
Trapped Underground

Anne_6523 · Video Games
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6 Chs

4. Toriel....?

As the owner of the voice approached the scene, their eyes widened with concern and worry as they took in the sight of Daniel gravely injured and on the brink of unconsciousness. Their instincts kicked in, and without hesitation, they rushed to his side.

 "My child, what has happened to you?" They exclaimed, their voice filled with both worry and compassion.

"W-who are you? What do you want? Leave us alone!" Davis stammered; his panic evident as weariness clung to him from the previous battle.

"All we want is to return home... Is that too much to ask?" Daisy pleaded tearfully, clinging protectively to her injured brother. Fear gripped her heart as she worried about what this new monster's intentions might be.

The new monster's expression softened as they saw the fear and distress in the siblings' eyes. They understood their hesitation and fear, recognizing that they must have faced many challenges in the Underground already.

"I mean you no harm, my children," The monster reassured them gently. "My name is Toriel, and I am the caretaker of the Ruins. I could not simply ignore the presence of newcomers in my home."

"We don't want any trouble, Toriel," Daisy said, her voice trembling with emotion. "We just want to find a way out of here and go back home."

Toriel's gaze softened as she looked at the siblings, her heart going out to them. "I understand, my dear children. This place can be dangerous, especially for humans like you. But you must be careful and avoid unnecessary conflicts."

She then turned her attention to Daniel, gently examining his wounds. "You are hurt quite badly, my child," she said, her voice filled with concern. "Let me tend to your injuries. We mustn't let them worsen."

"No, stop! Stay back! We don't trust you. How do we know you won't hurt us?" Davis asked the goat-like monster wearily, his defensive stance revealing the lingering fear from their recent encounter with Flowey.

Daisy, still holding onto her injured brother, looked torn between fear and the hope of receiving genuine help. Her teary eyes locked onto Toriel's warm gaze, searching for any hint of malice, but all she found was a tender kindness that seemed to resonate deep within her.

Toriel took a step back, giving them space and understanding their hesitation. "I understand that you are wary of me, and that is completely reasonable given the circumstances," she said softly. "I mean you no harm. I simply cannot stand idly by when someone is in need of aid. Please, let me help him. I promise, no harm will come to you while you are here with me."

Davis's grip on his weapon loosened ever so slightly, and he exchanged a cautious glance with Daisy. Slowly, he nodded, deciding to trust Toriel's words, at least for the moment. "Alright, but any funny business, and you'll regret it," he warned.

With a reassuring smile, Toriel turned her focus back to Daniel. With a gentle touch of her hand, Toriel's healing magic enveloped Daniel, like a soft, warm embrace that soothed his pain and mended his wounds. The ethereal glow of her magic swirled around him, weaving its mending powers through his injured body. As the warmth washed over him, Daniel felt a sense of comfort and safety, and his ragged breathing gradually steadied.

"Whoa, what is that? Is that... magic?" Davis asked in amazement, his weariness momentarily forgotten in the face of this enchanting display.

"So pretty~" Daisy murmured in awe, her eyes captivated by the swirling green hues of Toriel's healing magic. It was a sight to behold. 

Daisy watched with amazement as Toriel's healing magic worked wonders on her brother. Her initial fear and uncertainty started to fade, replaced by a glimmer of trust. Seeing the genuine concern and care in Toriel's eyes, Daisy couldn't help but feel a spark of hope that maybe, just maybe, things would be alright.

As the healing process continued, Davis kept a cautious eye on Toriel, still wary of the situation. However, as he witnessed the gentle and caring way she treated his brother, a sense of relief washed over him. 'Maybe she was telling the truth after all,' he thought, trying to suppress the urge to let his guard down completely.

Daisy, too, felt a sense of relief wash over her. She held back tears of worry for her brother, knowing that without Toriel's intervention, things might have turned out much worse. In that moment, she silently vowed to remain cautious but open to the possibility that not everyone down here was alike, if there were any more that is.

