
Traveling Worlds in the Cosmic Multiverse

Death isn't the end to everyone's story. This is especially true for Luca and his second life is crazier than he ever could have imagined it would be. Follow a young man as he finds his place in the cosmic multiverse and figure out his true purpose.

QuantumMetro · Others
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20 Chs

Life and Death

Laying on the hospital bed staring at a TV in the corner of the room, was the frail body of a boy. He was so wasted away you could barely tell how old he was and if he was a person at all. Especially with all the different monitors that were attached to him reading his vitals and other important bodily functions.

Entering the room was a short older nurse who had a saddened look on her face while focusing on the husk of a person.

Coming up to the bed she started to check all of the monitors to make sure everything was accurate.

"Hey…Ms. Rachel…" The boy said with strain lacing his raspy voice that was barely audible.

She looked down at the face of the boy and could see him looking at her through his pale and cloudy eyes.

"Hi Dear…did you sleep okay?" Keeping herself from crying Rachel put on a strong face while making eye contact with the boy.

"The…usual…" Still smiling, Rachel turned away to continue checking him for any additional abnormalities.

"I'm sorry to hear that…is there anything I can do for you…" She glanced back at him to show that she actually cared.

"No…I'm okay…though…could you...get me the next…season…of Modern Family…" Rachel looked over at the TV and saw that he was about to be done with the first season of Modern Family.

"Of course, I can, dear…is there anything else…"

Turning his head, the boy made eye contact with Rachel and using his withered face muscles said something extremely impactful to her.

"Thank you…for treating me…so kindly…you're the best…" Rachel smiled at him when he said this, but her face slowly changed as she watched him close his eyes with a smile on his face.

Every monitor started to go off and the boy started to crash. His heart monitor beeped slower and slower until it stopped. No one came rushing in though as the boy had a 'Do Not Resuscitate' order.

Staring down at the boy who had taken up multiple years of her hospital years, Rachel started to cry as her strong appearance broke at the sight of what she slowly had considered her own child.

Lowering her head, she gave him a kiss on the forehead, then left the room to go report what had occurred.


This wasn't the end for the boy however, as his ethereal soul traveled into the residence of a certain godly being.

"Hello my child…" The being said while staring at the wisp that used to be a person.

"Where am…I?" Confused on where he was, the wisp looked around at the foggy looking room that shifted into different shapes constantly.

"This is my temporary home and you have died…"

"Finally…" The wisp was happy to hear that he'd finally died, and the suffering ended.

"I'm sorry you feel that way Child…"

"Who are you?"

"I am God."

"You're God…then why didn't you stop my suffering…why did I have to hurt…why…" The wisp was enraged, but also sad at what he'd had to suffer through.

"I am truly sorry my child for I have sinned against you…" The being said with regret clear in its voice.

"How can you have sinned…" The wisp was confused on what the being was talking about.

"I may be God; however, I am but a cog in the wheel that is the multiverse, and I can only act so far… you had a part in this multiverse as well and I couldn't interfere with it, despite wanting desperately too…"

The wisp couldn't believe what it was hearing from a being that was theorized to be all powerful.

"I have a part…my suffering was a part of this 'multiverse'...' The wisp had trouble believing that the multiverse really did exist.

"Yes…and I will tell you the story of your part, my child…" The being stopped speaking for a second and let the wisp prepare.

"At the start of everything, the multiverse didn't exist…there was just a being of immense power who existed in the emptiness of nothingness…however this being had its own purpose…to die and form the multiverse…dying was what ultimately happened, and the multiverse came into existence from its corpse…however some of its body was sick, which caused some of the universes to be sick as well…"

Stopping for a second, the being let the wisp absorb the knowledge it was being given, then continued.

"I came into existence right after the being died, but I'm a mere fragment of the being…however I knew of this sickness and the damage it could cause to existence…so I closed all access to those universes…alas I wasn't meant to close all of them and in retaliation the multiverse opened one back up without my permission and let but the tiniest amount out into a nearby universe…your universe…"

The wisp could barely believe what it was hearing but listened on anyways without interruption.

"You were infected by this sickness and should have died instantly and taken the rest of your universe with you… but that didn't happen because you had a purpose yourself…to create the cure for this sickness…"

The wisp couldn't help but interject at the last thing the being had said to him.

"I died though…how did I create the cure if I couldn't even survive it…"

"Because at that final moment where your heart stopped beating and the monitor fell flat…your body produced one single antibody to the sickness, and I removed it from your corpse and made copies of it…then used them to cleanse the universes that were damaged…"

The wisp was amazed at what he'd unintentionally done but was confused on why any of this mattered if he was still dead anyways.

"I don't mean to be selfish, but why does this matter…I'm still dead…"

"Oh well I just wanted you to understand the reasoning for what's about to happen…." Confused for a second, the wisp watched as a chalkboard appeared out of nowhere with five boxes in the middle and a fifth off to the side of the board.

