
Traveling Worlds in the Cosmic Multiverse

Death isn't the end to everyone's story. This is especially true for Luca and his second life is crazier than he ever could have imagined it would be. Follow a young man as he finds his place in the cosmic multiverse and figure out his true purpose.

QuantumMetro · Others
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20 Chs

Acceptance and Mission Failed Successfully

As always time continued to move, and Luca and his mother talked with his father about everything that happened. Jenson believed it almost immediately and although he was worried, the reassurances from Luca calmed him down slightly.

Luca was so happy that he didn't have to hide stuff about himself anymore, but it opened certain doors that were straining for him at times.

Mainly how much his parents started to worry about the next time he would have to do a task for God.

Each month that passed, caused his parents to become more and more worried about what would happen when their son had to go to another world. Their minds were filled with what ifs and all the possible bad things that could happen.

Luca however was still trying to figure out how to regulate the feeling he was having and start going about life normally again.

Similar to last time, he wouldn't have enough time before God came and asked him to complete the next task.

Unlike his 14th birthday, this time he wasn't in the middle of a party, but instead his parents were waiting with him in the living room for God to arrive. They had prepared a whole survival kit for him in case anything went wrong.

Luca obliged his parents without any fuss and was happy that they were so worried since it meant they cared.

Like before, time stopped, and God appeared in front of Luca to give him the task that was required.

"I see we have company this time…" God looked at both of Luca's parents with a small smile.

"Hopefully you're not mad about me telling them…it's really hard to lie…"

"It's perfectly fine…your mother cares a lot…I see you're still working on that issue…"

"Yeah…I'll figure it out one day."

"Yes, you will…So the world you are traveling to this time is the one of Chronicle and your goal is to stop the three boys before they interact with the Mogo…"

"So that's what it's called…interesting…this shouldn't be too hard…" Forming his suit around him, Luca stood up ready to go.

When looking at God, he saw the weirdest most sly look he'd seen on the being yet.

"See you in a bit…Luca…" waving at Luca, God shifted the boy into a different dimension to stop the teens from Chronicle.


Falling through the air, Luca landed upright on his feet in the dirt.

"Damn It, why the hell do I always fall into another dimension." Glancing around he noticed that he was in an open area surrounded by a forest.

*Ringing noise* 'What the hell is that…' Looking towards where the ringing was coming from, Luca noticed a hole in the ground.

"Shit…I already found Mogo…I think." Luca was confused on where he had to go from there when he heard something from within the hole. It was very faint, but he could hear people talking within the hole.

"Fuck…Fuck…" Realizing that the teens could already be down there, Luca jumped in without a second thought and darted through the narrow tunnels. Heading deeper and deeper, Luca ran through the maze that headed towards the living crystal's home.

As he came closer the voices became clearer to him and confirmed his worries. Also, the ringing that he heard became worse and worse, but he continued on so he could complete the task.

"Matt, look at this…look at this…" Knowing they were close, Luca moved even faster towards them.

"It's changing colors…" As soon as he heard this, Luca moved as fast as he could through the narrow tunnels and appeared in the chamber where the creature resided and found the three teens.

They couldn't hear his arrival, so they continued to yell at each other, but could barely hear what was being said.

Luca watched as their nose started to bleed and he could feel that his own was trying to, but his body was healing before any damage could happen.

'Shit I'm to fucking late…' Barely even thinking, he pulled out his pistol and unloaded a dozen bullets into the crystal and to his surprise the bullets broke through and completely shattered the creature.

As the crystal broke, a massive wave flowed through the cave and not having control of his body, Luca and the boys were thrown out of the cave, as it collapsed in on itself.

"Holy shit…" Luca was the only one to speak as the others were knocked unconscious by the blast. Flying out of the hole, they all fell to the ground and landed in a heap.

Rushing to get off of them, Luca quickly stood up and backed away.

"Shit…Fuck…Shit…damn it…you played me God…you knew I'd fail you bastard…"

Right after he said that time stopped completely, and God appeared in front of him with a smile on his face.

"Yes… I knew this would happen, but you've received something that is more than enough of a reward."

"What the hell did I receive… a nice headache that's already gone and a rollercoaster of a ride through a tight tunnel with three guys way too close to me…Seriously tell me…"

"You don't feel it yet…well you will soon, time to head home and remember next time will be harder…"

God didn't give Luca any more time to complain and shifted him through dimensions back to his home.


Appearing back in his living room, time unfroze, and his parents looked up at the annoyed Luca who was pacing back and forth.

"Stupid…God…screwing with me…damn it…"

"Did you just get back Luca…" Dakota said lightly not wanting to make him annoyed any more than he already was.

