
Traveling through the heavens with an umbrella [MTL]

Join protagonist Li Xiu as he uses his magical black umbrella to travel through the heavens, experiencing and participating in all the interesting things he encounters. In 'The Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber', he seeks the Nine Yang Divine Skill in order to become the ultimate martial artist. In 'Pirates of the Caribbean', he gains the power of the sea god. In 'Fantastic Four', he is transformed by the cosmic storm, giving him a strong foundation. In 'Wind and Cloud', 'Zhu Xian' and 'Journey to the West', [Li Xiu] continues on his journey.

Azaroth_7160 · Movies
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174 Chs

Chapter 11: The Collision of the Nine Yang

The days passed and the sun rose and set.

One day, in a quiet area at the bottom of a cliff in the back mountains of Wudang.

Huogong Toutuo had a serious expression on his face as he focused on the figure wrapped in tightly packed vines hanging in the air, controlled by his true qi.

The vines were filled with Huogong Toutuo's Nine Yang True Energy, remaining flexible yet seemingly able to withstand even the most powerful cuts.

The long leaves still attached to the vines were all standing upright, swaying like a tidal wave from the surging internal power. The vines seemed to be pointing at a young man at the end who was bound by them.

Li Xiu could only feel that along the roots of the vines, several strands of internal energy flowed endlessly into his body like a huge river, hitting several major acupuncture points on his body.

At this point, he had already reached the power of the eighth stage of the Nine Yang Divine Skill, and was no longer without the ability to resist Huogong Toutuo's attack.

But unless Li Xiu had a problem with his head, he would not use his internal energy to resist. At this time, he was treated like Zhang Wuji in the original novel, who was put into the Qian Kun Bag.

This was the opportunity for him to complete the Nine Yang Divine Skill, and there would be no such easy opportunity in the world again.

Even the number one martial artist in the world, Zhang Sanfeng, could not replace Huogong Toutuo, even though his internal energy was slightly deeper than Huogong Toutuo's.

However, he did not practise the full version of the Nine Yang Divine Skill.

Even though the Wudang Pure Yang Skill is derived from the Nine Yang Divine Skill, it cannot be exactly the same.

Zhang Sanfeng's internal energy might not be able to coexist harmoniously with Li Xiu's internal energy, let alone help him break through.

If Li Xiu missed this opportunity, it would take an unknown amount of time and effort to break through the ninth stage of the Nine Yang Divine Skill on his own.

If someone was willing to go to such lengths to help him, why would he waste his efforts on gruelling training?

Li Xiu tried his best to control his internal energy and not affect Huogong Toutuo's internal energy.

Finally, after transferring all of his strong and pure internal energy into Li Xiu's body, Huogong Toutuo's final attack began.

Wave after wave, the waves eventually become a tsunami that sweeps across the sky!

It is as strong as breaking bamboo, destroying everything in its path with a burst of true energy right through the body!

"Ninth Stage of the Nine Yang Divine Skill! Nine Yangs in Heaven!"

With a loud shout from Huogong Toutuo, Li Xiu also couldn't hold back either, letting out a long roar that echoed through the bottom of the cliff.

The pure and deep Nine Yang True Energy automatically circulated through all the odd meridians, doing its work throughout the entire body.

It also flowed to the surface of the body, forming a layer of indestructible, self-protecting True Qi.

The vines that originally bound Li Xiu were also shattered and scattered everywhere by his newly born protective True Qi.

Even Huogong Toutuo was shocked by Li Xiu's True Qi, and the stone beneath it involuntarily retreated.

The Nine Yang True Energy erupted and Li Xiu landed slowly, using his energy to clear a clean area of fallen leaves, radiating power and shaking the hearts of others. The depression that had been gradually deepening on his face over the past few days also disappeared without a trace, his eyes shining, warm and sparkling, and his entire person seemed to have undergone a transformation, with a completely different vitality.

Huogong Toutuo was delighted and laughed heartily, but to his surprise, Li Xiu was no longer depressed and even laughed with him.

Huogong Toutuo suddenly felt that something was wrong, and his expression became worried, and he said in surprise: "Why are you laughing? Don't you still refuse to learn my martial arts? You should be in pain!"

Now that Li Xiu has reached the ninth stage of the Nine Yang Divine Skill, he no longer needs to pretend with Huogong Toutuo. He reveals the truth directly.

"The Nine Yang Divine Skill is the incomparable internal energy method created by the founder of Shaolin Temple, how could I not want to learn it?"

"I just wasn't sure if you would really teach me, so I pretended to be uninterested to provoke you into teaching me."

As he speaks, Li Xiu realises that the name "Nine Yang Divine Skill" does not suit the number one internal energy martial art technique in the world, so he automatically changes it to its original name, Nine Yang True Classic.

