
Traveler System

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s) Jason Borne a normal human given the chance to travel across the worlds of fiction into reality how will he progress through the worlds with extreme caution and safety for some adventure thrills.

Jovami6729 · Anime & Comics
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129 Chs

Chapter 4: Trouble

~Third POV~


Riots were happening all over Hope's Peak Academy as the Steering Committee dirty dealings have been brought to light about the Izuru Kamukura Project and the Reverse Course Students were raging out against the school about the project.

But however, they weren't the only ones rioting about the project the Ultimates were also rebelling and wanting to leave the school because of the Project that was brought to the light.

But more so was Chiaki Nanami becoming sad as she learned from google that the subject of the Izuru Kamukura project Hajime Hinata her friend has already been killed off by the agents under the Steering Committee.

The news about the project and the shady dealings weren't just inside google for them the world to see but rather to each of EVERY student in Hope's Peak Academy to see what their precious hope truly was and what the reverse course student has been paying for.

Clearly the students would see what kind of corruption the school really was once they learned the truth of what happened.

Meanwhile inside the school nurse office there was two facility member undercover for the orders of their friend Juzo Sakakura the one injured to the bed as the security chief of the school and Chisa Yukizome the homeroom teacher of Class 77-B.

Juzo was looking outside where the students are rioting as he grits his teeth at the situation the school was placed in, "Fucking hell. Everything is going to hell by the fucking news that spread all over the school as well as that fucking project. Fuck Munakata was right that something dark was here in the school but this fuck."

Chisa could only sigh at this but she views the students clearly enraged by the news demanding answers from the Steering Committee as she responds to the scene, "Yeah when you gave me the information about the I.D. card for one of the Steering Committee I found out all about the news myself about human experimentations but now…"

No words were needed to be said as they can both clearly see that the majority of the information about the project was now in the public domain and they reacted badly because of the secret that a supposed school of humanity future holds.


Shaking her head at the scene of students rioting she then began to speak with Juzo trying to lift their moods, "But we should be glad that all the details of the project hasn't been fully shown about everything. Whoever pulled this off has to be incredibly talented to hack not only the school system but also their past dealings but not create anymore superhumans as well."

Juzo could only scoff at that implying that Chisa already knew the person in question who could've made this possible, "Tch. You're talking about the <Ultimate Hope> right? I mean no one other than that kid that did this to me can be the one to do it, but we don't even have a way to fucking track this supposed Superhuman to begin with."

Chisa nods her head at this as well as she shows a nervous expression as she spoke with each word getting more nervous, "Yeah and not only that the info on the internet says that he has all the supposed talent of every student that came to this school. The info on the net also explains the incident with one of my students as well because of his talent made three other students expelled."

Juzo nodded at this because he recalls such an incident because of a student talent Nagito Luck caused three talented students to be expelled.

The info about it also went into great detail as for how it happened for the practical exam.

During their practical exam in their second year, an incident involving Nagito's plot to stop the exam caused Seiko's super-laxative drug to be mixed into Ruruka's pastry, instead of a strength drug.

This, combined with Seiko unfortunately receiving Nagito's bomb switch (which was later triggered, resulting in an explosion), resulted in Seiko, Ruruka, and Sonosuke being expelled from Hope's Peak Academy.

Because of that event that happened during their Practical Exam in their 2nd year, all three of them were expelled.

Juzo used his good arm to read the events that happened at the with his phone while the other one was broken as he continued to read, "Damn that student of yours is clearly not in the right head if everything here is true. I mean it because I read the real thing but how does someone like Nagito get off free while Seiko and the other two were to take the blame."

Chisa then begins to discuss the topic more as Juzo was paying attention to her, "Yeah, I bet Seiko would really be glad to have her justice now. But it seems our superhuman seems to have a grudge against the school it seems."

Juzo ponders on Chisa words before slowly nodding his head as he began to speak out his ideas in his head, "Yeah… for the brief encounter I had with the kid he seems to really hate me about how I treated the other reverse course students… do you think it was possible that it was one of the reverse course students that caused this."

