
Travails of love

Richard and Claire have what should be called a "love gone south" story. Love turns to hate, Richard hates his ex lover whom he had loved a lot because of a misunderstanding and is set to take a revenge. He is bent on making her feel exactly what he felt from her betrayal. Claire Winston, an innocent lady who is unaware of the cruelty of the world is caught in situations that is beyond her control. She is forced to leave behind her lover after the murder of her mother. She lives in heartache for three years. After those years, She crosses path with the one person She was made to stay away from forever. Then old wounds and feelings reopen.

Jamtee_library · Urban
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12 Chs

Love struck

Claire hurried inside her media house as she was already running late.

Mr Royston's secretary walked to her and said, "Mr Royston requests your presence in his office."

Claire pursed her lips wondering why he sent for her.

"Oh, thank you," She said to the secretary who replied with a smile.


Few minutes later, Claire walked out of the editor-in-chief's office with sadness that slowly resulted into anger as tears brims on her eyelids.

She walked to her office and packed everything that was hers into her bag.

She had entered the editor-in-chief's office after being offered a seat,he told her or rather he dropped the bomb that she has been dismissed and would be given compensation.

How could she have been dismissed just like that, the editor-in-chief didn't have an explanation for that. He simply said he was following orders from the board.

She was sure she did nothing wrong or had not shown or done any poor attitude to work. She had even been awarded best journalist of the year in the media house, She loved her job With everything in her.

Immediately she entered her car, a tear rolled down her eyes, she wiped it and composed herself.

It seemed like her days were going from bad to worse.

She picked up her phone and called Dove.

"Hey babe. What's up?" Dove's lively voice called loudly.

"I was just sacked," Claire dropped the words.

A moment of silence ensued and Dove finally asked, "Why?" It was obvious she was in shock.

"I don't know why. I came to work this morning and..."

"Calm down, Where are you?" Dove cut in.

"I am in the parking lot of the media house. I am about to go home."

"Oh ok, I would be coming to your home now," Dove said, leaving no room for arguments.

"I would be expecting you then," Claire sighed, hanging up.

Claire and Dove arrived at Claire's house at the same time, Dove went to hug her immediately.

"Sorry about it." They both went into her house.

"Don't worry, we would find you a very good position in the marketing department of one of my family's companies," Dove said even though she knew Claire wouldn't want such.


Two weeks later,Dove was in the shopping mall, purchasing some groceries she needed when an handsome man stood near her and said, "Hi."

"Hey," she muttered and returned to the payment of what she bought.

"Bills on me," he said with a charming smile.

"No, thank you. I am fine by myself," She answered, her eyebrows already easing to a frown.

"Oh... I know but all bills on me,"He insisted still maintaining the charming smile which made Dove want to roll her eyes. She didn't ask for his help but since he was insisting, 'why not?' She mentally shrugged.

"Okay," She agreed, wanting to leave the mall quickly as she was time constraint.

After payments were made, they both walked to the parking lot but before Dove could enter her car to drive off, the handsome stranger made sure they exchanged number and handles before going their separate ways.

In the bar, Richard was hanging out with his friends.

"...I saw a beautiful lady at the mall today and I was love struck immediately,"Stanley said smiling in remembrance of Dove.

"You, love struck? Impossible, find another word to use please," Leonard said rolling his eyes.

He knew that was the last thing his friend would feel for another woman.

"I seriously couldn't get my mind off her since I met her in the mall," Stanley muttered, ignoring Leonard's remark.

He had an expression of a love struck person which made his friends sigh.

"You are just going to use her again," Leonard predicted in a tone like he could see the future. It was because he knew his friend like the back of his palm.

"Me? Of course not. I am not using anyone," he said and his friends gave him looks which he understood immediately.

"Come on, I don't think I would dump this one," he defended himself looking as if he was in deep thought.

"We are just friends and could develop from more than just friends," Stanley said and Leonard and Richard exchanged looks.

"Dude's sick," Leonard said in a thick accent that annoy Stanley a lot, he uses it when he mostly wants to annoy Stanley.

Richard chuckled when he saw the glare on Stanley's face. He had not contributed in their conversation, he knew that was what Stanley always say yet you find the so called friend on his bed. His mind was occasionally drifting to Claire and he did not know if it was wise enough to tell his friends about her.

"Claire is back in the city," he finally said.

His friends were surprised by what he said.

"Really? It seemed like she totally disappeared." Leonard commented, looking intently at Richard, he wanted to figure out his friends mood and what was going on in his friend's mind.

He knew discussing about Claire was a prickly subject for Richard. When Claire had left Richard, he was so hurt that he felt betrayed and bittered and Richard had never healed from the hurt and the pain he felt.

Now Stanley was silent as he watched Richard.

"Just stay away from her to avoid opening old wounds," Stanley murmured and Leonard nodded in support.

Richard gave a snort. "I don't intend on staying away," He made his intention clear.

"That would be really wonderful," Leonard chipped, his words sarcastic.

"I want to get my revenge, and my plans are already in motion," Richard said with a distant smirk which made his features seem dangerous somehow.

"Splendid! We all here knows who would be getting hurt. I have a shoulder for you to cry on though." Stanley murmured.

"Watch and see, Bastard!" Richard said with eyes twinkling with determination.

"Stop this dude from doing something stupid," Stanley turned to Leonard.

"Nah, let him. It's going to be fun," Leonard said, drinking from his glass of cognac.

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