When Huogong Toutuo heard these "despicable and shameless" words, he trembled with anger and gritted his teeth.

"You're really scheming! You're so poisonous!"

Looking at Li Xiu as if he wanted to eat him alive, the previously panicked Li Xiu was now calm.

With his extremely powerful strength as his foundation and his confidence in spades, the previously vicious and ghostly Huogong Toutuo now looked like a malnourished and paralysed old man.

There was no doubt that Li Xiu had become arrogant, but it was arrogance with the strength and confidence to back it up. Or you could call it a strong man's mentality.

"These past few days have been thanks to your tireless teaching, Master Huogong Toutuo. In return, I would like to give you some advice."

"I won't even mention not to trust people easily in the future, I think you won't see many other people in this lifetime either."

Li Xiu's demeanour seemed like he was patiently imparting life lessons to a junior who was asking him how to be successful like him.

"In the next life, you should be reborn with a good brain, don't stay in one place all the time. Also, pay more attention to national affairs, communicate more with the outside world and use your brain more."

"Maybe in the next life you can be like me, someone who can be calculated and relatively intelligent."

Huogong Toutuo's mood was immediately enraged by Li Xiu's words, which had a hint of mockery in them.

He couldn't help but roar, the echo echoing through the bottom of the cliff and shaking the rocks on either side.

"Ah! Boy! I'm going to kill you!"

"I have to kill you! Ahh ahh ahh!"

The Nine Yang True Energy flowed through his body and Li Xiu was not injured at all, but he immediately became serious.

This is his first fight since coming to the world, and it is a fight to death with an extremely high martial artist.

However, Li Xiu was not worried about being defeated and dying.

Even though Huogong Toutuo's skill level was higher than his, he had already reached the ninth stage many years ago.

And in terms of martial arts experience and the use of internal energy, he was not even close to the inexperienced white belt who had hardly practised any moves.

But Huogong Toutuo was completely broken and almost paralysed, so his chances of winning were at their lowest.

When a martial arts master's hands and feet are broken, how much of his shocking strength can he still use?

Besides, Li Xiu was not completely inexperienced in martial arts. He had anticipated this possibility and prepared by memorising the Seven Harms Fist, which had relatively few words.

He definitely put in more effort than when he studied and memorised ancient poems at school, because this time it was a matter of life and death.

These days, after Li Xiu had acquired the Nine Yang Divine Skill, he usually spent his free time studying and exploring the Seven Harms Fist in his mind.

It is known that all the internal skills in the world do not surpass the barriers of the Nine Yang True Classic, and Li Xiu can fully use the Nine Yang True Energy to stimulate the power of the Seven Harms Fist.

Although he has not yet mastered the techniques, he has no problem using the Seven Harms Fist to simply attack the enemy.

And he also has an important buff covering his head - Yuan Yang has not been released.

Only by practising the Nine Yang True Classic martial art to the extreme can the power of Yuan Yang be fully demonstrated.

Without waiting for Li Xiu to think, Huogong Toutuo has already used his internal energy to control the vines attacking him. Each vine seemed to have come to life, teeth and claws bared, terrifying.

Li Xiu did not retreat, but advanced as if stepping on the wind, his figure blurred like an attacking ghost.

Of course, Li Xiu had not practised any light skills, but the bodies of those who practised the Nine Yang True Classic were naturally faster than all the exquisite light skills in the world.

Li Xiu swung his fist and broke through the multiple vines that were coming towards him like steel whips, heading straight for Huogong Toutuo who was paralysed on the stone ball.

Huogong Toutuo understood that once he was close to Li Xiu, the situation would turn in Li Xiu's favour, so he retreated during the fight. On the surface, Li Xiu had the advantage, but Huogong Toutuo was calm and composed, with the demeanour of a master.

The vines attacked quickly, breaking like a rainstorm attacking the earth, and the stone ball beneath Huogong Toutuo moved orderly, floating like the wind. Li Xiu moved his body and arms and flew, his fist shadows blocking every attack.

Li Xiu also did not hesitate to use his internal energy, almost every attack was accompanied by an explosion of true energy, trying to shatter the vines.

The internal energy of the Nine Yang True Classic is continuous, as long as Li Xiu does not waste it on dispersing his power, the consumption will not be enough to keep up with his recovery speed, so he does not hesitate to use his internal energy.

Huogong Toutuo also saw Li Xiu's intention, as long as the vines were completely broken, he would be like a piece of meat on a chopping board, with no power to fight back.

His internal energy is also much deeper than Li Xiu's, so he naturally continues to pour it into the vines, trying to maintain his only advantage. In this way, the two fought fiercely, surrounded by the vines, attacking and defending.

This is a battle of victory and defeat, and a matter of life and death!