
Chapter 24: Life in the Vale 4

~~~Jon POV~~~

Sitting quietly in his solar, Jon ponders on the happenings of the past several months. The relocation of several of the mountain clans was well received by the people. As expected after months of no attack and word of them leaving spread, the people of the Vale found renewed vigor in their lives. Added to that is the constant news flooding from the mountains regarding the hunt of the remaining savage clans.

That is another matter for him. The hunt or skirmish against the savage clans had now turned into a full blown war. The original numbers they had were mistaken. For despite the number of battles they had fought and no matter how many they killed. There seems to be more pouring from them. The total count of the savages that had been killed now numbers to seven thousand.

Now this concern was drowned out by the warriors currently fighting in the Mountains of the Moon. Of the two thousand that had fought against this clan, none have died. None. An absurd a tale as any but Robert and Ned's letters supported this. Though despite such an achievement the injured numbered half of them.

There are now people actually gathering at a small town at the foot of the mountain. This town was the 'bloody town' as the masses had called it. It's closeness to the Mountain made it a prime target for the savages and so with the history of clashes in between knights and savages, the number of blood shed upon it was too great to ignore.

But now it has changed. The town is growing. People has begun to come to it but that is mainly because it has become the haven for those injured from the battles. And those that came are those that ones lived there in first place and they are doing their best to give aid as they can. As a man was bought down the people would cheer the men for their bravery. For every person that came down hope rose instead of fall. For each were told that even now, none has yet died.

The leadership of Ronan Sieghart, Eddard Stark and Robert Baratheon has spread. Even septons began taking advantage of this actions stating them blessed but of course none really put much mind to them much to the septons anger.

After all the people fighting this war were not Andals, but the first men themselves.

The lords wanted to throw support at the war. But Jon knew what some of them really wanted, glory. This is the most important war we had ever fought for the Vale. Victory would grant them lasting peace within the very lands itself and the very names that fought in it would be remembered. The warriors that had put an end to a conflict that had lasted for thousands of years.

Of course not everything was that simple. Things would have ended two moons ago had Lord Sieghart been consistent in his work but what Jon didn't expect were for his own Lords to be the very obstacle that stood in the way of Ronan's success. The foolish action of one of his own Lords that has tied his hands into inaction.

Two months ago word has reached him of a conflict that ensued between Lord Belmore and Lord Sieghart. The battle has reached to the north-east part of the mountains. Close to Strongsong. The company of warriors had decided to make camp close to it. But came morning Lord Belmore has used his authority as Lord of the land to cease Lord Sieghart's men. Being a foreigner, his titles fell short to giving him any authority to defend himself from it. That and the fact that they were still Mountain clansmen of the Vale.

But Robert and Ned didn't take that lightly. A shouting match ensued between Lord Belmore and Robert all the while Ned supported his foster brother and all this happened in public. As soon as Jon received word of the tension he sent a raven immediately. In the end to prevent a clash against the knights of Strongsong, a trial by combat was demanded by him.

The fight, no, the execution was public and above all brutal. The unfortunate knight was to fight an enraged Ronan Sieghart. And according to word of mouth, the knight was cut to several pieces in a 'whirlwind of swords' long before he fell to the ground. The warriors under Ronan Sieghart were then pardoned and went off to continue their 'Hunt'. But that didn't mean the tension eased, no, if anything it grew to a personal conflict between a House of the Vale and a foreign lord. All because the knight that died was a nephew of the current Lord Belmore. Jon couldn't help but rubb his forehead, already feeling the headache of the coming confrontation. 'I think it's time Lord Belmore stepped down and let his son take over, the lad after all has a good head on his shoulders.'

*knock* *knock* *knock*

Jon was taken out of thoughts and bid the man "Enter."

The maester then walked in and bowed holding messages at hand. He then handed it to Jon and stood in waiting.

Jon saw one message from the Starks and another from house Martell and Targaryen. He frown at the last one. Six months ago, Lyanna Stark received message from both Prince Rhaegar and Princess Elia. She had been angry for seeing her correspondence with the princess has been opened already. But what drew her concern was the one sent by the prince. She was reluctant to open it due to his troubling display towards her friend Lady Sieghart but read it still she did.

What she had read has frightened her to the point she had to seek councel so she came to Jon. He himself was equally scared and angry at what he had read. A married man making declarations of love to another and a prince, THE crown prince to boot.

Lyanna wanted no part in it. She and Robert had been getting extremely along as of late and she has no intention of destroying her friendship with Princess Elia herself. And so she rejected his declarations as curtly as she could but sadly things weren't so simple. Even after six months of constant rejection, the prince continues to send her letters. Jon doesn't understand, news had gone far and wide regarding Princess Elia's near death childbirth. He now has a son, an heir, surely that would have been enough but then again, he never really understood what 'madness' truly is.

*sigh* Jon looked to the maester. "You may leave maester, I shall personally take them to Lyanna myself."

"My lord, I can do this for you instead. Something so trivial, should be relegated."

"I understand maester but I also intend to stretch my legs myself. It is as good a chance as any."

" . . . Of course my lord. By your leave." Jon nodded in approval.