After what seemed like an eternity, Daniel's wounds were finally fully healed, and he was able to sit up, feeling much better than before. He looked up at Toriel, gratitude in his eyes. "Thank you," he said softly, his voice filled with sincerity.

"You're most welcome, my child," Toriel replied with a warm smile. "It is my duty to care for those who find themselves in the Ruins. You and your siblings are no exception. Rest now and let my magic finish its work."

"How are you feeling?" Daisy inquired, her concern evident in her eyes, as she turned her attention to her brother.

Daniel gave Daisy a small smile. "I feel much better now, thanks to Toriel's magic. It's like all the pain just vanished." he said holding unto the left side of his belly, where he had been impaled by Flowey.

"Hm... I guess she's alright," Davis said, his earlier wariness now replaced with gratitude.

"I guess so," Daisy admitted, her eyes softening as she looked at Toriel. "Thank you, Toriel, for healing my brother. We really appreciate it."

"May I heal both of you as well?"

Daisy and Davis exchanged a confused glance, simultaneously pointing to themselves. "Us?" they said in unison.

"Yes, although your wounds aren't as serious as your brother's here, they still need to be mended. Especially you, my dear, you have a lot of cuts on your body, and some of them seem to be bleeding out," Toriel said, reaching out to Davis to try to heal him. However, Davis flinched back, not fully trusting her.

"We appreciate your help, but--"

"Okay," Daisy said, cutting off Davis before he could finish talking.

"Sis?" Davis turned to his sister in disbelief.

"What? You need it. Those cuts look bad, and I don't see them healing anytime soon," Daisy scolded her brother.

Davis eyed his sister skeptically, noticing some bruises on her right elbow and left arm. She had a few scratches here and there, but nothing too serious. Snow was on her shoulder, staring up at him as well. Now that he thinks about it, they look alike. 'Cute.'

With a sigh, Davis reluctantly agreed but still kept a watchful eye on Toriel.

Toriel took both of their hands and held them. The green hue reappeared again, and before they knew it, all their cuts, bruises, and scratches were gone.

"wow, Thank you Toriel." Daisy said with a big smile.

"Yeah, Thanks" he said brushing his arm where a cut used to be.

Toriel's smile widened. "You are all very welcome, my dears. It warms my heart to see you getting along. Family is a precious thing, and it is essential to support and care for one another, especially in a place like the Underground."

As the siblings exchanged glances, a newfound spark of curiosity lit up their eyes.

"Please, feel free to ask your questions," Toriel encouraged them, sensing their eagerness.

"What exactly is this place?"  "Who are the people Flowey mentioned, the ones trapped down here?", "Are we the only humans here?", "How can we leave this place?", " Do we-" The siblings bombarded her with inquiries before Toriel gently interjected.

"Children, please take it one question at a time," she said with a kind smile, slightly overwhelmed by the flurry of queries.

"First, let us depart from this place. Come along, and I shall lead you to a haven where you can all rest your weary heads. You must have endured a long and arduous day," Toriel said soothingly, carefully peeling away the blood-soaked bandages that had covered Daniel's wounds.

With Toriel's support, the siblings made their way through the mysterious and enchanting Ruins. Daisy held onto her brother's arm, ensuring he didn't strain himself after the intense battle with Flowey. Davis kept a watchful eye on their surroundings with Snow on his shoulder. His initial wariness slowly easing in the presence of the compassionate goat-like monster.

As they walked through the candlelit halls, Daisy couldn't help but marvel at the beauty of the Ruins. The ancient runes and intricate carvings told stories of times long past, and the soft glow of the candles created a sense of tranquility. Despite the uncertainty of their situation, a feeling of comfort and safety washed over the siblings, knowing they were under Toriel's care.

"So, what is this place, and why did that Flowey guy try to... you know, kill us?" Davis asked, still seeking answers to their questions.

Toriel paused, a mixture of sadness and concern evident in her eyes. "This place is called the Ruins, my dears," she began, leading them through a gentle turn in the hallway. "It is the first area of the Underground, a world hidden beneath the surface, far from the realm of humans."

