

“Have you ever think about it,go to another world,become main character,build harem,using magic,save the world using cheat tier power and lot of another thing”. “I’ve transfer into another world!!!!!.... but instead of saving the world,i have bestow upon a mission to save the heroes???”. Haaaahhhhhh...what a joke , i’m not even getting any skill or power.... "how am i suppose to save someone who's been regard as the strongest"

ARS_REIJIN · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
2 Chs


"Huhhh huhh huhh....its all because of that shitty status board, now I can't focus on anything,"and when i'm realive it was to late.I rush to my classroom and when i open the door,everyone looking at me confusingly."Ehhhh,how rare of you to get late,Akame!"as noisy as always.He is Shiratori Yuuto,my best friend....i think...maybe.Then I answered him "It's totally messed up..". "Haaahhh...whats are you talkings about,Akame?". "My peaceful day of course!,when i think it will become another great day...suddenly there's a weird status board pop up in front of me this morning." "Haahahhahahaha....what are you babbling about early in the morning, Akame...its not like you'll suddenly be summon by the god..desss haaa...ahhhhhhh!" "Ergh.....so noisy what the heck are you screaming for, Yuuto ?. "Be..low.. yo..ur ..leg... there's... there's a magic circle as such in anime or manga!!!!".Then when i'm looking below my leg, "what the..." the magic circle suddenly shining obstruct my view" and then when i open my eyes i'm at a place where i'm never went before..i can only describe it with the word 'ɪsᴇᴋᴀɪ'. "Welcome Akatsuki Akame,i'm the one who summoned you here".Suddenly said by a beautiful woman . "Eh.....ehhhhhhhhhh!!!!"

(No way..that bastard Yuuto...his word really has become reality).

"ergh....who might you be? where is this place? am i dead? no way.... I'm sure I'm still alive just now.... and what about..."

before i could even finish my word the woman suddenly cut through my question.Her hair shone with golden colour. even with just her presence, i could feel that she's not human.

"You sure have a lot of question in mind. But firstly, let me introduce myself, my name is Arteria. I'm the Guardian that govern the universe and this place is a special domain that use by me to.......ermm.... whatever ity doesn't matter for now. it's not like you'll be able to understand even if i explaine it to you"

"oh yeah and....unfortunately you're still alive"(Arteria)

(what! unfortunately huhh....)

"if that's the case then why am i here right now?You're not here just to kill me again right?"(Akame)

"of course not. why would i go as far as summoned you here if i just want to kill you."(Arteria)

A smile suddenly appeared on her beautiful face.

"what about you.... you sure are a calm one, if it was other they'll surely at least scared and panicked even recalling their regret. But you're different. As expected from their son."(Arteria)

(their son!! what does she mean by that?)(Akame)