
treasure : Searching for oneself

An interesting and enjoyable journey for a young man with tremendous intelligence, strong determination and who found himself in young age in mazes that he could not find a way out of, so he got lost in the mazes , so he decided to sail in the wide world to find himself Notices: The maze is a metaphor•__• *This is my first novel *If you are a fan of bloodshed, shock and action, you will enjoy this story *If you like the story, support me morally with a comment or financially *This story contains a lot of comedy, even at the wrong time, so don't be shocked *This novel is pure fiction and does not extend to reality, and I do not intend to offend any beliefs or myths.

Yassin_Slaoui · Fantasy
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32 Chs


Claude broke the door of the leader's room, and no one in it dared to move, so although the king was at village rank , Claude expelled his aura like a person at city rank .

Claude extended his hand forward and tightened the muscles in his hand, so high-pressure air released that crushed all the guards, leaving only one life. Claude looked at the last guard and was terrified by Claude's look at him. He felt that his leader would not be able to even touch him. On the other hand, he looked Claude approaches the guards when he reaches him and puts his hand on the guard's shoulder, "Listen to me, go get the chief's wife and His children"

The guard was tense at first, if he did not fulfill Claude's request, he would die, and if he fulfilled his request and did not kill Claude, the leader, he will die, and now that he thought he was the most fortunate guard here, he realized that he was the most unfortunate guard. Claude saw the looks of terror and tension on the guard's face, and he approached From his ear and whispered to him, "Don't worry, he will die a terrible death."

The guard went and brought the king's wife and his two children, and it was strange that they became close to Lev's age. Claude guess here that this was not the leader 's first wife, and he guessed that the first wife had died. It was not important to him, because in any case he would erase this village from this planet.

Claude turned towards the chief with a cold look that rebalanced the heat in the northern rage. "Hey, I have two questions for you. The first is, is the first leader's son your son?"

"Y.... yes"

Claude realized here that his prediction was wrong, and that the king only had one wife, so he forgot about it and asked the second question, "When Lev was being beaten and abused by your son, did you scold him?"

Everyone in the hall was shocked, as they knew that the answer was no, even Claude knew that, but he wanted to know if she was going to lie and increase the punishment, and indeed she intended to lie, but Claude's looks at her only made her rethink a hundred times, and she realized If she lied, she would not understand until the moment of her death. Claude was able to reach that room without being stained with a single drop of blood. Finally, the leader made his decision, "No... No, but" the leader got on her knees and began to implore Claude, "Please, no." She hurts my children, they have no fault in the matter." Claude approached her and pulled her by the hair and lifted her up, his features still cold. "I think that girl was begging you in the same way, but you were insulting her, right? In general, killing so quickly will not compensate for the humiliation that She lived it, so let's start atonement for your mistakes first." Claude disappeared in front of the leader and returned to his place. The leader looked at her children to make sure that they were okay, but they were not there.

She started looking for her children , and by accident she saw Claude. She looked and was shocked when she saw Claude holding her children, but the signs of coldness did not disappear from his face. "So how do you feel when your dearest person is in trouble and you cannot help him? This is exactly what that mother felt when you were hitting her son and Exactly how her son felt when you were hitting his mother."

The leader's tears were pouring down without stopping, and she could hardly form a sentence over each other due to the intensity of her fear, "Ple... ase... kill... me... and lea... ve my..... sons"The leader's sight was tearful, but despite that, Claude did not feel any pity towards her, but rather felt that all that prestige and dignity was wiped out with a single human appearance that could not defeat him"It is impossible, because these children have no fault in what happened, so why should I make them declare the loss of their parents? But killing them in front of you now will make you collapse psychologically, then a slow death will make you collapse physically, and all this happens while your husband is sitting on the chair, not even daring to get up, and After killing everyone in this village, I will regain the rights of this kid."

Claude lifted the two children up and made them unconscious so that he would not feel any pain or fear, and shouted, "These two children are about to die. Is there anyone who dares to save them?" Claude lifted them up for a minute, and no one dared to breathe. "That's what I thought." Claude took the two children down and squeezed their heads until they exploded and fell dead bodies without a head. The leader approached her two dead children and tried to touch them, but Claude kicked her to the ceiling and then turned to Lev, "Has that idiot ever hurt you or your mother?"

Lev began to tell him simple events such as beatings, insults, and deprivation of food, but there was one that alerted him, and that is that after depriving them of food for a week and making them drink muddy water to survive, Lev and his mother could hardly stand, so those princes took them to the garden and I fed him dirt in spite of their nose.

Claude took the leader who passed out from the previous blow and woke her up with a slap that broke a number of her teeth, then he went towards the wall and put his hand in it and pierced it and started walking and he was pulling out a part of the wall until his hand was full, his hand was filled with cement, bricks and ceramic shards, mashing all this And he put it in the leader's mouth, then kicked it in her mouth and made her swallow it all in spite of her nose.

Claude raised his hand up and was about to separate that woman's head from her body, but when he hit she was gone, Claude looked in front of him and found that Alwaim had finally made a move and saved his wife And he set off directly on Claude to eliminate him. Claude sighed and looked at the leader, and it seemed as if time had stopped. Claude hit the king with his finger and made him stick to the wall.

Claude went towards the leader and her face was completely distorted. She no longer had any iota of beauty according to the standards of the village. Most of her teeth were pulled out and she was bleeding from every side of it. Claude completed what he started and raised his foot to the top and removed it on the head of the leader and smashed what was left of her teeth. Then he plucked her blonde hair, put a little water on the ground to reflect her shape, and forced her to look, and in the most humiliating way, he made her head forcefully bend towards the water with his foot, and she could not even utter a word. The leader saw her figure in the water and was shocked. He was robbed. From Claude, the only thing she cares about more than her children is her beauty. Claude grabbed her by the head so hard that she bled and looked at Lev, "Fast or slow death."

Lev's answer was clear, and it is a slow death. Claude ignites the least hot fire, but it is still hotter than normal fire and therefore, the pain is greater, but its effect on the body is less, and therefore it guarantees the greatest amount of pain for whoever you want to kill Claude ignited the leader and she became writhing left and right from the pain. The most she wished for at that moment was death. She did not imagine that one day she would wish death over living. She was amazed at the people who were in prisons and asked him to execute them when she came.

The leader closed his eyes and put his hands on his ears. Claude cut his arm from the shoulder, then plucked out his eyelids and forced him to see his wife dying by burning. Then he took him out of the village and tied him to a tree. Then he returned and gathered his energy and hit the village land. A radiant white dome surrounded the village and shrank. Until it covered only a cloud, and in a split second it swelled again, but this time it erased the village.

The leader had passed out and when he woke up he was in a cave accompanied by Claude and Lev and he was tied up, Claude went to him and grabbed his head "I think you have suffered enough" and broke his neck and then took off his head and killed his body