
Travel with an Omniversal Sexual System

"When I asked to live quietly in an reverse world I didn't expect all this crap." [This was your choice too, in case you don't remember]. "I'm not talking to you to begin with." [It's disturbing that the Host is talking to himself]. "Hey, aren't AI systems supposed to respect their users?". [To constantly define you as a whore, I'm surprised you're asking for respect]. "I hate you." [Why?] *********************************** The MC is a big pervert, literally his mentality is: Hole he sees, hole he paints white. He's not forgiving of anything. He helps himself to a little bit of everything. *********************************** +A lot of kinkiness +English isn't my first language. So, try to overlook or help me fix a few mistakes that might occur by mentioning them in the chapter's comment section. I will fix it ASAP. +It gets better as the chapters go by and you can see my improvements. +The images are not mine nor the universes mentioned, the only thing mine is the plot of the story and the MC.

Grim_Reaper_Reader · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 1

N/A:To start this journey it is worth mentioning that this is my first fanfic, the plot is half built in my head and I will improve it little by little.

PS: Sorry to disappoint but I may not put femboys or traps, while writing I was having a little trouble imagining situations where to add them, I have one or two but they are a bit forced, and they don't convince me.

Sorry again if that's why you entered, but this story isn't very well planned and I just put what comes to my head or I see.


Maxwell P.O.V

Fear that was all I felt when I saw the glowing screen in front of me, everything I dreamt last night, the nightmare I had wasn't just a bad night.

It was a memory, it meant that I wasn't real, that someone is going to take my place....no...no.


.... "DON'T FUCK ME!" i rant angrily.


Anger began to flood my mind as I heard the following robotic words echoing in my head.

[Congratulations on awakening Host, I am your System and I will be with you from now on].

[Initiation Protocol: Assimilation of Memories]

"STOP, THIS IS MY BODY! I AM MAXWELL", I uttered as I did my best to make the glowing screen disappear in front of me, after all if my nightmare was real I knew what would happen, what would happen to me.... I was going to be replaced.

[Loading Memories: 25%]

"STOP, NO NO ...N-No please stop, b-because I, someone please...help."

[Loading Memories: 50%]

" Please I'll do anything just I don't want to leave, please ...please ...please ...someone whoever, I'll be your slave, I'll do whatever you want, just help me please, ...God why to me?."

[Loading Memories: 75%]


I started to cry and runny nose, everything started to look blurry, I leaned back on the bed, all that pile of emotions made me dizzy and I couldn't stand up anymore.


"Mommy Daddy help me please, I don't want to leave, I won't be a bad son anymore, please save me, I will study more I swear, but please help me..." the tears wouldn't stop. "Do I really deserve all of this?".

[Loading Memories: 100%]

Ah... it's dark, it's cold,*yawn* I think I'm going to get some sleep.

[Full Memory Assimilated]

[Welcome Host]



Agh my head is killing me, ...but all these memories.

Women whistling at me and complimenting me in a sexual way on the street ,girls at school talking about porn ,rape crimes where the man is the victim.

I've really transmigrated, hahaha finally a fun life.

"...But what about this?", I wondered as I looked at the screen in front of me, at a quick glance I could notice its bold purple colors with the white background and white letters.

[Greetings Host, initiating full body scan]."What? ,not without scans."

[Full body scan]

"You've got to be kidding me", I whispered

"Hey don't authorize the scan!. Aren't you supposed to follow my orders?", I asked a little irritated by his action.

But why do I have a system? I remember my wish perfectly well, after all I'm sure it's the happiest moment of my life, and I didn't even mention it, despite how nice it sounds to have one, the idea of fulfilling missions doesn't appeal to me at all.

[My purpose is to inform and advise the Host at all times to keep his mental and physical health stable].

[Scan reports]

[Memories fully assimilated, chances of the previous body carrier returning 0%].

...Ok, I accept it, having all the memories was like watching a movie at supe speed but being able to understand it all, and the last few moments felt so real that it disturbed me a little, even if I sound like a bastard it's good that the previous self can't return.

"Ok, now answer me. Why do I have you?". I said and pointed at him in the most accusing way possible.

[I'm part of your wish, quote : "I want a quiet life where I don't have to worry about anything in a Reverse World"].

[To not worry about anything, you must have qualities that you did not possess before and my existence is to help you with that].

