
Traveler System

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s) Jason Borne a normal human given the chance to travel across the worlds of fiction into reality how will he progress through the worlds with extreme caution and safety for some adventure thrills.

Jovami6729 · Anime & Comics
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129 Chs

Chapter 17: Chance Encounter

~Jason POV~

As I was still observing the room, I made notice a blood vial sample that was named <Super Regeneration> with detailed instructions to be used on a Nomu.

Guess the doctor hasn't completed it yet but from the looks of things I will need that, so I have to thank the good doctor for the <Super Regeneration> quirk.

I took my chance and take the quirk factors of <Flight> a piece of muscle from the hero, blood vial of <Super Regeneration>, blood vial of <All for One>, and <Overclock> pieces of the brain inside that seems to be intact quite scary these quirks are alive inside my backpack along with my clothes.

Reading everything from what Alter Ego gave on me I can see how these quirk factors are alive so long as they use their quirks or also known as Plus Alpha.

The term Plus Alpha, also known as 'Quirk Factors' refers to the collective physical and genetic traits that compose a person's Quirk.

This includes the primary Quirk power, as well as all the biological mechanisms that allow said primary power to function properly. The term Quirk Factor can also be used to refer to the part of one's body that utilizes the Quirk.

For example, Katsuki Bakugo can sweat nitroglycerin from his palms and ignite it on command, so his Quirk Factor is in the palms of his hands.

These pieces of their body parts work the same way so long as it's active I can absorb the quirk into my downgrade version once I have the time to do it.

I have no needs to read further of the info provided to me by Alter Ego as I began to make my way to escape from this place and if I bet my luck right now then my escape is…



And right as I was about to leave my <Ultimate Luck> worked in my favor as the doctor just came in and with my small drones, I managed to get a piece of his hair without him noticing as I made my way to the exit as quietly as possible.

Once I have made my way outside the door…


*Slam! *

That was when the door behind me was shut as I took that as my cue to leave this place with the quirk factors also invisible along with me inside my backpack as I left.

Going up the stairs I began to see the light of the entrance revealing to be a hospital building I guess I managed to avoid the good old doctor but now I wonder how he will react to the loss of his items…


No need to worry now I have time for that later as I began to leave the area without alerting anyone since I still need to be in a safe place for the time being.

Although I have what I need I'm not going to consume the vial right away since I'm going to need the <One for All> quirk first before I take the <All for One> version because of the curse of <One for All> shortening my lifespan.

Making sure I leave the hospital I looked for a place to stay for the next few months as I can't help but admire the uniqueness of this world from an outsider's perspective.

People here are just weird in general because of the oddly born shapes or the literal fact that animal people are among the walking here.

For now, though I need a safe place to stay as I see some pieces of my armor are already leaving ahead in search of Neito and getting a sample of All Might's hair in the process.

I'm going to need All Might Quirk first before I take the vial of the copy of <One for All> since I don't need the original, I'll settle for a copy I do not need the ghost of the past to come and haunt me wherever I go.

Searching around for a place to hide I found a hotel nearby as I go inside while hiding the Quirk Factors I stole as I go in.

When I enter the building, I didn't know how far I was from the lab, but I wanted a place to stay for the year so that I can have my time to enjoy this world.

As I enter inside, I saw what I assume to be a landlord of the building as I brought out my bracelet already not in my armor for me to see, "Hello their madam I was wondering if you have an apartment available at this time?"

The landlord lady then looked up at my eyes with confusion present as she responded to me in a confused tone, "Say kid where are your parents? Are they with you by chance or are you by yourself?"

Responding to this situation I decided to be truthful as I brought my bracelet to pay all of my needs in credit as I spoke, "No madam I'm by myself here. I'm a foreigner actually from America I wanted to see travel for a bit. This is my first stop actually at Japan I can pay with credit for my stay here."

The landlord looked at me closely before she shrugs herself as she saw me, she spoke in her usual tone, "Hmm… very well then how many days are staying for here in the apartment buildings of Mustafa?"

Hearing this I was quite surprised I'm near the place where the MC lives around here now that is interesting but not my concern although I don't mind befriending Midoriya Izuku.

Sigh… I'm so lonely…

Nodding my head at her we both began to explain what I want and what she wanted as payment and fortunately the process was a lot smoother than I anticipated but she was suspicious of me.

I guess that is normal to doubt someone but for now, though I have a place to stay as I was handed the apartment keys located in building 2 as I paid in full for a full year in advance the room.

Clearly that surprised the land lord but she didn't question it as I got what I needed as I venture forward finding the apartment building.

Using my armor, I made a quick scan of the area as I have my face mask in stealth mode as I search the area for how many people are in the area.

