
Traveling in anime worlds as Crimson Abyss

Summary: A young man happen to be step into portal that appear out of nowhere and meet God. The God is bored so he wanted to send someone to another world and recently he also happened to be watch some yuri anime and wanted to send a woman. But the young man is appear from the random portal that he set. So, the god changed his gender to a woman without letting him known. Now, the young man become the young girl that his favorite game character. As an apologies the god give her traveling system to anime worlds. Will she going to get all the anime girls as she please? [Note] - English is not my first language. - This novel is the first novel that I write. So, don’t be excepting to be amazingly good. I'm writing this for fun. - I will try my best to write it. So please have some mercy in comments. - I would be grateful if you guys give me some advices. - I will try to release at least 1 chapters/week. - Word counts are 1000 or more/chapter. - No NTR, No Rape even before MC met with her lovers. MC will get girls easily. Sometime there will be super fast affection. (Saeko will be fastest one to get) - R18 chapters will mark with ‘R’ you can skip them if you want as they will be the whole chapter. Tag: Gender bend, Yuri, Action, Adventure, Fan-fiction, Anime, harem, Futa(with magic), R-18, World Traveling, incest, [Worlds] - High school of the dead - Nier Automata - Cross Ange - (undecided yet)

Yuri_lover12 · Anime & Comics
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68 Chs

Chapter 59 Hilda's despair, True faces of Ange's brother and sister

On the open road, flanked by lush grasslands, a lone motorcycle with a sidecar zoomed along at a brisk pace. Seated atop the motorcycle was Hilda, her vibrant twin-tailed red hair streaming behind her as she rode with a wide smile on her face. Her name was synonymous with joy in that moment, for she could scarcely contain her excitement at the thought of finally returning home to her mother.

After enduring countless trials and tribulations, her perseverance had paid off, granting her the long-awaited opportunity to reunite with her beloved mother. As she continued her journey, the scenery gradually transformed, giving way to verdant trees and rolling hills that signaled her arrival at a place filled with fond memories—a quaint, familiar town she had once called home.

Hilda parked the motorcycle a good distance away from the town, opting to approach her home on foot to avoid any unwanted attention that could potentially send her back to Arzenal. With determined strides, she made her way through the quiet streets, the midday sun casting long shadows across her path. The town seemed deserted at this hour, its inhabitants likely still toiling away at their daily tasks.

Eventually, Hilda arrived at the familiar house she once shared with her mother. Standing before the front door, a rush of memories flooded her mind, but she pushed them aside, focusing on the task at hand. With a steady hand, she reached for the door handle, her heart pounding with anticipation. This was it—she had finally returned home.

As the door creaked open, Hilda stepped inside, her eyes scanning the familiar surroundings. The interior was just as she remembered it, frozen in time like a relic from her past. Amidst the quiet, she spotted a music box sitting on a nearby table, its delicate melodies echoing through the empty house.

"It's still here…" Hilda thought, her heart swelling with nostalgia as she gazed at the music box resting on the table, just as it had been in the past. With gentle fingers, she lifted the lid, releasing the familiar melody that filled the room with a sense of warmth and familiarity. Closing her eyes, she allowed herself to be swept away by the sweet strains of the music, a bittersweet smile playing on her lips.

"Who is there?" The sudden voice shattered the tranquil atmosphere, causing Hilda to spin around to face its source. There, standing before her, was a woman with aging features and vibrant red hair, mirroring Hilda's own. It was her mother—there was no mistaking it.

As Hilda opened her mouth to speak, her voice caught in her throat, choked with emotion. But before she could utter a word, her mother spoke, her tone neither accusatory nor alarmed, but simply curious.

"Who might you be?" her mother inquired, her eyes searching Hilda's face with a mix of uncertainty and hope. Despite the flood of emotions coursing through her, Hilda summoned the courage to respond, her voice trembling slightly with emotion.

"M-Mama… I-I…" she began, her words barely a whisper, but her mother seemed not to hear. Instead, she spoke again, as if to herself.