To that question Chisa shakes her head in disagreement at the idea as she begins to respond in an affirmative tone, "Impossible because just yesterday I managed to get the information and almost everything written in the internet has been made to be read in the public domain. There is no way for a Reverse Course Student to learn other than Hajime but…"

Juzo just looks down in despair at the news and video that was provided by the latest test subject Hajime Hinata but it reveals that he was no longer needed as they simply silenced him and his family at the request of the Steering Committee as they further explained to use Jin Kirigiri as their scapegoat for the fall.

Clearly everything that the Steering Committee has been working towards is now all crumbling down the drain as everything they had was stolen as well as their public address has been announced online for anyone to see.


That was until Chisa received a call from Kyosuke Mudakata as she answers the phone as they listen to his voice with clear discomfort, "Morning Chisa, I have to ask what is happening to the school and is Juzo nearby?"

Hearing his voice, the two calmed down as Juzo spoke to Mundakata with clear hope in his voice as he spoke, "Yeah were here Kyosuke, we were discussing what the literal hell is happening here in Hope's Peak Academy and with the whole Izuru Kamakura Project."

Responding to Jozu voice Mundakata replied in a harsh tone but then one to disbelief as he spoke in clear dissatisfaction, "I know that already I can listen to it on the morning news once the information has been spread out. This could be very bad for us because of our original goal was for I to become the leader of Hope's Peak Academy but then all this happened out of the blue. What I want to know is this did you two figured out who was the cause for this on the news?"

The two looked unsure but then began to explain to Mundakata of who it would likely be but with no info to work on the identity of the person.

Meanwhile Jason was enjoying his time in the apartment of Japan as he enjoys the cultures of the place as he gawks in beauty, "Still I have to admit I would never see myself being in Japan of all places when I grew up. But here I am inside a culture like home I have to say I do like its taste."

As Jason was gawking at his room he returns back to his laptop as he began to see the media take advantage of the chaos as everyone is wanting answers for the questionable methods of the human experimentation and other shady dealings that Hope's Peak Academy is doing.

Observing the whole thing from the laptop he then hears the news of what is happening as he listens in on what is going on, "On recent news about the truth and shady dealing in Hope's Peak Academy a government-sanctioned co-ed private city-center high school with boarding facilities are asked into questioning as well as the arrest charges of the Steering Committee for multiple counts of illegal activities and more…"

Seeing this Jason smiles at this as the news also covers into the fact of what happened in the earlier year as they began to discuss the other murder, "Also in breaking news more info about the Twilight Syndrome Murder Case that happened a few months back was now brought into questioning. With the latest news from the web if the source is credible would mean that the famous Hope's Peak Academy covered up the real truth behind this case as they attempted to swept this under the rug."

Jason smirks at this as he also placed the truth of what truly happened on that day of the Twilight Syndrome Murder Case as it will make people and certain individual focus whose to blame for his sister death as well as some knowledge from his world helping edit the case for people to follow with actual names.

The news continued to read on to the info about the Twilight Syndrome Murder Case as they were also shocked by the news, "According to the news of the info we got along with the dirty secrets of Hope's Peak Academy covering that case the sister of the Kuzuryu Yakuza wanting to stay close to her brother, Natsumi Kuzuryu managed to get into Hope's Peak Academy, albeit as a reserve course student. Resolved to get into the main course, she had joked her willingness to force someone to drop out of the main course, implying to murder Mahiru Koizumi. However, Sato, being overly protective of Mahiru had come into conflict with Natsumi, starting from verbal threats to physical attack. In one of the occasions, Sato swears to protect Mahiru from Natsumi no matter the cost."

Jason closes his laptop as he began to print out his forged I.D. for the country his in as well as the credit card with all the money, he stole from the Steering Committee that were left for the dogs to eat.

He closes his door of his apartment as he still has his bag inside with his belongings as he ponders about the items in his bag, 'Damn I guess I really didn't need some gold bars with me after all, but I can't exactly leave it alone best to have it on me. I'll think of something to use them for later but the pistols definitely on my person. Also, the haircut I have was done to make sure that no one knows it was me as well as burn the evidence no need to have a clone running around.'