I was about to question him further, but someone started knocking on my door, ...this is a bit cliché. Right?

"Maxwell. Are you okay? It's time for school and you haven't made breakfast yet."

School, breakfast, I remember, damn I have to go to school. Even though it's Friday it's still annoying.

And the voice behind the door, it's my sister, my memories of her ...hmm~ defining her as someone from my world, she'd be the cliché lonely kid on the corner who likes all Japanese culture, from my memories she's 100% otaku plus stereotypes.

"I'm awake, I'm sorry but could you fix something for the both of us? I overslept, thank you."

"O-Okay... but don't be late, ah I'm not telling you to hurry or anything, it's just that it's getting kind of late and I don't want to be late and I'm not trying to blame you so just uhg my tongue, I'll go make breakfast."

... What was that all about? Oh right, she's shy around boys, she really sticks to the stereotype.

And my old self found her a bit repulsive, I hardly ever talked to her, even though it was just the two of us here, our parents were overseas working, we were left alone as I could cook and my sister could handle the money, even though her allowances were spent on games and anime figurines, she was responsible with money that didn't belong to her.

After listening to her leave, I turned my attention back to the system. I still have many questions to ask her, but, as I turned my attention back to the door, the memories were fresh in my mind again, it was all so unreal.

"System, talk to you later," I said as I headed to the bathroom, I had snot all over my face and clothes and they were already starting to dry.


It disappeared and as I got into the tub I began to reflect again.

I was in a reverse world, where a man was the center of attention. If I uploaded a photo to social media women were the simps, men were the ones in fashion magazines, it was all so surreal.

Plus now I had the body of a 16 year old kid, by the standards of this world I was handsome, although I lacked my height, but I'll let it go since it's compensated with these 10 inches hehe, besides my physique, fuck I'm so handsome I was surprised to see myself in the mirror, highlighting my beauty twice should have clarified the point of how good I look.

Defining it again as my world would be the popular girl who is the school beauty, also my body was somewhat defined as I practiced yoga and athletics.

Going back to the reverse world, women were not the only thing that changed, so did men.

The explanation as to why this world is the way it is, is because of a mutation in estrogen, (N/A: Fact: men also have estrogen).

To summarize it is as if estrogen had merged with testosterone but only retaining the good, even so the change was not radical the male appearance hardly changed, but the behavior did because since ancient times it was women who were strong and dominant, it would not be uncommon to see a man being sentimental or worrying about his appearance and wearing makeup.

But there were some special cases, a few men were similar if not almost identical to the female appearance of my world, they were smaller, their butts were lifted and enlarged, and in the most extreme cases they had a small breast enlargement.

Now back to the women, they almost hit the genetic lottery because the mutation they had improved their bone structure, the same thing happened to the men but the improvement was almost nil.

They have better bones so they can get more out of their strength since they don't break as easily, which makes them able to define their muscles more, but nothing excessive, in fact it's kind of sexy, that's my own opinion, the previous me hardly even cared about that.

That's why in this world they are the ones doing the heavy lifting and the other activities that require great physical strength, now the small downside is the increase in their libido that makes them horny almost all the time, although I don't see the downside to it.

*sigh* "I love this world, it's like Disneyland for degenerates, hehe".


Third Person P.O.V

Maxwell was sitting at his desk, morning classes were over and he was on his lunch break, boredom was evident on his face.

'Finally, off to lunch, damn how I hate school', was all he could think as he walked towards the cafeteria, accompanied by the sound of a notification coming into his head that he didn't even notice.

[From what I understand, he already has a key objective as to why he decided to come to school and not fake illness].

"Yeah, but... wait. Can you read my mind?" she said nonchalantly to end in a whisper full of surprise

[It's a psychic link, so he won't have to talk during his day to day life, to get into the system's functions]

'You...*grunts*, you know I don't have time for you, I'll deal with you when I get home, until then don't talk to me.'


Finishing his mental conversation, Maxwell couldn't help but let out an irritated sigh.

He continued moving towards the dining line slightly annoyed at what he will have to deal with later, 'I don't plan on standing around like an idiot staring at a screen that no one else sees, or getting halfway through reading some message because someone interrupts me, I need concentration and 0 interruptions if I'm going to deal with this'.

Stopping his train of thought, when he felt someone was watching him, to be more precise many people were watching him.