When I was done scanning, I finally appeared inside the apartment room as the interiors looks to be a normal apartment with a table and chairs in the dining area and cabinet where plates, cups and bowls are stored.

As I go inside the apartment room, I stretch out my arms as I began to talk to myself, "Ok now that I stole from that place it's time to settle my stuff."

With that I began unpacking everything I have with my clothes as I got from my old home and the Quirk Factors of <Overclock> and <Flight> as well as the vial of <All for One> in a secure spot with my armor surrounding it with some pieces of my armor to keep it safe as well as keep it out of harm's way.

Whew now that's out of the way it's time to get some food.

With that I began to leave the apartment building holding my belongings I began to move ahead as I went out to see this version of Musutafu.

Going out of the streets of Japan I observe the uniqueness of everyone in this world have with quirks its simply fascinating to see truly unique with a world chalk full of super powered heroes that blindly follow their justice.

Still the streets are certainly filled with strange set of people in this world I wonder how they function with heroes really?

Looks like I have to make a point in studying their history and their laws in this world just to be sure I know what to expect because I currently know jack shit of this world rules.

Although as I view my area, I happen to see a few heroes patrolling the area with their costumes as well as their sidekicks following them as people gawks at them.

I just casually ignore them as I went my way it's not like I'm going to stop and gawk over some strangers in tights unless they are chicks.

After all, thicc thighs saves lives.

When I walk around the area, I began to find the store I was looking for a supermarket of this place time for me to get something to cook.

With that I go over the supermarket to get what I need some food.

Ok so there goes another food ingredient inside the cart and another one of those cookie rice crackers for me.

I wonder why Garp likes these cookies, now it's time to figure out that great history!

As I placed the box of rice cookie crackers inside, I got around the next corner to see a two people surrounding on one girl as they mock her, "Hey there Manami, what is a creeper like you doing here?"

Then another tried to get in her way as Manami person in front of me is filled with despair, "Hello there stalker what you doing in a place like this?"

Observing from a far I can see that she was trembling from the mockery looks like I have to step in to help her out but she does look familiar.

With that I approached the group to quickly tell them off as I spoke to them, "Hey you two don't you think its rude mocking a girl? Why don't you just back off already."

I guess these morons heard me as they looked at me as they clearly look at me in disdain as Manami looked surprised but one of thugs replied, "Huh? What's it to you kid? Aren't you supposed to be middle or high school or something?"

The other thug made a threating gesture as I saw his fingers turn into literal blades on his hand as he threatened me, "Wise guy eh? What are you some kind of knight in shining armor or something? Try saying that to – "

*Crack! *


Having enough of these thugs bullshit I went ahead and grabbed the flat side of the blade of his fingers and cracked it as the one that tried to threaten me had one of his fingers fell down on the floor as he began to hold his hand in pain.

The other one looked surprised by my action as I responded with a cold tone to me, "Next time you threaten me or that girl Manami again the next time I break all your fingers? Capishe mob characters?"

They only nodded their heads as they ran away Manami looked at me in clear surprise as she questioned towards me of my actions with a confused tone, "Why? Why did you have to go so far to help a stranger out you could've have left since it wasn't your concern?"

Glancing at her I smiled towards her as I responded to my answer justifying myself for my actions, "Was there supposed to be a reason to help someone as cute as you out? No, I just felt what I did was right? Plus, that guy used his quirks on me I could have him arrested for using his quirk as a weapon against me and say this was in self-defense no?"

I don't know why but she then had hearts in her eyes as she quickly hugged me out of nowhere?

But then she stopped herself as I saw her eyes are normal again as she began to speak with a trembling voice, "I-I'm s-sorry I'll be out-t of your way now sir-r! I'll – "

That was when I stopped her as I spoke out to calm her down from what I believe to be a nervous breakdown in a soothing voice, "No worries from the looks of things it seems to me that sudden affection was a result of your quirk right? I mean it's the only thing that would make any sense, right? Don't worry I'm not offended or weird out by your actions I completely understand."

After I said that she seems to look at me in understanding but was now near to cry her eye balls out now.

But thanks to her actions I now remember who this person is in front of me now since I remember one person whose has this kind of problem before and her actions proves it further along with her name

Manami Aiba otherwise known in the future as La Brava.

If she is here right now then that means she hasn't seen Gentle Criminal videos, yet I guess I happen to be in the right place and the right time helping her out.

Well I'm in need of some friends and she is better than Deku at the moment I might as well make her my friend, "You okay there… Manami right? Don't worry I won't judge you for your actions how about we talk this out I happen to be new around here care to help me out?"

Looks like she stopped herself from crying as she sniffs a bit before she agreed to come with me to help her understand.

I guess this a beginning of a wonderful relationship….

I hope but at least this is better than Deku that's for sure.