"Ah. You must be a friend of my daughter," she remarked, her words like a dagger to Hilda's heart. Desperate to convey the truth, Hilda tried to interject, but her mother continued, oblivious to her daughter's presence.

"N-no… I-I…" Hilda stammered, but her words fell on deaf ears as her mother spoke over her once more, leaving Hilda feeling as though she were invisible, a ghost from the past unable to make her presence known.

"Well, welcome," the woman said, her smile warm and inviting as she gestured towards the open curtain and side door leading to the quaint yard outside. With a graceful wave of her hand, the curtain billowed gently, and the door swung open with light of mana, revealing a serene scene bathed in sunlight.

As Hilda stepped into the yard, she couldn't help but marvel at the sight that greeted her. A table adorned with three chairs materialized before her, nestled beneath the shade of an apple tree. Memories flooded back to her—a time when she would sit at that very table, savoring her mother's delicious apple pie, or climb the branches of the tree, her eyes fixed on the endless expanse of sky above.

"Make yourself at home. She will be home soon," her mother said, her voice pulling Hilda from her reverie as she retreated into the kitchen. Hilda opened her mouth to speak, to finally reveal her true identity, but her mother paused, turning back to face her with a knowing look.

"Oh, yes, my apple pie will be ready soon. It's her favorite," her mother added with a smile, before disappearing into the kitchen once more, leaving Hilda standing in the yard.

"Apple pie… Mama…" Hilda murmured, her words trailing off as her senses were enveloped by the enticing aroma of the dessert she had longed for. Without another thought, she made her way to the table, drawn irresistibly towards the promise of that familiar sweetness.

Standing beneath the comforting shade of the apple tree, Hilda hesitated for a moment before reaching out to touch its sturdy trunk. Closing her eyes, she let herself be consumed by the flood of emotions that washed over her—a mixture of joy, relief, and a profound sense of belonging.

"I'm really home…" Hilda whispered softly, tears streaming down her cheeks as she surrendered to the overwhelming happiness that filled her heart. For the first time in what felt like an eternity, she allowed herself to fully embrace the reality of her return, knowing that from this moment forward, she would be able to live happily by her mother's side.

After composing herself, Hilda took her seat at the table, her eyes still shimmering with traces of tears as she waited patiently for her mother's arrival. Dressed in a pink dress reminiscent of her childhood days, she couldn't help but smile at the thought of the simple joys that awaited her.

"I guess she won't remember me… After all, I have grown up this much now," Hilda mused to herself, her smile tinged with a hint of wistfulness. But despite her doubts, she couldn't deny the overwhelming sense of contentment that filled her soul.

"Sorry for keeping you waiting," her mother's voice broke through her thoughts, accompanied by the comforting clink of tea cups and the enticing aroma of freshly baked apple pie. Hilda's eyes lit up with delight as she eagerly accepted the offered treat, her heart overflowing with gratitude and love.

"Please, you can eat now, but be careful, it's still hot," her mother cautioned with a smile, her eyes brimming with warmth and affection.

"O-okay," Hilda replied softly, her hands trembling slightly as she carefully sliced into the pie, savoring each delicious bite with reverence. As the familiar sweetness filled her senses, she felt a sense of peace wash over her—a reminder that no matter where life may lead her, the love and warmth of home would always be waiting.

Hilda savored each delectable bite of the apple pie, the sweetness of the moment washing over her like a comforting embrace. Beside her, her mother settled into her seat, sipping her tea with a contented sigh. The air was filled with a sense of tranquility, broken only by the occasional sound of birds chirping in the distance.

After a few moments, Hilda set down her fork and turned to face her mother, her heart pounding in her chest. This was it—she knew she had to tell her the truth, no matter how difficult it may be. But before she could find the words, her mother spoke, her voice cutting through the silence like a knife.

"Hilda?" her mother's voice rang out, causing Hilda to jump in surprise. Had her mother remembered her after all this time? But as she turned to face her, she realized that her mother was simply addressing someone else—a newcomer who had just entered the room.