"As for Flowey," she continued with a sigh, "he is not what he seems. Flowey is a creature born from a powerful magic experiment gone awry. He lacks compassion and empathy, seeing others only as pawns in his twisted game. He relishes in causing pain and suffering, finding pleasure in the misery of those he encounters."

Daisy's brows furrowed, and her grip on Daniel's arm tightened. "But why does he want to hurt us? What did we ever do to him?"

Toriel's expression softened as she looked at the siblings with empathy. "I believe Flowey's actions stem from his own feelings of loneliness and despair. He is trapped in an eternal existence without a soul, and that has twisted his heart into darkness. But that does not excuse his actions. We must be cautious around him and others like him in the Underground."

As they walked further, Toriel explained more about the Underground, its inhabitants, and the history of the barrier that kept humans away from the monsters. She spoke of the legends and prophecies surrounding a human who would one day break the barrier and free the monsters.

Daniel, Davis and Daisy listened intently, absorbing the information with a mix of curiosity and trepidation. The realization that they were now part of this hidden world, embarking on a journey filled with magic and danger, began to sink in.

Feeling a mixture of astonishment and anxiety, the siblings exchanged glances, realizing the weight of their situation.

"Will we ever be able to go back home?" Daisy asked, her voice tinged with hope.

"There is a way, but it is not an easy path," Toriel replied. "The Underground is guarded by a powerful barrier that prevents anyone from leaving. It can only be broken by seven human souls. But worry not, my dears, for you are not alone in this journey. I will do everything in my power to guide and protect you."

As they reached a large wooden door, Toriel pushed it open, revealing a warm and inviting living area. Soft cushions adorned the floor, and a crackling fire danced in the hearth, casting a golden glow across the room.

"This will be your home during your stay in the Ruins," Toriel said kindly. "Rest here and regain your strength. We shall discuss your plans for the future when you are ready."

"Thank you, Toriel," Daniel said, his gratitude evident in his eyes.

"We really appreciate your help," Daisy added with a smile.

Davis hesitated for a moment before nodding in agreement. "Yeah, thanks," he said, the hint of a smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

Toriel returned their smiles warmly. "You are most welcome, my dear children. Now rest, and we shall talk more in the morning."

As they reached another room, Toriel showed them where they would rest for the night, providing them with fresh clothes and inviting them to take some much-needed rest.

"Tomorrow, we shall discuss your journey further," Toriel said, her eyes filled with a mix of wisdom and compassion. "For now, sleep well, my dear children."

Daniel gratefully sank into the softness of the mattress, feeling a sense of relief flood through him. Daisy and Davis settled nearby, still cautious but no longer on edge.

"Thank you, Toriel," Daisy said sincerely, "for your kindness and for helping my brother."

Toriel's eyes softened with warmth as she smiled at the siblings. "It is my duty to help those in need, and it brings me great joy to see you safe and comfortable. Now, get some rest, and we shall talk more in the morning."

With those gentle words, Toriel bid them goodnight and left the room, closing the door behind her. As the room fell into darkness, the siblings felt a mixture of emotions—gratitude for their rescuer, curiosity about the Underground, and hope for what tomorrow might bring.

Nearby, Snow, their loyal squirrel companion, had quietly observed the events, her bushy tail twitching gently as she sensed the newfound trust between her human companions and Toriel. She nestled at the foot of their bed, keeping a watchful eye over them, knowing that they were now in the care of someone who meant them no harm.

As they drifted off to sleep, thoughts of their family back on the surface lingered in their minds. They missed their father and worried about how he would be coping without them. But for now, they knew they had each other, Snow, and a kind-hearted goat monster who had taken them in like her own.

In the warmth and safety of Toriel's care, they found comfort and drifted off to sleep, knowing that their journey had just begun. They were prepared to face many more challenges and embark on numerous adventures in the vast and mysterious world of the Underground.