
Traveler System

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s) Jason Borne a normal human given the chance to travel across the worlds of fiction into reality how will he progress through the worlds with extreme caution and safety for some adventure thrills.

Jovami6729 · Anime & Comics
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129 Chs

Chapter 19: Knowledge

~Third POV~

The next morning in Jason apartment in Musutafu the person in questioned changed into his regular clothes as he brought out his advanced laptop as he searched the web of this world of MHA.

He didn't bother hacking the system of the government or the identities of the people he wanted to get their quirks from their hair or blood samples as it would bring attention to him for heroes that would be suspicious of him.

So he searched through the history of the MHA world to further adjust himself on what to expect and what to not do in a situation in this world.

By searching the web, he came across a law of the use of quirks called the Hero Constitution Act as he was interested by what the law dictates as he talked to himself, "Interesting so these are the laws for the use of quirks right? The Hero Constitution Act?"

With that he began to read the contents on what it said of the articles of the act:


Article I - Quirks

Quirks cannot be used publicly by any non-licensed hero.

Quirks cannot be used to injure other persons under any circumstances without just cause and a hero license.

Heroes quirks must be registered in the public database (can be changed).

Quirks CAN be used for self-defense purposes when in distress or present danger. (Similar to Castle Doctrine, and Stand-Your-Ground Doctrine).

Article II - Support Companies

Support companies must be licensed by the government to create and maintain Hero support equipment.

Hero gear can only be altered by the support companies.

Building of any dangerous and untested use of support gear will be taken away to be destroyed unless licensed.

Article III - Non-Licensed Individuals

Those without a license may be considered interns and can use their quirks at the discretion of the individual they are interning under.

Interns cannot act without the consent of their mentor.

Article IV - Costumes

Minor alterations can be done on the know-how and be sent to the support companies outlined in Article II.

Major alterations must be done by the support companies directly as that is their expertise.

Only a certain percentage of skin may be exposed to prevent the image of heroes from being diminished….

Jason read on that there where was a few more to the rules but got the gist of it of how it began to change the legal system of this world.

Also, the whole understanding of the Quirk Restriction Laws stating that any aspiring Pro Heroes undergo special education during their high school careers and receive licenses that give them the authority to use their Quirks freely.

In an effort to preserve order in the superhuman society, there are several laws and procedures in place to ensure the conscientious use of Quirks.

Public display of Quirks is against the law, except in cases of self-defense, such as when one is under attack or preventing someone else from being attacked.

During elementary school, children receive Quirk counseling in order to learn how to use their powers responsibly.

Aspiring Pro Heroes undergo special education during their high school careers and receive licenses that give them the authority to use their Quirks freely.

Reading this Jason frowns and notices a flaw in this system as he spoke out in a very disappointed tone, "While that may be true that it would keep order it only causes more problems. A good example of this is Toga as she couldn't hold her urges anymore and society blame her for her way of handling her quirk. And since these lessons are to help suppress herself it only led her to bottle up her urges until she no longer couldn't any longer."

Shaking his head at this there was more to it than that as Jason began to read of the history home page about quirks as well as some origins to them although not a majority of it is clear as to why people have quirks.

Quirks are said to be the next stage of evolution in the human race. It is possible, though rudimentary, to diagnose a person as possessing or lacking a Quirk by analyzing the presence or absence of an extra joint in their pinky toe.

People with only one joint tend to develop a Quirk, while having two joints usually indicates that the person is Quirkless.

A person's Quirk will normally manifest any time before the age of four, sometimes even straight after birth.

Quirks are extensions of a person's bodily functions. As such, they can be trained and worn out. When a person works out their muscles, the muscle fibers are destroyed and new, stronger ones grow back; this same rule applies to Quirks.

However, should a Quirk be overused, the user could suffer any of a variety of drawbacks, depending on the nature of the Quirk. These drawbacks are usually simple ailments, such as dry skin or nausea; however, in some cases, the drawback can be much more severe.

The body of a Quirk user has natural adaptations to protect itself from any damage the Quirk might do to them without these natural defenses.

However, there are instances where a Quirk doesn't suit the user's body and the body can't handle it. Such conditions can be bypassed through the use of support equipment as such some people simply have a body that is not properly suited for their Quirk.

While that was all natural to Jason since he has read the wiki version for it the world of MHA gave out a more detailed explanation of how it could've happened.

As he was reading through the laws, he noticed something odd about them and he made sure to reread them twice to see if he wasn't wrong or something.

Just as he continues to read the criminal laws, he noticed something off about as he finally realizes the issue, "Wait a second here there is no law stating anything about what a quirkless hero would do? Is that right? I mean there is a few for the normal reasons of my world but no hero laws for a quirkless hero?"

Searching through the site again and again he wanted to confirm with something but that was when he came to one conclusion as he thought to himself, 'If the laws here are accurate enough then technically speaking even without a superpower then would that mean that a quirkless hero be able to get away with anything as long as there a hero? Wow… talk about a major flaw in the MHA world system talk about a technicality loophole right there.'

Before he could continue onward of his way researching, he received a call from his bracelet as it opened up a hologram screen showing Manami wearing her civilian uniform, "Sorry about the wait Jason-san but I'll be heading over to your place to show you around. Is that all right with you?"

Closing his advanced laptop Jason smirks as he began to charge it as he told Manami in a confident tone, "Sure thing I'll meet you at the front of building 2. I hope to have a blast with you Manami."

