

“Have you ever think about it,go to another world,become main character,build harem,using magic,save the world using cheat tier power and lot of another thing”. “I’ve transfer into another world!!!!!.... but instead of saving the world,i have bestow upon a mission to save the heroes???”. Haaaahhhhhh...what a joke , i’m not even getting any skill or power.... "how am i suppose to save someone who's been regard as the strongest"

ARS_REIJIN · Fantasy
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2 Chs


"Huhh huhh huhh huhhh", I keep running as fast as i can using all my muscle,keep pushing my body to the limit as if there's no tomorrow..... My name is Akatsuki Akame.I'm just a normal highschool student who want to spend my life peacefully.Yeah,that's what i'm always thought until a moment ago..."rghhhhh...how the heck did it come like this!!!!!".looking back at few hours ago...."ringggg....ringggg...ringggg","hughhh...ahhhhh, another day with a great weather".As usual I wake up early jn the morning and get ready to go to school..everything is the same as usual...a peaceful day without any trouble."Akame...Akame..." a sound like a woman whispered into my ears.."eh,who's that?" ....."huhh...whats wrong with me today? Hallucinating early in the morning.there's no way would be a person calling me here.." that's right..forgot to tell you that i'm an orphan.. my dad disappeared when i was three while my mom died two years later.After that,i live with my grandfather until he died two years ago.since that,i've been living alone up until now.."but its really felt like there's someone calling me".."huhh whatever tomorrow is my 15th birthday...another years alone...." then i pick my bag and get ready to go to school until something attract my eye."ehh,since when there's a letter on my table" i tried to open the letter but no matter how hard I try it still won't open"hmmmm"suddenly there's something like a status board appears in front of me.."woahh what the heck is this....don't tell me I'm gonna die soon.Grandfather...I'm sorry even though you told me to live however I pleased,I'm gonna meet you soon". "ting"... suddenly a message appears in the status board in front of me...'WHEN THE SUN BECOME RED,THE SHADOWS WILL REVIVE,AND THE GUARDIANS WILL ONES AGAIN ACCENDING TO ANOTHER WORLD'. "Woahhhhh...." i then wipe my eye several times when the status board suddenly disappeared. "Hahhh...hahhh.. I'm sorry grandfather your grandchild finally become crazy". " but if there's chance to go to another world...i really want to try go". Wether it's true or hallucinations i better go to school first.