
Trapped Underground

Anne_6523 · Video Games
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6 Chs

6. Exploring the Ruins.

As their conversation drew to a close, the siblings expressed keen interest in further exploring the Ruins. Toriel warmly encouraged their curiosity, providing them with a helpful map and a cellular phone for their journey.

They returned to the room graciously given to them by Toriel, taking a moment to freshen up and gather their belongings. Sorting through their bags, they discovered the surviving essentials: a kit stocked with bandages, spirits, cotton wool, scissors, and pain relievers. In a pleasant surprise, they found their forgotten daggers that would have been invaluable during the Flowey incident. Their personal phones, though drained, were joined by trusty, still-bright touch lights. Daisy's empty journal and pen were retrieved, along with a stash of dried beef, thankfully unscathed in its container. Regrettably, much of their other gear had been lost or damaged, but they made do.

Given Daniel's improved condition, he offered to shoulder the bag, but Davis insisted otherwise. "You're still recovering, Dan. Let me handle it," he asserted.

And so, equipped with the map and a cellular phone Toriel had given them, a shared curiosity, and the watchful presence of Snow, they embarked on their quest to uncover the secrets of the Ruins.

Daisy was enraptured by the Ruins' beauty, her steps almost dancing as she absorbed every intricate detail. Occasionally, her thoughts meandered to the morning's conversation with Toriel and her brothers, pondering the veracity of the legends and the mysterious barriers that separated their worlds. Yet, the Ruins' enchantment soon swept away these uncertainties, leaving her utterly captivated.

As they continued their explorations, they unexpectedly encountered... a creature. It was a colossal frog with an additional set of small eyes and mouth on its belly.

"Ribbit ribbit! (Stop right there!)" the giant frog croaked. Strange, how were they able to understand it? Well, that could be puzzled out later. What Davis was certain of was that it was some form of frog-like monster, and it seemed decidedly unfriendly. Swiftly, Davis drew his dagger and positioned himself protectively in front of his siblings.

The colossal frog seemed momentarily surprised by his defensive stance, its demeanor morphing from hostility to cautious curiosity. "Ribbit? (Who are you?)" it inquired, its tone notably softer.

Observing the shift, Daniel took a tentative step forward, his palms raised in a gesture of peace. "We mean no harm," he reassured, his voice even and calm. "We're simply passing through." The tension in the air gradually ebbed, replaced by a palpable sense of curiosity from both parties.

Davis, no longer feeling threatened, safely sheathed his dagger. Meanwhile, Daisy couldn't help but be fascinated by the adorable frog-like monster. "Oh my, aren't you an adorable looking frog!" she exclaimed, darting past her brothers to approach the creature. "Hey, Daisy, no, stay away from it," Davis cautioned, though she had already reached the monster and given them their personal space, squatting to meet it at eye level.

The monster, both the frog's face and the one on its belly, blushed slightly in response to Daisy's compliment. "Hi, my name is Daisy, what's yours?" Daisy inquired, her curiosity piqued. The monster hesitated briefly before responding, "Ribbit ribbit (H-hello Daisy, my name is Williams, and I'm a Froggit, not a frog)."

"A Froggit?" Davis questioned, still a bit cautious.

Daisy beamed at Williams. "Nice to meet you, Williams. These are my brothers, Daniel and Davis," she said, gesturing to the two. Daniel offered a friendly wave, and Davis stood with his arms folded. "And this is Snow," Daisy added, indicating the white squirrel perched on Daniel's shoulder.

The Froggit, now more alarmed, queried, "...Ribbit? (...Umm, what are you guys? I have never seen monsters like your kind here in the Ruins before)."

"Hmm? Haven't you seen a human before?" Daniel asked, and the three siblings exchanged confused glances.

"Ribbit?! Ribbit! (Humans?! You mean the scary surface dwellers that trapped us down here? Oh no, I have to inform the others! Three humans have fallen from the surface world!)" Williams exclaimed, dropping some gold coins as they fled.

"Hey! Hold on-!" Davis attempted to chase after them, but Daniel stopped him. "Wha-? What are you doing? We need to catch them before they tell the others!" Davis protested.

"Then?" Daniel asked. "What?" Davis questioned, not understanding what his brother meant.

"After you catch them, what do you plan to do with them? Knock them out? Kidnap and hide them? or maybe ....kill them?" The air in the hallway tensed up as Daniel posed his final question. Snow, sensing the shift in mood, leaped down from Daniel's shoulder and sought refuge in Daisy's clothes.

"Guys, stop fighting; you're scaring Snow," Daisy said, trying to diffuse the tension between the two.

The atmosphere eased as Daniel apologized, gently approaching Daisy and petting Snow's head, who had sought refuge in her clothes. "Sigh... I'm sorry for scaring you, Snow," Daniel said softly, offering a reassuring touch to the white squirrel. He then turned to Daisy, "And you too, Sis, sorry if I scared you," Daniel apologized, petting Daisy's head as well. 

Daisy shook her head and took Daniel's hand. "I can never be scared of you both; you're my elder brothers, after all. We are family," Daisy said, looking up at Daniel with a warm smile. The tension that had gripped the hallway gradually dissipated as the trio embraced the bond of family in the midst of unfamiliar surroundings.

Daniel smiled, appreciating Daisy's reassurance. "Thanks, Sis. You know, I just want to make sure we're all on the same page. Things are different here, and we need to be careful." He glanced at Davis, who was still visibly tense.

Davis sighed, realizing the weight of the situation. "I get it, Dan. I just... I don't want any more surprises. This place is already strange enough."

Daisy nodded, understanding the concerns of both her brothers. "We'll figure this out together, just like we always do."

"By the way, they dropped something," Davis remarked, drawing his siblings' attention to the gold coins on the floor. Daniel picked up two gold coins. "Is this actual gold?" he asked, examining them closely as his siblings gathered around. "Looks like it," Davis agreed.

"We have to return it, right?" Daisy asked, expressing concern that Williams might be upset if their gold went missing. Daniel and Davis exchanged glances before Daniel responded, "Sure, if we meet them again." The decision made, they continued their exploration of the Ruins, the mystery of the underground world unfolding before them.


Froggit was spared, they earned 0XP and 2G


I discribed Williams as they/them because I see them as a two in one body monster regardless of gender.

I do hope you are enjoying this book, feel free to ask questions or share you thoughts in the comments section.

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