After saying that she blushed as she turns off her phone which at the same closed Jason hologram screen as he laughs a bit, "Hahaha… that was cute, but I wonder what places she knows in this version of Japan."

With that Jason began to leave his apartment room as he began to meet with Manami…

Meanwhile in the secret lab base of Dr. Kyudai Garaki he was worked up in a fury as he searches for the samples of the quirk factors <Flight> and <Overclock> as he searches madly for them.

When it came time to realize that he couldn't find them he was frustrated to no end as he spoke out in rage, "Blasted it! Blast it all to hell! Those precious samples were valuable pieces to create a High End Nomu and now it's gone! How could such a thing have happened!"

Checking up in his computer he began to search through everything of what has happened but came to realize nothing has happened as he sees everything as it should be.

But he knew it was fake since he saw that his safe for the <All for One> vial that he had safe keeping was missing.

Dr. Kyudai Garaki made sure to activate a security coded alarm if in the event it got stolen but even then, he was shocked to have known it was hacked and that his precious material has been stolen.

Grunting in frustration he searches for the <Super Regeneration> blood vial to also notice that it was gone.

This kept on increasing the anger of Kyudai as he searches for everything on his computers to see that nothing was wrong.

The reason for that is because Alter Ego made sure to keep their tracks a secret and messed with the security footage of the event as to not alert All for One that someone has stolen some things from his side kick lab.

When the doctor was going to blow his basket was when a screen showing a faceless man except with a mouth speak as he has tubes inside of him spoke in a cold tone, "What seems to be the issue Dr. Kyudai Garaki? You seem to be very distraught?"

Hearing his words of his master he began to speak what has happened in his lab as he also spoke losing his samples that All for One went to trouble for of collecting.

The quirk factor of <Overclock> and <Super Regeneration> were easy for All for One to obtain but the quirk factor of <Flight> was more difficult as he needed it for his Nomu's so he used one of his favors in America to get a piece of Captain Celebrity pieces to transport back into Japan to make a strong Nomu.

As Dr. Kyudai Garaki finished explaining All for One places a hand over his chin as he took the infortion in stride as he thought what would be the best course of action.

And after thinking for a while, he came up with his next point of action, "Hmm… if that is the case losing those samples is no big loss on our side as I already have them in me. But I suppose I'll have to give them to you again doctor. And also, I'll make this thief pay for stealing from you with my connections. Would that satisfy you?"

The doctor grinned at this as he nodded his head as the screen from All for Ones end looked at the black screen with a curious look on his face.

He smiles widely with a toothy grin as he talks to himself curiously at the sudden and unforeseen circumstance has happened, "Interesting… someone has known the doctor base and hasn't been raided since yesterday? What is that thief plan and what is his purpose for stealing my copy of my quirk?"

Standing up from his place he glances up in his room he wonders out loud to the sudden problem that has occurred, "I wonder what you will do thief with my power. But that is no matter as soon as you digest my blood gaining my power."

Getting himself a glass of wine All for One would just need to wait a bit as he calmly drinks his wine as he spoke, "I wonder what you will look like once you enter the mental realm of mine by then I would get a better understanding of you thief. Although I'm curious as how you would be able to stop me… hahahaha…"

Later in the day till nighttime Jason has been having a blast with Manami as they just finished getting a tour of Musutafu.

As they were returning back to Manami home he replied to her in a thankful tone, "Thanks for the tour Manami it was a blast learning most of these places in Japan."

Manami was really proud that she managed to have a real conversation for a long while as she showed Jason the ropes in Musutafu.

While walking back to her home they both stopped as they saw the thug from yesterday come over to them with his gang.

Manami took this chance to get behind Jason as he coldly glares at them.

The thug that had his hand wrapped up went closer to the bigger one as he told him, "Boss that right there is the punk that fucking broke my hand!"

The bigger thug looked at Jason with his eyes squinting as he began to take on a transformation of a muscular man with four arms as he glare at Jason with disdain, "You have a lot of nerves punk for messing with my boys. You – "

*Swoosh! *


*Crack! *

*Thud! *

Before the transformed quirk user could respond or let even throw a punch Jason quickly ran up as he jumped up using the momentum to twirl his leg as his feet made contact with the thug head kicking him with enough force to make him eat pavement dirt that also made a small crater.

The thugs could plainly see that their boss was alive but the pressure from Jason shoe was the only thing keeping him there as he felt that his skull was breaking.

As the thugs saw this, they looked at Jason with worried expressions as he talked to them in a calm tone, "Now then everyone as I can tell your boss here used his quirk against me. As you already know if I file this to the police, he would be serving a harsh sentence but since I'm a 'nice' guy I'll give you a final warning mess with me again and I won't play nice guy anymore?"

To prove Jason, point further he then looked at thugs and their boss as he expressed the Danganronpa crazy swirling eyes as he spoke to them, "You got it memorized?"

With that they all nodded their heads and left with their tails between their heads and left them along.

Manami just witness how Jason turned the whole situation around but couldn't help but blush at him, 'Ah!! That was so cool and dangerous~ He changed the whole situation in just one move and backed away! He's like a knight in shining armor~'


That was when a hero arrived as Jason looked at him in clear surprise to see a muscular man appear as he spoke out in confidence then confusion, "Don't worry citizens for I am… here?"

All Might.

The person that Jason needed to get a hair sample from as he activated his armor to create a small drone to collect his hair while thanking his <Ultimate Luck> for the greatest of chances to have happened.