Confusion clouded Hilda's mind as she followed her mother's gaze to the figure standing in the doorway—a young girl with short red hair, her hands clasped behind her back in a gesture of innocence.

"I'm home, Mother," the girl announced with a bright smile, her eyes sparkling with excitement as she stepped forward, revealing the surprise she had been hiding behind her back.

"Welcome home," the woman replied warmly, her eyes shining with affection as she embraced the little girl.

As the conversation continued, Hilda's confusion only deepened. Why was her mother calling the little girl 'Hilda'? It was her name, wasn't it? But before she could voice her concerns, the little girl presented her with a flower, her face alight with joy.

"Happy birthday, Mother!" the little girl exclaimed, her gift met with a delighted gasp from the woman. They shared a tender embrace, their laughter filling the room as they exchanged pleasantries.

Meanwhile, Hilda could only watch in stunned silence, her mind racing with disbelief. How could her mother mistake this child for her? And why was she celebrating her birthday with someone else?

"Mama… who is this person?" the little girl suddenly turned to Hilda, her innocent question piercing through the awkward silence that had fallen over the room.

Hilda's heart skipped a beat as she met the gaze of the child before her, her own identity suddenly called into question. She opened her mouth to speak, to finally reveal the truth, but her words faltered as her mother responded with equal confusion.

"Isn't she one of your friends?" her mother asked, her brow furrowed in perplexity. The silence that followed was deafening, each passing moment stretching on as the weight of the revelation hung heavy in the air.

"Why… why is she Hilda? Hilda is me… I'm Hilda. Hildegard Schlievogt," Hilda finally managed to stammer out, her voice trembling with emotion as she struggled to make sense of the situation.

The woman's eyes widened in shock at the revelation, her world spinning as she grappled with the truth that had been hidden from her for so long.

"You were… alive… Why did you come back?" her mother's voice trembled with disbelief, her eyes wide with shock as she struggled to comprehend the truth that had been laid bare before her.

Hilda recoiled at the accusation in her mother's tone, her own confusion mirroring the anguish in her mother's eyes.

"Why?" she whispered, her voice barely a whisper as she searched her mother's face for some semblance of understanding.

"Because I missed you," Hilda finally managed to choke out, her words tinged with fear as she braced herself for her mother's response.

But instead of the warm embrace she had hoped for, Hilda was met with a torrent of rejection and anger.

"Leave. Hurry and leave! Never come back here again!" her mother's voice echoed through the room, each word a painful reminder of the shattered dreams and broken promises that lay between them.

"Mama…" Hilda's voice cracked with emotion as she struggled to make sense of the rejection that had been hurled at her with such force.

Tears welled up in her eyes as she stared at the woman before her, unable to comprehend how the love she had longed for could turn so cold and distant in an instant.

Her heart ached with a pain she could scarcely bear as her mother's words continued to cut through her like a knife.

"I'm not your mother. My only daughter is here now!" the woman's voice rang out, each word a painful reminder of the truth that Hilda had tried so desperately to deny.

Hilda stood frozen in shock as her mother's words reverberated through the room, her heart heavy with disbelief and pain. The accusation of being labeled a monster by her own beloved mother was a blow that cut deep, leaving her feeling as though her very existence had been called into question.

Before she could even begin to process the cruelty of her mother's words, the little girl interjected, her innocent confusion only serving to exacerbate the tense situation.

"Is she your long-lost daughter?" the little girl asked, her eyes wide with curiosity.

But before Hilda could respond, her mother's voice rang out with a cold finality.

"No! She is a monster!" her mother declared, her words like a dagger to Hilda's heart.

The room fell silent as Hilda struggled to comprehend the magnitude of her mother's betrayal. How could the woman who had once cradled her in her arms now view her with such disdain?

As if to punctuate her mother's words, the little girl unleashed a burst of mana energy, enveloping Hilda in a swirling vortex of power. Hilda cried out in pain as the energy washed over her, the sensation like shards of glass cutting into her skin.