Some almost blatantly even pointing, and others subtly but obviously failing to try....

This is what it feels like to be a woman, it feels a little weird, although my ego has gone way up..." Maxwell thought as he looked around, some people were still looking at him, others looked away quickly, something to note was that the ones looking at him were all women.

"...Yeah maybe I can get used to this, I don't think it will be that hard when I see them as an object too" his train of thought was starting to go to a dark place, but was stopped by some voices he remembered from his memories.

His friends were waiting for him at a table in the popular area, near the jocks and cheerleaders.

All the guys looked a bit effeminate, their faces were small and pretty with the right makeup to highlight the best parts of their faces accompanied by tight clothes that highlighted their attributes.

Unlike my previous world here the men have more attributes highlighting the collarbone, arms, chest, a little bit of the belly, legs and most strikingly the crotch.

Something that surprised me a lot is that the nipples became erogenous zones like those of women.

The good thing for the current me is that this body was born without so many nerve endings there, something that tormented the old me.

I reminded him of my old self, if it wasn't for his memories he would have thought they were all flat chested women.

Finishing picking up his lunch he started heading towards them, after all he was their friend since high school, he couldn't go somewhere else and act like he hadn't just met them.

'Okay, acting class I only went to one day doesn't fail me now,' he thought nervously as he approached the table.

As he arrived the barrage of questions went on and on and he could quickly realize something, everyone was focused on him.

'Oh, I'm the leader of the group, hmm~ the previous one didn't notice, he just thought it was normal for people to always notice him and follow him,' he thought quickly before focusing on a question to direct the conversation towards.

"Hey Maxy. Did you hear the song I recommended?" a blond haired, green eyed boy whose name he remembered as Noah asked him.

'Music, perfect, in this world it has hardly changed, although there are some weird combinations in urban music' ,he thought as he chose the topic on which he would focus the conversation.

Responding to Noah's question the conversation, began to flow slowly changing topics, Maxwell began to get used to the rhythm and talked more and more to the point of not realizing how fast the time was passing.

Near the end of the lunch hour, they got to the topic of shopping and being Friday, they wanted to do some shopping and walk around the place.



Okay classes were boring as hell, then having to deal with a conversation of female teenagers, while somewhat interesting, was still annoying.

Dude who cares what kind of shampoo you use or not knowing what you will use the next day, your only concerns should be where to get money after you finish the easy student life.

At the end of the day the hardest thing was to separate myself from them, but seriously, follow me to the bathroom, man, why? I seriously don't remember life at school being like that, I wasn't the best student but my lunch hours I remember doing crazy things, I wasn't sitting around talking all the time.

I seemed to be having a good time?. HA maybe from another point of view, good thing I instinctively knew what to answer, having the memories of my old self helped a lot.

They didn't even talk about girls, the only reason I came to school is that it's a big hunting ground.

Still I could notice a little bit of everything, what in my world would be the tomboys forming the jock group, the studious girls to the typical geeks and the shy girls being the antisocial ones....

'At least it wasn't a total waste of time,' her thoughts were interrupted by a familiar voice literally, it was her sister's voice.

"Sorry, I-I'll clean it up."

With a bad feeling I approached the place where the voice came from, as I walked I couldn't stop my thoughts from quickly wandering to what happened this morning.



After pondering about this world I finished my bath, but damn man how many products can you need to take a bath, good thing I remembered how and in what order to use it.

Why I used everything and didn't put it away, very simple one out of curiosity and two because my body felt uncomfortable if I didn't follow my daily beauty treatment, I have to fix that habit later, it took a lot of my time.

I finished my bath and put on a set of clothes I had for quick use, at least the previous one I was prepared for anything, literally there was even a set of clothes to go 24/7.

Walking downstairs I quickly found Emma, my sister. They had made themselves a simple bowl of milk and cereal and on my plate I saw some fruit that the previous me liked, washed and cut, accompanied by a diet yogurt.

Wow she really went out of her way for me.

Hmm~ I was planning to look like my other self so as not to arouse suspicion but I changed my plans.

"Emma, did you do this?", I asked her, the answer was obvious but I wanted to hear it from her.

"Y-Yes, I didn't know what you might want, so I made something I saw you eat earlier," she replied shyly and deep down a part of me, for a slight moment so slight it faded almost instantly, felt a little disgusted by her action....