"For your overwhelming Karma that has never been seen in the multiverse…I God, am required by the unbreakable laws of the multiverse to grant you four wishes of near unlimited range that can accompany you into a world of your choosing…however I must warn you that each wish must not break the laws of the multiverse either…"

The wisp couldn't believe what it had just heard and floated there for a few minutes in awe.

"Could you explain these laws to me…" The wisp said in a quiet voice to the being barely able to get out a sentence.

"One, your wish can't violate the rules of space-time. (i.e., you can't exist at the same point in time as yourself nor the same universe) Two, you can't choose a wish that puts you above or on the same level as the moderator of the multiverse. Three, in return for your powers, you have to complete one task given to you by the moderator of the universe every six months after your 14th birthday…there are a couple of other rules that don't apply to your situation in any way, so wish on…" At this moment God stood back and let the wisp think about what he wanted.

'What is happening…wishes…unbreakable rules…tasks…I need to work in order to have the wishes…I mean I guess it makes sense, but wasn't my suffering enough…'

Gazing at God, the wisp wanted to clarify a few things with the supposed near almighty being.

"Why do I need to work more…do you consider a month and year the same as I do…what would those tasks entail and what would happen if I failed them." The being didn't seem surprised by his questions and instantly started to answer them.

"One, I wish I could give you a straight answer, but I can't. It's a requirement of everyone that I reincarnate and since it's decreed by the multiverse, I can't change it. Two, it is going off what you consider a month, and a year so don't worry about anything. Three, the tasks are basically anything that the multiverse asks of you and since you are a special case, the penalty will only be you helping me with a harder task. I won't ask too much of you since you've done such a great deed and most of them will involve what you enjoyed most to read…world travel…"

The wisp floated some more in thought and curiosity about what he just heard.

"So, if I'm world traveling, what's the point of picking a world in the first place…also what type of worlds because there are some, I'd prefer to never go near…"

"The world you pick will be a home base of sorts for you to live in, so maybe pick a nice relaxing place. I won't send you to anything bad like 40k, but don't expect complete sunshine and rainbows. In each world you will be required to do something, and I will notify you when you arrive there. These tasks may shape a world, so do not take this opportunity lightly because it will gain you more karma than you can imagine…"

"What's the point of karma though if I've already gathered amounts never seen before…" The being seemed to contemplate saying something after this question was asked.

"There is a certain 'reward' gained once you reach a certain amount of karma… I can't say anything more than this, but know that you are the closest to it…"

The wisp wanted to ask more, but it was almost as if his mind couldn't dig any further into the subject.

"Choose your wishes now, my child…" Disappearing into nothingness, the wisp glanced around, trying to find the being, but it was gone.

Focusing, he started to contemplate what wishes he would want to live a better life and what would allow him to complete tasks the best. He also thought about a world that he'd want as a home base and quickly came to a decision.

As soon as he decided, a piece of chalk floated up from the bottom tray of the board and scribbled in a name in the 'world' box.

Modern family

Seeing what seemed to be magic, the wisp was in awe at what happened in front of him for a few seconds, then went back to thinking about his wishes.

'Better parents…ones who care about me…who are there…' Remembering his parents who couldn't even take the time to be there when he was dying and constantly reminded him of how much of a burden he was, the wisp made his first wish about having great parents.'

The chalk floated up again and scribbled in a few words onto the board in the first box.

Loving Parents who are always there no matter the circumstance.

Thinking about his second wish, the wisp quickly came to the conclusion of his second wish.

'I never want to be sick again…always healthy…like him…without the disfigurement though…and the curse."

Floating in the air, the chalk scribbled in the second wish on the board.

Deadpool's Powers and skills without the risk of becoming disfigured or having his curse.

After this wish, he only took a few minutes to think about what he would choose for his third wish.

Healing Powers that can heal any injury on another person (Can't heal an injury caused by the moderator)

The wisp wanted this power, so he could save his loved ones if they ever were hurt seriously enough to require his intervention.

'I'm okay with that limitation…it seems like God can't act out of his position in any way.'

Focusing on his fourth wish, the wisp quickly came to the conclusion of what he wanted to have.

A set of soul gear that can kill any enemy of you or your families. ( This can't work on the moderator. Excessive use will cause exhaustion.)

Happy with that choice, Luca contemplated his final wish and came to the conclusion that there was a lot he wanted to do but may not have the time.

The chalk lifted up and scribbled in some words on the final box.

Adaptive Learning that will allow you to learn anything extremely quick.

Once the final wish was in place, the chalkboard disappeared into thin air and the vague room that he was in vanished as well, leaving the wisp in the darkness.

"Now that you have chosen my child, I must send you off…" The wisp thought that this would be the final thing god would say, but the being had a bit more to say.

"I truly wish for you to love your new life and appreciate every bit of it no matter what…you deserve it..." With that the black void changed and slowly got brighter and brighter until it blinded the wisp completely.