
Traveling How To Train Your Dragon World As Mochizuki Touya With Venom

Leo Alvarez, a boy 13-year old boy with a rare disease that makes him bed ridden, is involved in a heavenly accident. Said accident allows him to travel through worlds from both anime and movies to his heart's content. Follow along as Leo lives in one of his first worlds {HTTYD} and does does things he always dreamed about. Warnings: -MC is stacked with OP abilities, (Won't always use them} -MC is in it to have fun and experience things his bed ridden self couldn't do, so it won't always be action packed -This is my secondary story so I won't update too often maybe once or twice a week, hope you understand. -This is my second story so go easy on me haha, that said let me know what you think and what I could do better :-) Disclaimer: I do not own the How To Train Your Dragon Franchise, or any other the other anime or movie worlds the MC travels through

Dungeo · Movies
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5 Chs


After rubbing the dusty lamp an odd laughing noise came out of it as it turned red in color. He held it in place as the lamp started to shoot out fireworks. After the fireworks had gone away it began to emit a red fog that became blue.

From that fog, a giant blue humanoid materialized itself and began massaging his neck. 

"Aw! 10,000 years will give you such a creak in the neck….Huh, is it me or are my masters getting younger? How old are you young fella? Where are your parents?", exclaimed the Genie as he summoned binoculars and began looking around the Island."

Leo gave a sad smile and lay down on the ground, "It's just me on this Island."

"Oh is that so, well thanks for getting me out of that lamp. It really is nice to get out of there at last hehe." 

As the Genie spoke he lay next to Leo and began to whistle as he looked at the sky. He was clearly uncomfortable with the gloomy atmosphere. 

"Ahem…my name is Genie, what's yours?" 

"Hey Genie, my name is Leo." 

"Cool, Cool…..sooooo if you don't mind me asking how exactly did you get my lamp?"

"I followed an evil man when he was looking for it and took it away. I've heard stories about how powerful you are when I was with my family so I couldn't let him have it."

The Genie seemed shocked by what he heard but simply nodded, "Well you should avoid dangerous situations like that, but good job. So do you have any wishes that need granting?....like maybe a horse? A giant Robot? Having an endless supply of candy?"

Listening to the Genie and seeing what he was making appear out of thin air made Leo chuckle.

"Just because I'm 13 doesn't mean I want to wish for such immature things haha." 

The Genie made everything disappear and he nodded and sat on the cliff again. This time he made feet appear so that he could sway them like Leo was doing. 

"Okay, Mr. All Mature what's your first wish?" 

"Genie, I wish to be immune to all kinds of magical attacks that could harm me physically or mentally." 

The Genie seemed surprised for a second but after a bit, he regained his composure and smiled, "That's a good one, okay prepare for it to be granted." 

After pointing at him a purple light appeared from the Genie's finger and zapped Leo. After being zapped Leo couldn't feel a difference but the Genie's thumbs up meant that it had been completed.

"Anything else my young amigo?" 

Leo nodded, "Genie I wish to be able to alter the minds of any living being."

The Genie smiled nervously and twirled the little hair he had, "Uh, sorry buddy but that one is a tough one. I'm not sure you know but one of the rules that I have to follow is that I'm not allowed to make anyone love anyone. So, I can grant you your wish except that you won't be able to make someone love you."

Leo nodded, "That's fine." 

"If you're okay with that then let's continue then." 

This time after being zapped Leo was given an understanding of how to use his new powers. 

"Okay then Genie for my last wish…"

"Hold it, Hold it" 

He looked at the Genie and saw the blue man holding a stop sign, "Easy kid, give me a break here. I just got out after 10,000 years of being stuck there and I'm about to go back in after less than 10 minutes of being out!." 

Leo sighed and nodded, "Sorry my bad, then how about you stay with me? I'll free you and you can go on a trip or whatever but after you will have to come with me and be my friend no matter what, okay?" 

The Genie seemed to be caught off guard by what he had just said. His eyes became teary and he grabbed Leo by the shoulders. 

"Do you really mean that Kid?" 

