
Chapter 34

Huge thanks to Nudlebaus for buying my Patreon! It really means a lot to me! anyways, onto the story!


[3rd Person] [Location: Rome, Italy]

Weeks had passed since the wedding, and the two had been continuing their honeymoon. They started by traveling around south America, from the Amazon's, to Brazil, and beyond. With Lucifer abusing her gift mimicry, copying as many gifts as she possibly can. She wanted to be as strong as possible by the time it was time to travel to the next world.

During this time, the two had continued to make love, each and every night. While Alice had also gotten into the habit of never taking off her rings, with Lucifer doing the exact same. They both thoroughly enjoyed the traveling together, and had gotten all sorts of souvenirs as well.

Lucifer had already copied a few gifts in South America, and the parts of North America she had went though. She had copied Visual Projection, from Zafrina in the Amazon's. Lucifer had met the woman and her little coven as well, they were all fairly kind people, and Alice and Lucifer ended up staying there for a day with them. After that, they continued their travels.

She hadn't gotten some incredibly powerful gifts in just South and North America. Just getting Visual Projections, Telekinesis, Weakening Shield, Phobia Sensory, and Combat Perception. Quite a few of them were actually helpful, namely the combat perception, weakening shield, and telekinesis. She trained each of them when having the time, but only did it for a little while, deciding to focuse more on her wife than training, for the time being anyways.

After South America, they decided to go to the African continent next, starting in Egypt, where they met up with Benajamin, allowing Lucifer to copy his elemental manipulation, which she found was actually incredibly useful, and was quite a bit stroner for her than for him. They had only visited the man for a short while, before leaving and traveling around Africa.

Lucifer had been able to copy a few more gifts in Africa, getting one very very strong one from an Ancient Vampire that was apart of an old vampiric tribe. This came in the form of Retrocongition, which she thankfully had control over. It allowed her to basically look into the past of any person, or even item, seeing the memories regarding that individual/object, thankfully Lucifer had pretty much perfect control over the power.

The tribes people were quite kind, and the two had stayed with them for two days before leaving. Lucifer decided on holding off on the usage of the new gift she received, which had the side effect of a large pout from Alice, due to her wishing to see how the new gift worked. Afterall, it was the opposite of her own gift.

The other gifts she had ended up getting in Africa were: Memory Manipulation, Assault Inducement, Seismic Attraction, Sedative Inducement, Belief Inducement, and Pain Deprivation.

During this traveling, this also made Lucifer and Alice realize that there were far more gifted vampires out there, than they were initially expecting...like a lot more. So much that Lucifer knew she needed some sort of power combining ability. These new abilities were all genuinely quite helpful in their own ways, with only the memory manipulation being completely useless. Besides the fact that it basically boosted her own memory altering capabiltieies even further.

After finishing in the African continent, they then traveled to Europe. Starting in Ireland where they met up with Maggie and Siobhan. They were both quite nice, with Siobhan's gift being particularly powerful, something like outcome manipulation is incredibly overpowered in the hands of Lucifer. It was limited for now, but Lucifer knew she could bring it to new heights in the future.

They had only visited them for a short while, before touring around Europe, with Alice being particularly interested in the various castles around the continent. While traveling around these castles, and Europe, Lucifer continued to mimic even more abilities.  With Europe having the most gifted vampires so far. It was during this, that they also decided to extend their honeymoon by another month, much to Alice's happiness.

The gifts she copied while in Europe, were all decent, nothing too helpful, but nothing too bad. Superiority Impotence, Distraction Deprivation, Physical Concealment, Personality Manipulation, Honest Sensory (basically just lie detection), and quite a few more gifts.

While in the old ruins of Pompeii, Lucifer and Alice had ended up coming across a VERY special gift.

[Loccation: Pompeii, Italy]

Walking through the ruins of Pompeii, Alice was looking around in sadness "Those poor people" Alice said, as she looked at the ruins around them, and imagined the horrible way the villagers of old had died. Lucifer soflty smiled at Alice, before stopping, and looking upwards to her left, towards a stone pillar. It was nighttime, as Alice wanted to travel to even the restritected areas.

"You can come out now" Lucifer said, causing Alice to stop and turn. Only to watch as a man and three women walked out. The second they did, Lucifer's eyes widened ever so slightly at what their gifts were, before immediately mimicking them. "What are you two doing in our land?" One of the three women snarled, she was blonde, and rather tall.

Lucifer, hearing this question, smiled sarcastically, but was ready to kill the four, already sensing their intentions from a mile away "Just...walking around, that's all" The man hearing this, scoffed "This is our land, leave!" Before he stopped as he noticed Alice, causing him to grin slightly, and the two women to sigh "And leave the short one, she'll be quite the fun fuc-" The man didn't even have a second to finish his sentence, before his, and the two women's heads were cut from their body.

