Hi, I'm kind of starting out on making fan-fics so read them and give me some suggestions please. “Remember! Reality's an illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy gold! Byeeee!”
of reading
Read books
Suggestion: Some form of runic bond which lets him use the abilities of his contractee, or a use of alchemy (or something similar) with dragon's blood to obtain properties, I.e. Using Norse runes for thunder and lightning with a blood mixture of an Alpha, a Shrike and of the dudes that coat themselves in fire, with a greater shrike content in order to have lightning based abilities with minor traits from the others
or maybe the artifact was too powerful to be sensed by basic stuff
It's pretty good, but since we're still in the prologue there isn't enough yet to compare to the other
The thing is that to them magic is just as banal as normal school is to us no-maj
If he learns bombarda!!!
The appendix is considered to be the remnants of a bezoar