~~~Line break~~~

The clashing of steel is palpable in the air, as is the smell of sweat but not as much. No, not in the mountains of the Eyrie. Him and his men watched from sidelines the clashing of a knight of the Vale and Lyanna Stark herself in the training field.

Lyanna Stark, the she wolf of Winterfell, is a true Northern beauty. She is currently exchanging swords against one of the Knights of the Eyrie and from the looks of it, Lyanna is currently winning. Her favored weapon, an essosi sword. Rapier. One she coupled with her dagger.

The fighting style is much like the Water Dancers of Braavos but with a slight difference. Water dancing uses the opponents strength against them but the style has one glaring weakness, it barely has any offensive moves. And that is the difference, the Ruby Knights are ferocious warriors. A fact proven against the very knights that sneered at the thought of warrior women. His eyes soon landed at the only female knight on the Eyrie. This lone Ruby Knight's name is Missa, a former slave from Meeren who was sold to Pentos and then who's debt was sold to House Sieghart. She had bested every knight that challenged her standing title as a knight. And amongs her order, she is the one who volunteered to stay and teach Lyanna Stark herself.

And under her tutelage, the She-wolf's fangs and claws had truly sharpened. Lyanna has not let up on the offensive. Soon the knight's frustration got the better of him and fell on one of Lyanna's faints. His sword was parried harshly and was disarmed from his hands by her dagger all the while her rapier found it's mark upon his neck.

"Yield!" Lyanna said.

"...I yield." the knight reluctantly said.

People applaused the display and what a fight it was indeed. Minutes later, he approached Lyanna as soon as the crowed thinned out after letting her bask in her victory.

"Hello my dear, a fine morning I must say." said Jon as he gave her a small hug.

"Jon! Finally finished with work?" She replied as she hugged back.

"No my dear, only stretching my legs. Walk with me." She nodded in acceptance.

They soon arrived at the nearby garden, located at the edge of the castle. Sitting on the bench, overlooking the green fields below and the mountains that surround it. It was a refreshing sight for Lyanna. It was here that he gave two messages to Lyanna.

Lyanna happily read the one she received from the princess. Jon did not dare ask about it's contents but seeing her smile as she read, he couldn't help but feel curious and so he probes Lyanna for a bit of answers later on with the day.

As expected, she frowned seeing the one from prince Rhaegar. After reading it, she gave the letter to him with fear evident in her eyes and again his anger and disappointment at the prince resurfaced. They decided to ignore the letter, knowing there is little to be done with it.

"No letter from Robert? or from Ned?" Lyanna asked.

Jon laughed softly at that. "My dear you had just replied to their letter yesterday, I doubt they had even received it already." Lyanna blushed at his reply. "But I do encourage you to continue your studies and martial training. After all in two months time, your brother Brandon will reach Riverrun."

"I will! Thank you Jon." she replied as she hugged Jon.

"Don't be my dear. After all, all that you take from here unto home, will be the one's made with your own effort." She nodded enthusiastically. "Go on, and leave this old man to his own thoughts."

As Lyanna left, Jon stayed and watched as the sun shone upon his lands. With the sounds of birds and the wind as his company. He couldn't help but hope, that the future would be better. He prayed and hoped, despite feeling the coming war upon his bones.