
Treasure hunt

In the dim and ancient tombs of Western Xia, who has waited for whom for a millennium! Amidst the beauty of the land and the allure of heroes, a fateful encounter by the Crescent Spring under the moonlight a thousand years ago destined an entanglement that time could not erase! Yet in this life, born into an era of warlords during the Republic, a...

jojokria · Eastern
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73 Chs

031 Gunfire

"Indeed, it is said that South China Sea Immortal was a long-time benefactor of the Alliance Society! This was only known after the Republic of China, and they say he provided the Alliance Society with considerable funds!" the master said.

"You mean Mr. Sun's Alliance Society, which is now part of the Kuomintang?" Jian Yumei asked.

"Yes, if that's true, then the Republic of China as we know it today owes much to his contributions. Remarkable, isn't it?" the master remarked.

"I aspire to be as remarkable as him!" Jian Yumei murmured.

"Yes, indeed. Not only did he sponsor the Alliance Society, but he also provided extensive relief to people everywhere. It's said that many hospitals received his assistance, providing free medication to impoverished patients, all funded by South China Sea Immortal!" the master explained.

"Can one truly serve the world in this way?" Jian Yumei seemed to grasp a deeper understanding.

"Yes, indeed. He also collaborated extensively with charitable organizations, providing shelter and sustenance to many wanderers. These deeds are widely circulated in the martial world!" the master continued.

"A person who amassed so much wealth in their lifetime, yet turned it all into philanthropy! To pass away in the mountains, leaving with a clean conscience—truly remarkable!" Jian Yumei remarked.

"That's enlightenment!" the master said. "Meier, you are fortunate to have encountered him, received his true teachings. I eagerly anticipate you following in his footsteps!"

Jian Yumei trembled at the master's words, looking at him. He knew the master rarely engaged in tomb-robbing, but he must have had some experience. Yet, the master's home showed no signs of wealth. Could the master have followed a similar path?

Seeing the master's expectations, Jian Yumei nodded.

"To save the country and its people is the true mark of a hero. Petty acts are mere trifles! I will surely fulfill your teachings, Master, and become a truly remarkable individual!" Jian Yumei vowed.

The master looked at Jian Yumei, seeing a resolute determination in his eyes.

He nodded, smiling with satisfaction.

At that moment, Lin Li hurried over. "Dad, Master, come quickly! Someone has sent us a lot of guns—long guns and pistols of all sorts!"

"Guns?" Jian Yumei was surprised. Who would send him and the master guns?

When the master heard about the guns, his eyes lit up.

"Let's go, let's get the guns!" the master said.

"What, Master, these guns were sent for you!" Jian Yumei exclaimed.

"Yes, I bought them! In this day and age, one can't do without guns. Even if you excel in martial arts, it's of no use without firearms!" the master explained.

"Master, you are quite progressive!" Jian Yumei remarked.

"Yes, Dad, I always thought your ideas were quite modern, but I never expected this!" Lin Li chimed in.

"Haha, Lin Li, do you also like guns?" the master asked.

"Of course, as martial artists, we naturally prefer more powerful tools!" Lin Li replied.

"Haha, but you must also hone your martial skills. Without them, even the best guns are useless. Many skills are mere illusions without martial prowess!" the master reminded.

"Of course, without martial skills, one can travel the world unarmed. With guns but no skills, one's weapons are easily lost. I understand!" Lin Li affirmed.

"As long as you understand. Let's go, let's see!" the master said.

When they returned home, they found someone waiting there.

"Mr. Lin!" the man greeted the master with a smile.

"Are you sent by Mr. Li?" the master asked.

"Yes, I'm Wang Laishun. Mr. Li asked me to bring these things to you, Mr. Lin. Take a look!" Wang Laishun said with a smile.

Jian Yumei also noticed a rectangular box on the ground.

Opening it, Wang Laishun revealed two submachine guns and several pistols, along with some ammunition.

"This gun is the Bergmann submachine gun, designed in Germany, with a range of 150 meters. It can hold 32 rounds in a single magazine. I can give you a demonstration later!" Wang Laishun explained.

"Wow, amazing! It looks very powerful!" Lin Li exclaimed.

"Yes, this submachine gun is indeed powerful. I've brought you genuine imported goods. Although domestic factories are producing similar models, the quality is inferior!" Wang Laishun added.

"And this pistol here, is this what people call a Mauser?" Jian Yumei asked.

"Yes, this is the Mauser pistol, also known as the Mauser C96. It's a product of the German Mauser company, with a range of 50 meters and a fixed 10-round magazine!" Wang Laishun explained.

Jian Yumei picked up one of the pistols. It was exquisite and felt comfortable in his hand. He smiled.

"That's great! After you've rested, you can take them for practice!" the master said with a smile.

"Okay, I can take everyone now!" Wang Laishun said.

"No rush, have some tea first. Have you had breakfast? If not, join us!" the master offered.

"I had breakfast early and ate at the foot of the mountain! You all go ahead!" Wang Laishun laughed.

"In that case, let me make you some tea. Take your time. Rest up, and later, you can teach us how to shoot!"

 Lin Li said with a smile.

Once everyone was ready, they all headed toward the mountain.

Jian Yumei held a shotgun in his left hand and a submachine gun in his right, feeling confident.

He knew that no matter how skilled one was in martial arts, facing guns was inevitable. Unless the opponent was few and hadn't attacked yet, there was no way to overcome them. In such situations, firearms were necessary.

"Meier, you know our country is vast and rich in resources, with many talented individuals, especially those with extraordinary abilities. However, for the past century, we have endured the bullying of foreign powers, and the people have suffered greatly. Why?" the master asked.

"It's because we're not as developed as other countries. We're lagging behind!" Jian Yumei replied.

Lin Li widened her eyes, listening intently to their conversation.

The master looked at Jian Yumei. "Yes, we're behind in every aspect—politics, economy, culture, and military. That's why we've been beaten. Nowadays, foreign countries are advanced in technology and industry, and their weapons are highly advanced, while we remain backward. No matter how many martial arts experts we have, we can't match the thousands of soldiers armed with guns and cannons! Many of our predecessors traveled overseas, seeking the best methods to heal the country. They all worked hard, but our country still hasn't solved its political problems and can only watch chaos unfold! As practitioners, if we want to roam the martial world in this turbulent era, we must master more skills. Firearms are indispensable. Remember that! No matter how good your martial arts are, they can't withstand the barrel of a gun. You will understand this!" 

"I understand, Master. When my father and I traveled the martial world, we saw the oppression brought by armed forces everywhere. It's because of guns. So, no matter what we do in this turbulent era, we must master guns!" Jian Yumei said.

"Good. Let's try them out!" the master said.