"Mana field?!" Hilda gasped, her vision swimming as the world spun around her.

But just as quickly as it had appeared, the mana field dissipated, leaving Hilda standing alone in its wake, shaken but unharmed.

"Norma!" the little girl cried out, her voice filled with fear as she collapsed to the ground in a dead faint.

Hilda's heart ached at the sight of the unconscious child before her, her own pain momentarily forgotten in the face of the little girl's distress.

"Ma-mama…" Hilda whispered, her voice barely a whisper as she took a hesitant step towards her mother, her eyes pleading for understanding.

But her mother's response was swift and harsh.

"Stay away!" her mother shouted, her voice filled with anger and fear.

Hilda froze, her heart breaking as she realized the depth of her mother's rejection.

The woman's desperate plea echoed through the room, her words a painful reminder of the fractured bond between mother and daughter. Hilda's heart clenched with anguish as she watched her mother bow before her, her forehead touching the floor in a gesture of supplication.

Unable to bear the weight of her mother's sorrow, Hilda sank to her knees, her own tears mingling with those of her mother as they pooled on the cold, hard ground.

"Mama… How could you…" Hilda's voice trembled with hurt and confusion, her heart breaking with each passing moment.

But her mother's response was swift and merciless.

"I told you to leave!!" her mother's voice cracked with emotion, her eyes blazing with anger as she hurled hurtful words at her daughter.

"You shouldn't even have been born! Get out!" With a cry of anguish, her mother grabbed a nearby piece of apple pie and hurled it at Hilda, the sticky remnants splattering across her once-clean dress.

Hilda recoiled from the assault, her heart shattering into a million pieces as she stumbled backwards, the weight of her mother's rejection crushing her spirit.

With a cry of despair, Hilda turned and fled from the house, her footsteps echoing in the empty streets as she ran blindly into the night. Tears streamed down her face, her sobs echoing in the darkness as she struggled to make sense of the pain that consumed her.

"Arrrrrgggg!" she cried out into the night sky, her voice a raw, primal expression of her anguish and despair. The heavens responded with a torrential downpour, the raindrops mingling with her tears as she trudged onwards, her heart heavy with grief.

Alone and broken, Hilda wandered aimlessly through the streets, her dreams shattered and her hopes dashed. She didn't know where she was going or what she would do next—all she knew was that she couldn't bear to stay in a place where she was unwanted, unloved, and alone.

As Hilda wandered aimlessly through the desolate landscape, her heart heavy with despair, she stumbled upon a figure she had never expected to encounter again—Lucia. Despite the rain pouring down around them, Lucia stood, her gaze fixed upon Hilda with a mixture of concern and compassion.

Hilda's exhaustion was palpable as she struggled to comprehend the events that had unfolded, the weight of her mother's rejection still bearing down upon her like a heavy burden. But as Lucia approached, offering a silent gesture of comfort, Hilda found herself unable to resist the solace of her embrace.

"How come… you appear here… Does… Ange found her sister…?" Hilda's voice was barely a whisper, the words weighed down by the exhaustion that threatened to consume her.

"Yes… She did," Lucia confirmed softly, her voice filled with empathy as she reached out to Hilda, offering her a comforting embrace.

Hilda leaned into Lucia's arms, her body trembling with exhaustion and grief. In that moment, all she wanted was to forget the pain and turmoil that had engulfed her—to find solace in the warmth and safety of Lucia's embrace.

With gentle hands, Lucia lifted Hilda into her arms, cradling her like a fragile flower as they made their way back to the waiting transport aircraft. And as they disappeared into the darkness, leaving behind the rain-soaked streets and the painful memories they held, Hilda allowed herself to drift into a peaceful slumber, safe in the knowledge that she was not alone—that amidst the chaos and uncertainty of the world, there was still someone who cared for her, someone who would always be there to offer comfort and support in her darkest hour.


A few hours ago, after parting ways with Hilda,

(Lucia's POV)

Ange, Momoka, and I successfully sneaked into the Iaria sports building. We entered to find a ride capable of moving freely in the air.