Well Maxwell you really were ungrateful weren't you, well to your misfortune I did like it, now with more desire I am going to fuck your sister with MY fat long cock and then paint her belly white with my thick ,incestuous and fertile semen, fuck you.

"I see," I replied and moved closer to her, she had a slight shudder at my action and more when I kissed her cheek quickly and thanked her.

The blush on her face soon appeared, I ignored it so as not to embarrass her further and quickly finished my breakfast.

We left and headed to school, excitement showed on my face after all I wondered what kind of situations I would encounter in this new world.

//End of Flashback//


Shit, why did I have to encounter this kind of situation?

In an alley near my house was my sister with some bumps and scratches all over her face and hands, right next to her was a taller girl athletically superior to her, after all, the short white blouse she was wearing didn't cover her slightly defined abs.

Analyzing the scene a little more I could see a large stain drying on her black jacket and joggers the stain was noticeable, as the yogurt was pink.

How did I know it was yogurt, as next to Emma are some glasses of the same strawberry diet yogurt I had this morning.

She had bought them for me, and now she's gotten herself into this mess?. Did I cause this?

I have to help her, I am a clear butterfly effect, the previous Maxwell wouldn't even have touched her breakfast, let alone given her a kiss on the cheek.

As I thought of solutions, a thought quickly went through my head. 'What if I fuck her'.

This scene is very similar to NTR type doujinshis, the loser gets into a mess and his friend or love interest ends up helping him by 'talking' to the bully and becomes his bitch.

Was this the best solution?. Do I even have enough resistance? With more doubts present again in my head the screen reappeared in front of me.

[Do you wish to analyze the status of your target?]

"...Yes" ,that's all I could answer as the screen zoomed in and showed me the image of the girl, one thing I failed to mention she had beautiful chocolate skin, one of my favorites, the contrast my cock has with her pussy always turned me on and as I saw the data on the screen I knew tonight would be fun.

-[Name: Sasha Ayers]

-[Erogenous Zones]







>Big dicks

>White guys


>Thighs and buttocks


>Maledom (N/A: It's like femdom but out of this world)


[Chances of the host winning the "battle": 88%]

Yeah, this is going to be sooooo much fun, hehe.


Emma P.O.V

No, no, not now.

I thought everything was starting to go well.

Maxwell talking to me this morning and even kissing me (on the cheek).

Getting good grades at afternoon practice.

Getting a discount at the store.

I thought it was my lucky day.

Then, why?

Why did I have to crash into that girl?

Why couldn't I defend myself?




Why?... Maxwell leaves with that broad saying he'll pay and tells me to go home.


It's night and the door just rang, I've been sitting in the living room since I got home, waiting and waiting for my little brother to come home.

He just opened the door and it was two in the morning.

When he came in through the living room I hid, and I saw him, I saw his hair wet, as if he had just had a bath.

'It's impossible, right?. It's impossible that "that" happened,' was all I could think as I waited for him to go to his room so I could go to mine.

As I fell into my bed all I could think about was "it", my pure little brother being corrupted, I should feel disgusted, feel guilty... then why?.


I started to masturbate.

Ah, I suck as a sister...

No, I suck as a woman and human.



Hahaha, yeah that's what I meant.

"Shit, my back will hurt tomorrow, but it was worth it." I said as I looked at the picture on my cell phone of the "dominant" woman having mini orgasms and spasms as a thick white liquid poured out of her pussy, my white liquid.

Seeing her number on my cell phone. 'It was funny to see her asking for my number, while her legs were shaking'. I thought as another slight chuckle came out of my mouth as I remembered it all.



Well, I remembered why I stopped writing before, I'm really bad with punctuation and stuff.

Also, I haven't practiced English for a long time, so I'm not even fluent in the language. I'm learning little by little.

Still I won't abandon the story, maybe I'll upload a chapter a month or so, after all I already have a lot of plot in my head, I just need to know how to make the MC get to it without forcing it.

Anyway, I hope you liked the chapter, I won't ask for power stones since I don't plan to focus much on this story, maybe in the future, so don't waste them here. Thanks anyway, if you get to do it.

PS: In the next chapter there will be R:18, I will explain a little more about the system and the adventure that I will start maybe in chapter 3 or 5, I don't promise anything.

See you