Looking down at them with a scowl, she burnt their bodies to ashes, before returning to her wifes side. "Looks like I found the reason for Pompeii" Lucifer said, walking off with Alice, who didn't mind what she just saw. 

"How so?" Alice asked in confusion. Lucifer hearing this, replied with a sigh "That mans gift was quite the special one. It was Disaster Inducement, while it can't just do it instantly and on a whim, I imagine he was the one who caused the eruption. The other three had Ability Reversal, Ability Supression, and Ability Augmentation. Why the hell those three were hanging around here like some wannabe villain, I don't know, but what I do know, is that I just got some very powerful gifts due to them" Alice's eyes widened as she heart the four gifts Lucifer had copied, all four of them were incredibly powerful on their own. But by combining Ability Augmentation and Disaster Inducement, Alice could only imagine how strong the gift could become. But now that it was in Lucifer's hand, it would make her even stronger.

"So, you just got a butt load stronger, huh?" Alice asked with a smile, happy to hear that her wife was getting stronger. She knew that Lucifer was planning on helping her get stronger, but that she couldn't just yet.

"Yep, but don't worry, I'll be making my babygirl stronger than just about everyone, besides me of course" Lucifer said with a teasing grin, only to stop as she felt Alice rubbing against her slightly "I've got the strongest daddy in the world, don't I~" Alice said with a seductively cute tone. Hearing this, Lucifer's eyes darkened with lust, before picking up Alice in a bridal carry, and teleporting off.

[One Eternity Later]

Even more time had passed, and their honeymoon was officially coming to a close. The two had traveled to various islands, both Asia and Australia, and even visited Antartica for a little while, only because Alice wanted to see a penguin in person. Lucifer had copied even more gifts during this time, giving her quite the set of gifts, all of which were helpful in their own way.

Lucifer had also started training Alice, she had done it before, but had increased the training a LOT more. She primarily focused on Martial Arts, but had also begun to binge watch various shows Alice and her had interest in going to. Even repeat binging certain shows/movies.

Currently the two were curled up with one another, it was early in the morning, and they were planning on heading back to Forks today. "So, love, how did you like the honeymoon?" Lucifer asked, she liked it quite a bit, especially the sex...definitely the sex.

"It was amazing! I loved every minute of it!" Alice said, looking at Lucifer with a happy glint in her eyes. Lucifer grinned and leaned in and whispered in her ear "Especially the sex, isn't that right, babygirl~" Alice sputtered and muttered a soft "Shut up"

"Are you really ready to travel to another world?" Lucifer asked, completely serious about this. Alice hearing this, shook of her blush and looked up at Lucifer "I am. I love my family, and I love this world, but I really want to do this with you, Luci. An adventure of our own, in a completely new place, with new faces" Hearing this and seeing the look in her eye, Lucifer chuckled and nodded.

"Alright then, love. I just wanted to make sure that you actually wanted to do this. Now, go get that little arse in the shower" Lucifer said, giving Alice's butt a soft slap,  causing her to pout, but get up nonetheless, completely nude. Following after her wife,  Lucifer grinned "But let's have some fun first~" Lucifer purred in her ear, causing Alice to blush.

[After shower]

After a rather long shower, the two were now downstairs, with Alice looking at Lucifer with a pout on her lips "Sorry baby, I just couldn't help it" Lucifer said with a sigh, causing Alice to giggle and give her a peck on the lips, before giving Lucifer a slap on her butt, before saying "Now, lets get going!" Lucifer raised an eyebrow, but shook her head in defeat at her wife, before preparing to walk out of the house she was staying in, one of the various properties she owned.

Only to stop as she noticed a soft glow on the coffee table in front of the sofa. Walking to it, she blinked in slight confusion, before breathing in deeply as she read the note on the top of the small box.

It read "Congratulations on your wedding, my daughter. Take these as a wedding gifts for you and your mate. I'm sorry for not being able to be there for your wedding, but just know, that I am so proud of what you have become, and I know you will become even greater in the future. Ah, and please say hi to Alice for me. Signed: Your dad, God.  P.S: Omniscience is quite the power, even if it doesn't entirely work on you"

After reading the note, Lucifer smiled softly, before hearing Alice walk in "Is something wrong, Luci?" She asked, as she noticed the soft smile on her wifes face. Lucifer hearing this, turned and smiled "It's a gift from my dad...he said hi" Alice's eyes widened as she heard this, before walking over and reading the note.

"Isn't he..." "He's omniscient, love. I'm sure he knew this was going to happen before he even met me, so, he knew when to send these gifts to us" Lucifer replied, causing Alice to smile "Well...wanna open them?" Alice asked, really wanting to see what her father in law, aka the literal God, would give her.