Despite being a Norma, Momoka and I, as mana users, stayed by Ange's side. It occurred to me that I hadn't disclosed to Ange that I wasn't a mana user, a fact I had completely forgotten.

"Open," Momoka whispered as she raised her hand towards the closed door, which promptly swung open.

"Hmm? Who's there? Reika? Maki?" asked a young girl with short hair, who was in the midst of cleaning one of the Iaria rides she often used.

It was now evening, and I couldn't help but wonder if Hilda had made it home safely. Was she possibly apprehended by the police? I needed to expedite our progress. Just as I was contemplating this, Ange entered the room and spotted her old friend. Ange must have been thinking that her friend might not share the same sentiments about mana users as others did.



"It's been a while, Akiho," Ange said with a smile as she walked into the room.

"A-Angelise-sama?!" Akiho exclaimed, visibly shocked and trembling as if she had seen a ghost. She was afraid of Ange, a Norma, especially with Ange so close to her.

Trying to calm herself down, Akiho didn't know what Ange might do to her. After all, she had been taught from a young age that Norma were violent beings, akin to barbarians or even worse.

"You're still working after school? As diligent as ever," Ange said gently, reminiscent of their interactions in the past.

"Y-yes! You've cut your hair... but it looks good on you..." Akiho replied, still trembling. However, she couldn't hold herself steady and fell backward, overwhelmed by fear.

"P-please, forgive me!" Akiho pleaded repeatedly, her fear evident as she looked at Ange.

Ange felt a pang of sadness seeing her friend so terrified of her, despite having done nothing wrong. She tried to explain that she was still the same Ange, even as a Norma, but Akiho was too frightened to comprehend. She accepted whatever Ange said while trembling, forcing a smile when Ange mentioned their friendship.

Momoka and I remained silent, observing Ange and her friend (?) quietly. Ange's expression grew more sorrowful as she realized that her friend was still afraid of her. Deciding not to pressure Akiho further, Ange stood up, her heart heavy with the weight of their strained relationship.


"Akiho, I have a request," Ange said with a small smile.

"Y-yes?" Akiho asked, still nervous.

"Please don't tell anyone that I was here," Ange gently pleaded, not wanting to exacerbate her friend's fear any further.

"O-of course! I won't tell anyone! I promise!" Akiho exclaimed.

Ange smiled gratefully at her friend's assurance before turning to look at Momoka and me, who were inspecting the Iaria ride. Aside from its ability to float in the air, everything else seemed normal.

"How does it work?" I asked Momoka, unfamiliar with this type of ride. It was my first time seeing one, but I was confident I could ride it, given my experience with motorcycles. As Momoka began to explain, Ange approached us.

"Is it ready to ride now?" Ange inquired.

"Yes, it is. But what about Lucia-sama?" Momoka asked.

"Don't worry, I can ride one as well," I assured them, walking towards the Iaria next to the one Ange and Momoka would use.

"Ehh!? Lucia-sama is a Mana user?!" Momoka exclaimed in shock.

Ange and I hadn't mentioned it before, so Momoka was surprised to learn that I was a mana user. Of course, the mana people used in this world was continuously extracted from Aura and supplied to them, whereas I could generate my own mana.

"Well, something like that," I replied with smile.

"I thought Lucia-sama was a Norma as well," Momoka said, still processing the revelation.

As they chatted, Akiho discreetly attempted to call the police, though her hands were positioned behind her back, as if she were hiding, even though the calling panel was clearly visible. Ange noticed her actions and walked towards her. Akiho looked at Ange, her face filled with fear, and remained silent.

"You're just like the rest... I thought..." Ange muttered in a low tone, her sadness evident as she felt betrayed by her own friend.

"Don't come near me. You monster!" Akiho shouted at Ange as she stood up, abandoning any pretense.

Ange considered knocking her out, fearing she might interfere with their plan to rescue her little sister, but before she could act, Akiho collapsed to the floor, asleep. Ange was surprised and turned to Lucia, suspecting her involvement.