"Yeah, and that stupid no-good moderator played me and gave me a task I was bound to fail…now I have to do something harder than normal next time…"

Dakota became irritated as well at hearing this but focused on her son and walked over to him and hugged the irate Luca.

"Tell me everything that happened dear…" Walking over to the couch with him, they sat down to talk.


"He didn't even reward me after doing something like that…and now I'm going to deal with something harder than normal…God is the worst boss ever…"

"I'm sorry that happened honey…" While saying this, internally Dakota was thinking about how much more she'd have to prepare for his next trip.

Luca's dad walked back into the room after Dakota asked for some water and was about to bring it over to them, when his foot caught a loose floorboard, and he tripped causing the water bottle to fly out of his hand towards Dakota.

The look on Jensen's face was one of horror, while Dakota was completely surprised at the unexpected water bottle heading towards her.

Reaching his hand out, Luca went for the bottle that was flying towards his mother, when an odd feeling washed over his mind. Almost as if his hand extended further than it could, the bottle stopped midflight and floated in the air half a foot from his mother's head.

"Holy cow…" Jenson was baffled at what he was seeing and looked back and forth between his son and the bottle.

"Hmm…so that's what God meant…" His focus broke and the bottle fell to the ground with a thud.

Both of his parents looked at him wondering where his newfound telekinetic ability came from.

"I guess…I was a little closer to Mogo than I originally thought, though I'm confused on how its power affected me…"

"Healing powers and now this…you're about to become a full-blown superhero Luca…" Jenson said out of nowhere, which received a scolding look from Dakota.

"I need to have a chat with God…screwing with my son…giving him powers out of nowhere…" Dakota sat there mumbling to herself for a minute.

Knowing he had these powers and the possibility that it worked the same as the one in the movie, Luca started to fantasize about how much easier a harder task could be if he had telekinetic abilities that would grow stronger and stronger.

Standing up out of nowhere, Luca motioned to his parents with his hands. "Let's go outside and test my abilities…Get the baseballs and any small object."

His dad immediately got up with excitement and ran outside towards the shed to get some baseballs. Dakota was a little bit slower, but she wanted to make sure Luca was okay, so she followed behind them.


Weeks passed and unlike the movie, Luca was growing stronger faster than the main characters of the movie.

This was mainly due to his near constant use of his powers even when it hurt because his healing powers would get rid of any damage.

In the beginning he could only lift baseballs, but it progressively moved up in scale similar to what the people in Chronicle could do.

Within two weeks he was able to move cars around with ease and lift them off the ground slightly. He only figured this out because his parents allowed him to move the two cars in the driveway around since no one would see him.

Luca wanted to fly, but his mother quickly shut that idea down saying it was too dangerous. Trying to push for it, Luca told her he could heal if he fell, however Dakota quickly cleared that misconception up, telling him that she was worried he'd be discovered and tracked by the government.

This reasoning made Luca stop asking her, but he did tell her that if he was sent to a world with no surveillance he would learn to fly because it would be an extremely helpful skill.

A month passed and he was already able to lift cars up off the ground with ease and he continued training it more and more. The family vehicles became his weights that he would use anytime he was free.

Another way to train his growing Telekinesis was using many smaller objects to work on control and precision instead of just brute force.

His parents became relatively active in his life to make sure that he was doing everything properly and safely.


Time passed and the six months wait for his next task was up and Luca and his parents were sitting in the living room waiting for God to show up.

"Are you sure you're ready Luca…" Dakota asked in concern while looking Luca over.

"He'll be fine Dakota…you've checked at least two dozen times for everything and made sure the supplies were good…"

"Listen to Dad, he's right…I could probably survive in the wilderness for a year with how much supplies you've given me…"

Dakota gave both of them an annoyed expression but didn't say anything more and waited.

After a few minutes passed, Dakota was about to stand up to grab something when time stopped and both parents were frozen in place.

God appeared with a smile on his face while he looked Luca over.

"Wow…you really worked hard kid…I hope you've enjoyed what you received because you'll need it for what's about to come…"

"Can't you be a little lenient since you're the reason I'm in this situation at the moment."

God formed a mock look of offense on his face. "I will not be slandered like this…you were just too slow in finding them…run faster next time…"

Luca wanted to say more to the being, but it was almost as if he lost control of his speaking ability.

"Quiet down Luca…now I will be sending you to the world of The Host where you are required to save Melanie and Wanderer, then you need to bring both of them to her uncle. After this you have to get the people of the settlement to accept Wanderer and let her leave Melanie's body willingly and inhabit another body…this task is difficult in a way you haven't faced yet…I bid you farewell."

Shifting dimensions, Luca went off towards another world where he'd face a different type of challenge.