Lucifer just smiled and motioned for her to open her small box. Ripping the box open, Alice blinked as she opened it after tearing the wrapping paper off. "What is this?" Alice questioned, grabbing a small vial filled with some sort of glowing white liquid. Noticing a small note in the box, Alice grabbed it and read it out loud.

"I hope you enjoy the gift, my daughter in law. I have seen how much you wish to become a fairy, so, once you drink this vial, you will become one, while retaining your vampire species..." A loud squeal of happiness escaped Alice's lips as she finished the note, while Lucifer giggled at her wifes reaction to the gift.

"Can I drink it, Luci? Can I? Can I?" Alice asked, using the ultimate weapon against Lucifer...puppy eyes. Lucifer smiled in amusement at this "Go ahead, love. My father wouldn't give you something that would harm you" Hearing this, Alice grinned and downed the vial before Lucifer could say another word.

Lucifer watched with a wide smile, as her wife began to glow brightly. Before two glowing wings sprouted from her back, as if they were made of light. Gasping, Alice looked at her wings with a wide smile "I'm a light fairy! I have wings too! Look, Luci!" Lucifer smiled at the sight of pure glee in her wifes eyes "You look adorable, baby" Lucifer said, causing Alice to smile before the wings slowly disappeared.

Lucifer inwardly hummed 'Looks like I can't get the Fairy species just from her alone. Looks like she's a special type of fairy...that's fine, we're gonna go to Fate: Winx Saga anyways, plus it'd feel wrong to use her like that' Lucifer thought with an inward shrug, not caring too much about the species, either way. It had it's uses, but she much preferred the sight of her wifes childlike glee at the species, than get it herself.

"What's in yours?" Alice asked, as she played around with a ball of light she conjured, causing her eyes to glow a yellow color. Lucifer shrugged, before opening the box, and noticed three vials. One was blood red, one was pitch black, and the final one was a white/silver color.

Lucifer noticed the note, and began to read it out loud "I hope you like your gift, my daughter. The three are not something you would have been able to gain unless you went to their individual universes. I know you plan on going to truly powerful verses in the future, so I hope these help you on your journey. Inside the red one is the Noble species, from Noblesse. The black one is True Vampire from Hellsing. While the white/silver one is the Werewolf species, from Noblesse. Use these new powers well, my daughter" Lucifer's jaw dropped at the three gifts she was given, while Alice looked confused.

"Are those good?" Alice asked, causing Lucifer to turn to her with a smile on her face. "These three gifts will make me strong enough, that we can go to just about any universe we want. As long as we are careful, at least"

Lucifer looked down at the vials, before deciding to walk outside first with them. Getting outside, she breathed in deeply.

"Alright, let's just hope this doesn't backfire."

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That's the end of this chapter. This chapter was quite long, and covered a few different things. Next chapter will be Lucifer gaining her three new species, courtesy of her father, and then the end of volume 1/book 1. Originally I was planning on the next world being Fate: Winx Saga, but I don't know about that just yet. It'll probably be something else, with Fate: Winx Saga coming in the future. I was thinking Harry Potter, or Motherland: Fort Salem. I also might continue this fic longer than what I was saying, as I kinda am enjoying it a bit more right now. I might just put it on hiatus for a bit, idk, I'll decide by the time the first volume is over. Or, I'll put it up to a poll.

Anyways, Lucifer got a LOT of new gifts this chapter, so below will be the different ones, and their uses.


Visual Projections - Project illusionary images into anothers mind.

Weakening Shield - Severely weaken those that get close to the user, causing them to get both weakened, and disoriented. The range of this is 35 feet (10.6 meters roughly) as of now.

Phobia Sensory - Sense the fears of others.

Combat Perception - Perceive what moves an opponent will make during combat, even more it happens.

Elemental manipulation - Physically control the elements of water, earth, fire, and air. This control is limited, and must be trained in order to improve it.

Retrocognition - See visions of the past, be it on items, or people. Allows the user to see the memories regarding that individual or item.

Memory Manipulation - Manipulate the memories of others.

Assault Inducement - Induce others into attacking each other, the user, those around them, and more.

Seismic Attraction - Track others through their vibrational movements, anywhere around the world. Needs that individuals scent first.

Sedative Inducement - Trick the target into falling into a sedated state. Can be used on multiple people.

Belief Inducement - Make others have a sense of belief, be in the user and what they say, or what someone else says.

Pain Depravation - Take away the pain of others, be it mentally or physically induced.

Lie Detection - Sense when others are lying.

Outcome Manipulation - Manipulate the outcome of events. This takes a LOT of concentration, and is incredibly difficult to use on incredibly large/important events. But, works rather easily on minor events.