"She will sleep for a while. We need to hurry, let's go," Lucia said, prompting Ange to nod in agreement.

Momoka and Ange climbed onto the Iaria ride, which began to float upward. Lucia mounted another ride and joined them in the air. Operating the Iaria wasn't difficult; it could be controlled easily as long as the rider supplied mana to it.

They flew out of the building and sped towards a location known only to the Royal family—a small waterfall with a tunnel built inside it. While others might see it as merely a beautiful waterfall, Ange recognized it as a passage she used to sneak out of the palace where she once lived. Momoka expressed surprise when Ange explained this. Normally, they would encounter a few police officers attempting to apprehend them along the way, but this time, Lucia didn't spot anyone pursuing them.

"Plot changed?" Lucia pondered as she noticed discrepancies between her current situation and the events in the "High School of the Dead" anime world. Many plot lines seemed different.

They emerged from the tunnel and flew over a lake, which served as the entrance to the passage. Lucia found the logic behind this perplexing. Ange had mentioned sneaking out through this passage as a child, but it seemed impossible to exit. 

The entrance was submerged beneath flowing water, covered by the tunnel. Located beneath a bridge pillar across the lake near the main palace, reaching the tunnel required young Ange to cross the large lake and leap into the passage. Ange didn't use mana light, so she couldn't illuminate her way. How she managed to sneak out remained a mystery, one Lucia decided was best left forgotten.

After exiting the tunnel, they reached the lake's shore, halted their vehicles, and hurried towards the palace. Ange contemplated silently sneaking into the palace, unaware that it was a trap.

The masterminds behind the trap were her own siblings, Julio and Sylvia. They anticipated Ange's arrival through the secret passage. As Ange, Lucia, and Momoka rushed towards the palace, two tanks materialized out of thin air, blocking their path just as they approached the back entrance.

They used stealth-like technology on the tanks, enabling them to blend into the background. Soldiers descended from the tanks, aiming their guns at Ange, Lucia, and Momoka.

"What the…" Ange exclaimed, shocked, and Momoka mirrored her reaction.

Lucia remained silent, already aware of this development.

"Sister! Help me!" Sylvia's voice echoed from the platform on the second floor of the palace.

Ange felt a surge of worry for her sister, seeing Sylvia surrounded by soldiers with guns. Without hesitation, Ange began to fire her own weapon, causing the soldiers to retreat behind the tanks. Those surrounding Sylvia also backed away, seemingly afraid of being hit by bullets. Sylvia's smile returned, as if she felt liberated from the soldiers' threats.

"Sylvia! Jump down, I'll catch you!" Ange shouted, and Sylvia's floating chair descended slowly from the second floor.

Lucia observed the scene, feeling unsettled by the soldiers' unnatural behavior and Sylvia's demeanor.

'Isn't this too staged? Perhaps Ange was so worried that she failed to recognize these acts for what they truly were. Maybe it was also because she trusted her sister completely,' Lucia thought.

As Ange ran towards Sylvia, who was descending with her floating chair, her expression filled with relief at the prospect of rescuing her sister. But just as Ange was about to embrace Sylvia, her sister suddenly attempted to stab her. Lucia reacted swiftly, pulling Ange out of harm's way. Though Ange remained unharmed physically, she was deeply shocked by her sister's betrayal.

"Sylvia… why?" Ange asked, disbelief evident in her voice, as she held onto Lucia.

"Don't call me sister. You monster! Why were you even born?" Sylvia shouted angrily at Ange, her earlier facade of happiness now shattered.

Sylvia began to lament, blaming Ange for every misfortune that had befallen their family. From their mother's death to her own paralysis and the family's overall unhappiness—Sylvia attributed it all to Ange's existence. Tears streamed down her face as she expressed her sorrow, as though she genuinely believed that everything would have been better if Ange had never been born.

Ange couldn't believe her ears, stunned by Sylvia's words. She never imagined her sister harbored such feelings. Shocked to her core, Ange's legs grew weak, and she nearly collapsed to the ground. However, Lucia quickly stepped in, supporting Ange from behind, preventing her from falling. Meanwhile, Momoka, in a state of panic, fretted over Ange's shocked expression.