Leo smiled and nodded, "I know what it's like to be trapped in one place as you wish for the freedom that everyone else has. While you won't be perfectly free, you'll be more free than you are now." 

The Genie nodded, "Listen young Leo, as long as I'm set free I don't care what you do. You'll be my family and the most important person to me. That I promise you." 

"Even if people get hurt? Just for my own enjoyment?" 

The Genie was clearly taken aback by the question and he hesitated for a few seconds but he sighed and nodded. "If that's what it comes to then so be it. After so many years of being imprisoned, I just want to live my life. If I'm free then my first choice is to become part of your family, if you'll have me of course." 

"Then Genie I wish you to be free as long as you don't betray me"

The lamp suddenly began to give out a golden glow and it floated towards the Genie. It began to emit a magenta-colored smoke that twirled around the Genie's body. After the fog dispersed in a big explosion the cuffs that the Genie had on his wrists unlocked and disintegrated before they touched the ground. 

"Oh, Leo! I'm free! You can't imagine how long I've dreamt of this moment." Cheered the Genie as he gave Leo a big hug.

"I'm going to go around the world and tour every tourist area there is. I know! I'll visit every beach and work on my tan. Oh and then I'll….." The excitement died off when the genie realized that he had just left Leo out of his great plans. 

Leo chuckled and shook his head, "Like I said Genie you are free to do what you want as long as you don't betray me. I'm okay here, just come back when you feel like you have had your fun. Make a family if you want but let me know when you do. I plan to start a lizardman invasion soon and I don't want to hurt your family or people you're close with." 

"A lizardman invasion? Why would you do that?" 

"I was always looked down upon by the people outside my family for being weak. For the first time in my life, I want people to see me as a hero, someone strong they can depend on. I know it's stupid to feel this way but it's the way I feel." 

The Genie seemed worried but with Leo's confident expression the Genie simply nodded and as he was about to say something he disappeared. 

Leo sighed and laid down as he grabbed the now magicless lamp, "Phew, finally got rid of him, I can't relax with an unpredictable variable like him. I was sure that he wouldn't go back in the lamp. But it'll be good to know if the wishes he grants stay even after he becomes free. Not to mention that he'll be weaker in case he ever becomes a problem. Still, it might've been fun to have him around, but his mentality might have gotten in the way later on."

After placing the useless lamp away he brought out the second one that he had collected. 

"I'm a little nervous since I once read that the genies can transcend dimensions. Would this one know what I did with the other one?" 

After hesitating a few moments Leo sighed and rubbed the magic lamp. The same effects appeared like before and then a giant Blue man appeared. 

"Aw! 10,000 years will give you such a creak in the neck….Oh hey there fella, how did you get your hands on the lamp? Where are your parents?" 

'Yes! Looks like it worked.'








"Leo you have no idea how long I have wished for this momen…"

Before the Genie could finish his sentence Leo sent him to his dimensional space where he hoped the Genie would be frozen inside his own pocket dimension. 

["Nice one hehe"]

From inside his coat, a black runny substance poked out creating a head with eyes that seemed similar to an Orca's and several sets of large pointy teeth. 

"It's not like I enjoyed doing that, someday I might really set them free. Still with this last genie, I got you, who is now loyal, and who is no longer weak to sound or fire. Otherwise, you would be screwed in this world."

["Yes, and let's not forget being able to materialize drawings to life. It's an all-you-can-eat-brain buffet. I'm getting hungry just thinking about it, why not draw some now?"]

Just imagining doing that made Leo want to puke but he kept it in. There were several reasons why he had wished for Venom from the Venom Movi. One was because of his healing and strength abilities. Then, there was also having a friend, If he really was going to plan to live nearly an eternal life he was going to need someone to share his moments with. Genie was a possibility but from what he had seen Genie had a good heart, unlike Venom who was okay going into the not-so-good path.

["So what's next?"]

"For now we fish, I tried it once a long time ago."

["Oh fish brains! Sounds good, let's go"]

Suddenly Leo's white coat was engulfed in the black substance until a buff-alien-looking creature materialized itself around him. It then ran off the cliff and dove into the water. 

'Not exactly what I had in mind but this is way more fun haha.'