
Travels of the Daughter of God

After her death in her previous life, a woman was given the chance at reincarnation. Follow the adventures of the daughter of God. Lucifer Morningstar herself! ____________________________ Starts in Twilight - Eventually will go to other universes. Updates every other day or so. May change as I have school, and I am busy. Tags - Lesbian, Futanari (sorta, as she can and will grow one at will), multiverse, overpowered, fast paced (at times), AU, Twilight.

ArtoriaPendragon_ · Movies
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Chapter 41

Huge thanks to Peacemaker and Coolbat for buying my Patreon! It really means a lot to me! anyways, onto the story!


[Location: Diagon Alley] [3rd POV]

After walking around the Alley some more, and buying a few items, namely all the Hogwarts books that Rose would need in the future, the Trio had made their way to get some ice cream. Licking her strawberry ice cream, Rose had a happy smile on her face.

"Now then, why don't we get to our new home?" Lucifer said with a smile, already knowing how to get to the Morningstar island, which was exactly as it sounded, an entire island owned by her, that was cut off from the rest of the world, with a large manor, and other fun stuff.

Before Rose could respond, a loud voice cut her off "But Mom! I want it!" A whiny voice said, yelling loudly. Turning, Rose frowned at the voice, while Lucifer turned as well, before her eyes widened slightly as she realized who it was. Standing there was a slightly chubby boy, with glasses, untidy black hair, and a small scar on his forehead.

"Charlus, you are far too young to get a broom that fast!" A red-headed woman replied before a man who looked similar to the younger boy responded "Lily, love, why not let him have some fun?" The man with glasses and untidy black hair.

Sighing, Lily responded "...Fine"

Rose watched this, wide-eyed as she realized who the three were.

"Yay! Now, let's get a discount, I am the boy who lived after all!" Charlus said, an arrogant smile plastering his face, before he, alongside James and Lily, walked back into the broom store he was whining outside of. Hearing the yell, several of the people within the alley gasped, as they began to mutter "It's Charlus Potter! The boy who lived!" "Isn't he the one who beat he who shall not be named?"

Rose had slight tears at the edge of her eyes before she felt a hand on her shoulder "It's alright, Rose. They don't deserve someone as special as you" Lucifer softly said, before crouching next to her "Let's get home, okay?" Rose glanced back at the broom store, before looking down and nodding.

Alice softly smiled, before offering the young girl her hand, causing her to take it.

Walking up to the floo, the three stood within it, before Lucifer grabbed floo powder threw it to the ground, and said "Morningstar island!"

[Morningstar Island]

Reappearing, the three stepped out of a floo, being greeted with a beautiful site. The floo on the island was keyed so that only Lucifer and her guests could get in, or even know of it.

Walking, Lucifer smiled at their new home.

It was much smaller than her previous homes, but she liked it, it was...cozy.

"Welcome to your new home, Rose" Lucifer softly said, causing Rose to tear up slightly. "Is-is it really okay for me to stay with you?" Rose asked, as they slowly walked to their new house.

Alice responded to this "Of course, you're practically our daughter now" Alice said, causing Rose to stop and look at them in slight shock. "I-you think of me as a daughter?"

"Well, yeah, we don't just bring anyone around with us, and let them see these things" Lucifer responded with a smile. Rose teared up slightly at this "Bu-but we just met"

"While that is true, it doesn't change the fact that you are part of our family now, Rose" Alice said, causing the girl to sniffle slightly, Tears not of sadness, but happiness flowing down her cheeks.

"Can-can I call you m-mama?" Rose asked, a fragile look on her face. Alice's eyes widened at this, before her own tears of happiness welled up in her eyes, while Lucifer just softly smiled at the sight. "O-of course!" Rose, hearing this, barreled into Alice's chest, while crying out "Mama!"

Holding the girl, Alice softly laughed while tears of happiness ran down her cheeks. Lucifer slowly moved forward, at the sight. Looking up, Rose moved out of Alice's embrace into Lucifer's, softly saying "P-Papa" Lucifer breathed in deeply at that word before she smiled "My little flower...my daughter" Lucifer softly whispered, as she held her new, adoptive daughter in her embrace, which Alice soon joined in.

After holding her for a little longer, Rose's sniffles slowly ceased, as Lucifer lifted the girl with ease, and planted the girl onto her shoulders. "Now, let's go tour our new home!" Rose let out a soft giggle, before Lucifer walked into the home, alongside Alice.


Time had passed after Lucifer had basically adopted the girl, and the couple had grown closer to their adopted daughter. They had already done a couple of trips to different countries with the girl, which Rose had thoroughly enjoyed, having really liked traveling.

Lucifer had even revealed what she was to the girl, trusting the youngling, and following her own instincts. The girl had been shocked...obviously but had gotten over it surprisingly quickly. This was mainly due to the girl having already suspected after hearing Lucifer's full name and having seen her use some of her powers.

Lucifer had started to help Rose with magic, which while she herself didn't have a ton of knowledge on it, she did know how to help the girl control her power.

Currently, Lucifer is sitting on the couch, Alice and Rose on her sides "Papa, how come you haven't taken my blood yet, to become a witch?" Rose asked abruptly, causing Lucifer to blink at this.