"You look pathetic…" a man's voice echoed, drawing Ange's attention. She turned to see the speaker—a man who spoke with disdain as he regarded Ange and her group. His lips curled into a smirk, his gaze then shifting to Lucia, who stood beside Ange, composed and unwavering. 

Behind Julio stood a strikingly beautiful woman, serving as Julio's secretary. Her name was Liz, but her true identity was Riza Randog, a female dragon from the true world. She had infiltrated this world as a spy, seeking to uncover the location of Aura.

"Older brother Julio…" Ange gasped, surprised by his sudden appearance.

"Yes, that expression. I've longed to see that dumbfounded face," Julio remarked, his attention returning to Ange. To him, Lucia's presence held little significance because she, too, was a Norma. In this world, regardless of their physical appearance, Normas were shunned—a belief instilled in them from a young age. Additionally, Julio remained unaffected by Lucia's charm, which only seemed to affect women and not men.

"It's worth it to lure you out. Let's put you on trial," Julio declared with a loud laugh, signaling for his soldiers to advance.

The reason Lucia remained passive and followed the plot was to help Ange and Hilda realize that their families didn't truly love them as they believed. Despite this, Lucia couldn't shake her regret for complying with the plan. She knew that if she didn't follow the plot, these people would try to get close to them and betray Ange and Hilda one way or another. After all, they would become the same Norma as soon as Aura was rescued.

As the sky began to darken, Lucia couldn't help but think of Hilda, likely facing expulsion by now.

"Haa… I can't hold back anymore," Lucia suddenly exclaimed, drawing everyone's attention.

"What?" Julio questioned, his brow furrowed in confusion.

"Fucking bastard…" Lucia cursed, conjuring a wind blade in the shape of a crescent moon and directing it towards Julio.

The blade sliced through Julio's legs, causing him to collapse in agony, his screams echoing through the air. Shock washed over everyone present, as they never anticipated such a drastic turn of events.

"Arrrggg!!" Julio screamed in agony as blood gushed from his wounds.

"Kyaaa!!" Sylvia shrieked in terror, her eyes wide with fear at her brother's gruesome appearance.

The soldiers rushed to aid Julio, while others attempted to open fire on Lucia, Ange, and Momoka. However, their bullets were repelled by a wind barrier surrounding the trio, ricocheting back and striking down the soldiers.

Those who survived the onslaught began to label Lucia and her companions as devils or monsters. Riza, informed by her higher-ups about Lucia's capabilities, smiled slightly, pleased that her clan's wishes were coming to fruition. Sylvia had already fainted, and the remaining soldiers hesitated to shoot, fearing their own demise.

As Riza approached Lucia's group, ignoring the protests of the soldiers, she was met with whispers of warning.

"Liz-sama! They are dangerous!" one soldier shouted, but Riza paid him no mind.

"Arg," Julio groaned weakly, on the brink of losing consciousness due to blood loss. Nevertheless, he observed Riza bowing respectfully to his enemies, her smile radiant.

"It's an honor to meet you, my lord," Riza said with deference, bowing deeply.

"You don't need to use 'my lord.' Anyway, where is the ride?" Lucia replied, cutting straight to the chase.

"Secretary Liz…" Ange murmured softly, surprised to see Lucia acquainted with her brother Julio's secretary.

As they followed Riza to the aircraft, Ange couldn't help but wonder about Riza's use of the term "my lord" when addressing Lucia. It puzzled her, as she wasn't aware of any reason for such formality.

"It's this way, please come with me. It's been a while, Angelise-sama," Riza said, leading them towards the aircraft she had prepared.

"I'll explain on the way," Lucia reassured Ange gently, and Ange nodded, trusting Lucia's guidance.

And so, they departed for Hilda's hometown to retrieve her and return to Arzenal. The true battle lay ahead, and they were prepared to face it head-on.