Superiority Impotence - Create emotions of inferiority in others.

Distraction Deprivation - Remove anothers distractions.

Physical Concealment - Become unnoticable to others. It's akin to being invisible, and blurs into their surroundings. Anyone who would notice them, would think of them as a natural object, not anything out of the ordinary.

Personality Manipulation - Change the personality of another.

Honesty Sensory - Sense if others are being honest.

Disaster Inducement - Induce various natural disasters, such as earthquakes, tsunami's, etc. Takes a lot of energy to do.

Ability Reversal - Reverse the effects of other mental abilities into their exact opposites.

Ability Redirection  - Redirect other mental abilities back at the person using it, or someone else.

Ability Suppression - Temporarily stops other vampires gifts from working. Lasts up to an entire week, due to the strengthening from other abilities. Automatically activates against opposing vampires if they somehow catch the user off guard.

Ability Augmentation - Enhance the abilities of other vampires, gifts, and vampiric abilities in general. Only works through touch for others, but the user can use it on themselves. Only works on the user for a maximum of one minute (at the beginning).

Decision Manipulation - Influence the decisions of others. Allows the user to easily change the users the decisions of the users target, and make them make the choice the user wants.

Truth Induction - Make others around the user speak the truth. Works on multiple people at the same time.

Illusionary Distractions - This power takes the form of a misty wall that billows infront of his targets, when the users targets see it, they become instantly distracted by it, and they hardly notice anything that happens while they are looking at the mist, they can't hear anything or anyone around them and any pain they feel is blurred out as well. Several could be affected by this gift at once if they were standing too close to the users intended target.

Illusionary Poisoning - Trick others into believing they have been poisoned. Does not actually poison them physically.

Mental Imprisonment - Trap others inside their own mind.

Balance Deprivation  - Can induce a sensation of weakness in any target of the users choosing. The sensation is powerful enough to incapacitate his or her movements, until the effects are lifted. Anyone affected by his gift instantly crumbles to the ground, unable to move properly, they are able to stagger back to their feet, but the affects will increase until the users targets are unable to get up again

Visual Contortion - Make things appear repulsive and hideous to the users targets, be it human or vampire.

Emotion Deprivation - Take away the emotion, or emotions of others. Can only work on one person at a time.

Impulsive Rage - Induce powerful feelings of anger to others within the users vicinity.

Tracking Allurance - Divert a targets intended destination towards the user. As long as they are within the users sight.

Anyways, sorry for the really long authors note, have a good day! Please point out any mistakes! See y'all tomorrow!


Current Bio

Name - Lucifer Morningstar (Luci)

Species - Immortal (TVD), Archangel (Lucifer)

Vampire (Twilight, Charmed, Underworld, and Blade)

True Alpha Evolved Werewolf (TVD, Twilight x2, Buffy, Underworld, Teen wolf, Harry Potter, Supernatural, Shadowhunters, Van Helsing, My babysitters a vampire)

Current Universe - Twilight (Movies)

Current Location -  Forks, Washington State.

Current Appearance - Naomi Scott

Wishes - Ability Creation (Limited), Species Adaption, Perfect Host.

Abilities via ability creation - Magnetokinesis, Adoptive Muscle Memory, Molecular Acceleration, Kinetic Energy Absorption, Apex Species, Age Improvement, Stress point detection, omnilingualism, Teleportation, and Total Body Control.

Status - Fed

Gift - Gift Mimicry

Mimicked Gifts - Tracking Sense (x3), Enhanced Self-Preservation, Mental Shield, Pathokinesis, Telepathy,  Pain Illusion, Tactile Telepathy, Relationship Identification, Sensory Deprivation, Physical Attack Diversion, Relationship Manipulation, Addictive Contentement, Physical Attraction, Mental Invisibility, Intimidation, Illussionary Cloning, Suggestive Compelment, Attention Detection, Penance Illusion, Tracking Evasion, Danger Intuition, Sensory Alteration, Warding Shield, Ability Identification, Psychic Electrokinesis, Visual Projections, Weakening Shield, Phobia Sensory, Combat Perception, Elemental Manipulation, Retrocognition, Memory Manipulation, Assault Inducement, Seismic Attraction, Sedative Inducement, Belief Inducement, Pain Depravation, Lie Detection, Outcome Manipulation, Superiority Impotence, Distraction Deprivation, Physical Concealment, Personality Manipulation, Honesty Sensory, Disaster Inducement, Ability Reversal, Ability Redirection, Ability Suppression, Ability Augmentation, Decision Manipulation, Truth Inducement, Illusionary Distraction, Illusionary Poisoning, Mental Imprisonment, Balance Deprivation, Visual Contortion, Emotion Deprivation, Impulsive Rage, Tracking Allurance.

Mate - Alice Cullen

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