
Treasure hunt

In the dim and ancient tombs of Western Xia, who has waited for whom for a millennium! Amidst the beauty of the land and the allure of heroes, a fateful encounter by the Crescent Spring under the moonlight a thousand years ago destined an entanglement that time could not erase! Yet in this life, born into an era of warlords during the Republic, a...

jojokria · Eastern
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73 Chs

064 Master Niu's Layout for Catching Ghosts

At this juncture, the governor spoke, "Greetings, Master Niu. Your renown precedes you, a name I've long admired but regrettably haven't had the chance to acquaint myself with until now. I, Liu Zhenhua, though currently holding the post of governor in Shaanxi, humbly acknowledge my lack of prior interaction with your esteemed self."

Liu Zhenhua, in this moment, bore the countenance of a patron who laments the belated recognition of a fine steed, his visage adorned with a palpable sense of remorse.

However, Jian Yumei couldn't help but recall the scene of him wielding a gun, prompting a newfound perception of Liu Zhenhua's demeanor.

"Esteemed Governor Liu, since assuming your governance over Shaanxi, the province has thrived in harmony, its populace enjoying tranquility and prosperity. I, Niu, hold great admiration for your governance. Though my talents are modest, I take solace in being able to lend my assistance to your endeavors today. It is my utmost desire to be of service to you," Master Niu conveyed.

"Exquisite! Indeed, Master Niu embodies forthrightness, a quality I deeply appreciate," the governor chuckled heartily.

Master Niu, with cautious reverence, responded, "In that case, Governor, kindly divulge the precise whereabouts of the malevolent spirit. I shall promptly apprehend it."

"Very well. It is here. Look, every night, a solitary figure stands there, watching me. Even upon awakening, she persists in her vigil," the governor disclosed.

As Liu Zhenhua concluded, a trace of apprehension lingered in his gaze, swiftly concealed beneath a veneer of composure.

Upon hearing this, Master Niu remained impassive, his countenance inscrutable save for a gentle stroke of his beard.

"Is she alone?" inquired Master Niu.

"There should be another," Liu Zhenhua hesitated before confirming.

"Ah, is the other a man or a woman?" Master Niu inquired further.

At this juncture, Liu Zhenhua, feeling somewhat awkward, deliberated momentarily before responding, "A man."

"In that case, it is no wonder," Master Niu remarked.

"Why do you say so, Master?" Liu Zhenhua sought clarification.

"In general, when women become spirits without just cause, though they may harbor grievances, they tend to depart swiftly. Their aimless wandering eventually leads them to the threshold of the netherworld, where they are collected by the envoys of death. Generally, they seek reincarnation or receive judgment in the courts of the netherworld. However, if a man and a woman pass away simultaneously, their spirits may intertwine, generating potent energy. If they vowed to remain together in life, this energy binds them as spirits, allowing them to linger for centuries. In such cases, they evade the envoys of death and the allure of the netherworld. If they harbor resentment toward an individual, they will relentlessly pursue them until that person succumbs to fear," Master Niu expounded.

"Ah!" Liu Zhenhua felt a pang of unease.

"Indeed, fortune plays a role. Often, such occurrences arise within affluent households, where the inhabitants seek the aid of accomplished practitioners. Thus, it's challenging for the wronged souls to seek justice. Conversely, mischievous spirits are swiftly dealt with, assigned menial tasks by their captors. Reincarnation is a distant possibility for them, given their past transgressions," Master Niu elucidated.

"In that case, sir, I entrust this matter to you. You strike me as quite distinguished, unlike those self-proclaimed masters I encountered in Beilin. Each time I sought their assistance, they boasted of their prowess, claiming to be reincarnations of Zhang Tianshi or Lü Dongbin, yet they failed to capture the spirits, only adding to my distress. By heaven, had it not been for protocol, I would have dealt with them myself!" Liu Zhenhua exclaimed.

At this juncture, Master Niu shuddered visibly but swiftly regained composure.

"Fear not. Though I typically maintain a modest demeanor, apprehending these two spirits falls well within my purview. Should I prove inadequate, I will inform the governor promptly. As Confucius said, to know what we know, and what we do not know, constitutes true knowledge," Master Niu assured.

"Very well, then. We shall rely on your expertise," Liu Zhenhua affirmed.

"Indeed. Later, I will retire as usual. I implore you, Master Niu, to devise your strategy for capturing the spirits," Liu Zhenhua requested.

"Understood. The layout is crucial. By setting up traps, we shall observe their reactions," Master Niu responded.

"Excellent, Master. Zhang, ensure Master Niu has all he requires. Spare no effort in assisting him," Liu Zhenhua instructed.

"Yes, Governor! I shall see to it

!" Zhang replied.

"Master Niu, if there's anything you need, please inform me at once. I shall arrange it promptly," Zhang addressed Master Niu.

"Very well. Prepare several buckets of dog blood, along with ladles. Also, gather a few soldiers to assist me. They shall perform tasks under my direction. I intend to affix certain items," Master Niu ordered.

"Right away, sir!" Zhang complied.

Meanwhile, Jian Yumei and Lin Li observed the proceedings from the garden, witnessing the flurry of activity.

Suddenly, Jian Yumei noticed two ethereal figures emerge in the distance. She knew they weren't ordinary beings.

The two apparitions drifted closer, seemingly observing the scene before them.

Meanwhile, Master Niu had completed his preparations, affixing talismans throughout the vicinity and arranging containers of dog blood in strategic locations. He then retrieved two talismans from his belongings, a pouch and a small bell, handling them with care.

"What are these, Master?" Liu Zhenhua inquired.

"This bell is the Soul-Severing Bell, primarily used to capture spirits' essence. When rung, no malevolent spirit can evade its effect, revealing its true form," Master Niu explained.

"Incredible! And what of this pouch?" Liu Zhenhua pressed further.