With that Jason left the apartment building as he plans to go sightseeing for a while before he goes over his next step of his plans which is just relaxing and figuring out where he can find some fun.

Meanwhile a certain class were being very uncomfortable as the media of the news have been spreading around the truth behind the school.

Especially on Class 77-B as they were experiencing a friction with the <Ultimate Yakuza> reading the news with clear rage in his breath.

The class president Chiaki was filled with despair as she learned that her friend Hajime isn't coming back again as she saw the video recording of him being killed along with his family being silenced only made her sadder at the news that she hasn't register what is going on in the classroom.

Even more so with students being more wary of Nagito now knowing the trouble he caused in the practical exam as he was the cause of explosion brining a bomb as well as expel three other students instead of him being punished.

Fuyuhiko in particular was extremely angry at the whole school for covering up his sister murder as he was enraged that something like this occurred.

Peko Pekoyama the weapon of Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu could only glance at him with no words to say as she will follow what he says as it's her duty.

The class that was filled with hope was no longer there as the truth of Hope's Peak Academy has been revealed the classes of Ultimate's were at odds how to handle this unprecedented news from their favorite school.

Hope's Peak Academy was a government-sanctioned co-ed private city-center high school with boarding facilities founded several decades as the school was founded by Izuru Kamukura in order to develop and research the talents of exceptional high school age children known as Ultimate's.

Unlike a typical high school, the students did not have to participate in entrance exams, but instead were scouted by the school itself as Ultimate experts in their field, with the exception of the Ultimate Lucky Student whose talent was determined by winning a lottery draw.

Prior to being scouted, the students had to have already been attending another high school by requirement, meaning they were at minimum 16 years old. Rather than typical school studies, students of Hope's Peak Academy were encouraged to develop their talents, with a practical exam in September halfway through each school year, where they would be required to demonstrate their ability.

These practical exams were judged by dignitaries and experts and widely reported by the media in order to give Hope in the future to the nation, and failure could mean expulsion.

Ultimate students who successfully graduated Hope's Peak Academy had the reputation of being guaranteed success in life, with many Hope's Peak graduates holding high positions in every field of the professional world.

Originally exclusive to those with Ultimate abilities, the school later developed a preparatory school style second facility upon the school grounds known as the Reserve Course in order to fund the school's research.

Reserve Course students were not scouted, and instead took an entrance exam in order to attend. Successful applicants had to pay a high tuition fee, which would in turn fund the education of the Ultimate's.

Although the Reserve Course technically functioned as a normal - if exclusive - high school, the opportunity to attend was highly competitive due to the brand recognition of the school and the Main Course's reputation for producing future pioneers.

It was said that an exceptional student from the Reserve Course may one day be transferred to the Main Course, although no Reserve Course student ever achieved this feat.

However, even learning the truth they found out a few reasons why as the info documents from the school never intended it for it to begin with as well as other reasons such as all the money of the Reverse Students all go towards the Ultimate's training.

All the classes that originally thought this now must think it was a joke and some even denies it but for the Class 77-B it was all true because of certain key information.

They were only students that knew the truth to an extent how would they have known about all of this so the only option for them was to process on what should they do.

No response from the Ultimate's as they were at a loss of what to do next.

Meanwhile a certain fashionista was getting out of the airport as she was grabbing her luggage and manages to get a taxi to her destination as she observes the area as everyone seems to have gotten their attentions at Hope's Peak Academy.

Getting extremely curious about this she began to look through the net as she began to laugh hysterically at the info provided, "HAHAHAHAHA!! Oh my God! This is the absolutely funniest thing I have ever read like OMG! This info is bringing Hope's Peak Academy a lawful of despair I love it!"

The <Ultimate Despair> was loving the bashing of Hope's Peak Academy that she wanted to meet the Superhuman or rather the <Ultimate Hope> who has done it.