: you are blaming me! what do I have to do with your condition.

SIARA: just forget and leave me alone.

JOHNSON :am just crazy to know if you will get hurt again.

SIARA: I will never get hurt again, as long as the heaven is strong ( tears is filled in her eyes)

JOHNSON: you can go but first I want you to pour out your pain to me ( he hugged her. she wanted to push him but she was feeling to comfortable,she cried. Andrew walk out to see them in this position. he wanted to go ripe Johnson head, he calmed himself. He tried to see the man face but he couldn't.)


After she finished the song she came down the stairs. she walked to her mother.

MRS DAWN: you did great my love.


MRS DAWN: Andrew was here.

KATRINA: I would have been glad but he is in a relationship with that siara. she is not as beautiful as me. I hate her mom. please don't spoil my mood by talking about anything that will make me remember siara.

MRS DAWN: fine ( smile ) okay my love.

ANDREW: how she bee happy with another man.