Rose knew about the whole blood thing, primarily due to Lucifer not fearing any sort of betrayal from the young girl, knowing she wouldn't. Lucifer also was certain that there wasn't a single being in this current world, that had the power to actually kill her, even Alice would be next to impossible to kill, especially since she has been training her fairy powers, thoroughly at that. She already had the power to create building-size illusions, create light blasts, and more.

"Because that would be taking advantage of you" Lucifer responded simply. "But I'm okay with it, it's not taking advantage of me, if I'm okay with it, is it?" Rose asked with a tilt of her head, causing Alice to coo at how unknowingly adorable her adoptive daughter was.

Lucifer blinked at this, realizing that Rose and Alice were rather similar "...I guess not" Lucifer said with a sigh, causing Rose to giggle in triumph, before speaking "Cmon papa! Become a witch, like me!" Rose said, pulling Lucifer's hand. Hearing this, Lucifer just chuckled at Rose's enthusiasm.

She had found out that the girl was quite similar to Alice in personality, but had severe anxiety attacks, and nightmares. She also talked a lot more with her and Alice, but very rarely when others were near. Slowly, Rose cut her finger, flinching slightly at the pain, while Lucifer floated the droplet of blood, before swiftly healing her daughers wound.

"Let's do this outside" Lucifer said, as she gazed at the blood, seeing the sheer amount of witch species she could get. It was a...lot. Harry Potter Witch, Charmed Witch, TVD Witch, Buffy Witch, True Blood Witch, Morthland Fort Salem Witch, The Magicians Magician/Witch, Owl House Witch, and Merlin Witch. Those were the ones she remembered, at least. There was more that she wanted, but a lot of them needed more than some blood from a witch.

Walking outside, Lucifer looked at her excited daughter and wife, both having similar expressions on their faces. 'Father those two are quite similar' Lucifer thought in amusement, before floating the blood into her mouth

'Let's hope I don't blow up'

___________________________________________Gain access to an additional chapter early, as well as other bonuses on my patreon for three dollars a month!


(Or just look up Crazedmadman on Patreon and you should find me)


Next chapter is a timeskip, as well as her species being obtained. As one can guess, she's going to be quite a bit stronger after this,  but she also won't get new species for a while (except for one). Magically, she's going to be much stronger soon.

Next chapter may or may not be longer.

For those who are going to complain about how fast Rose was accepted into the family, remember that Lucifer can detect and see through lies, as well as detect a whole host of other things. She followed her instinct in regards to the girl, just as Alice can potentially see the future in regards to the girl.

Anyways, have a good day! Please point out any mistakes! See y'all tomorrow!


Current Bio

Name - Lucifer Morningstar (Luci)

Species - Immortal (TVD), Archangel (Lucifer)

True Noble Vampire (Twilight, Charmed, Underworld, Blade, Noblesse, and Hellsing)

True Alpha Evolved Werewolf (TVD, Twilight x2, Buffy, Underworld, Teen wolf, Harry Potter, Supernatural, Shadowhunters, Van Helsing, My babysitters a vampire, and Noblesse)

Current Universe - Harry Potter

Current Location -  Diagon Alley, England

Current Appearance - Naomi Scott

Wishes - Ability Creation (Limited), Species Adaption, Perfect Host.

Abilities via ability creation - Magnetokinesis, Adoptive Muscle Memory, Molecular Acceleration, Kinetic Energy Absorption, Apex Species, Age Improvement, Stress Point Detection, omnilingualism, Teleportation, and Total Body Control.

Status - Fed

Gift - Gift Mimicry

Mimicked Gifts - Tracking Sense (x3), Enhanced Self-Preservation, Mental Shield, Pathokinesis, Telepathy,  Pain Illusion, Tactile Telepathy, Relationship Identification, Sensory Deprivation, Physical Attack Diversion, Relationship Manipulation, Addictive Contentment, Physical Attraction, Mental Invisibility, Intimidation, Illusionary Cloning, Suggestive Compelment, Attention Detection, Penance Illusion, Tracking Evasion, Danger Intuition, Sensory Alteration, Warding Shield, Ability Identification, Psychic Electrokinesis, Visual Projections, Weakening Shield, Phobia Sensory, Combat Perception, Elemental Manipulation, Retrocognition, Memory Manipulation, Assault Inducement, Seismic Attraction, Sedative Inducement, Belief Inducement, Pain Deprivation, Lie Detection, Outcome Manipulation, Superiority Impotence, Distraction Deprivation, Physical Concealment, Personality Manipulation, Honesty Sensory, Disaster Inducement, Ability Reversal, Ability Redirection, Ability Suppression, Ability Augmentation, Decision Manipulation, Truth Inducement, Illusionary Distraction, Illusionary Poisoning, Mental Imprisonment, Balance Deprivation, Visual Contortion, Emotion Deprivation, Impulsive Rage, Tracking Allurance.

Mate/Wife - Alice Cullen

Gain access to an additional chapter early, as well as other bonuses on my patreon for three dollars a month!


(Or just look up Crazedmadman on Patreon and you should find me)

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