
Trapped In A Kiss BL

Walls Street is on its way to doom and it just so happens to be caused by a bi curious bad boy. Closeted Gay CEO Mason who is secretly in love with his straight bestfriend and business partner found himself on a mission to eradicate his younger sister's new boyfriend from the face of earth when he gets caught in the trap of the bi-curious bad boy. It could have been the right time but with the wrongest person ever Just how do you survive falling flat on your face from the closet with someone that shouldn't be Aphrodite was at work and she definitely wasn't wearing the armor of niceness .

kayd_0928 · Realistic
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24 Chs

The Reveal

At 5pm that evening, Mason's car cruised down the estate smooth roads

"Hopefully she is home" Mason muttered as he drove in to the compound after the mansion gates were opened. He put the gear in gear mode as he parked in his usual spot and sighed .one of the maids ran over even before he got opened his car door . he rested his head against the wheel for a moment then raised it up again as the passenger's door was opened and someone retrieved his briefcase from him

"welcome home sire" the young boy said and Mason just raised a hand to acknowledge the boy who bowed slightly and headed back into the house. Something caught his eye but it was one of those sensory memory scenes which was something he didn't acknowledge until he was in the house. Seeing his sister's balcony door opened was a bit rare as she has always prepared it close but Mason just decided she probably wants it like that after all, it was a bit hot and she might not feel good with the air conditioner. He be never paused to really think, he was just really glad she was home and he decided he was going to try talking to her again after consulting with Mary.

He was so proud of what he had been able to achieve that day. First, he found a temporary way to get rid to get Lisa stay away from the dangerous guy he didn't want her with and Evans expressed his feeling clearly which was something he rarely did but only did with Mason and that was one of the reasons they were best friends and lastly , he entered Evan's office for the first time in forever.it felt nice and satisfying

Mason thought as he headed up to his room, he could hear faint music sounds coming from Lisa's room. It was not new but its been a while , he smiled and 23increased the strides to his room just to change into something more comfortable. he was still in the process of that, putting on a grey t shirt, there was a knock at the door.

"sir? Master Mason?" Mary's familiar voice came through as she knocked once one

"I don't suppose he is in here, probably at the gym" Mason could hear her muttering to herself and just when he heard her footsteps start to move, he called out

"Mary. Give me a few minutes, I will be right there" he said

"Okay sir" she replied and after a few seconds of waiting, Mason came out dressed in joggers and a flimsy t shirt which he only wore when he was in the house

"Good evening sir, dinner is already being prepared .is there something you would like to add ?" Mary said just as soon as Mason stepped out of the room, she brought out a notepad and a pen waiting for Mason to give out instruction and he smiled slightly shaking his head, he knew she had problems remembering things but sometimes, it was just a bit funny seeing her struggle to write after putting on her special recommended glasses

"Its not about dinner" Mason finally replied

Mary smiled slightly, closing her notepad as she brought out an i- pad and read out

"Lisa got in by 12:45pm " she said, Mason smiled in relief then suddenly she stopped hesitating to say something without looking at Mason straight "well, she came in with the car unscratched but she was with a friend" she finally added

Mason stretched his hands, trying to get comfy in his outfit proceeding down the hallway to Lisa's room

"which friend?" he asked taking a step at a time, trying as much as he could so he won't leave slow striding Mary alone

"Steph, Annie or Angela or which of her girlfriends …I don't really think I remember most of their names" he muttered along mostly to himself than to Mary who was trailing behind him rather too slowly and when Mason felt no reply forth coming, he stopped in his tracks to face the woman behind him fully in the face with a confused look

"Mary? You heard me right?" he asked

"oh yeah sir. i can" Mary replied clearing her throat slightly

Mason furrowed his eyebrows , scrunching his fore head in the process

"well..?" he dragged out

"sir?" Mary questioned right back

"which of her girl friends are with her or is it all of them? I don't want to barge in and cause a scene and all. You know how all these girls can be "he tried to explain

"well sir, the friend she is currently with is not a girl ..and his name is.." Mary was saying but Mason was not listening anymore, all he could hear was "not a girl ..not a girl.. not a girl" it rang his head multiple times like an alert as he too bigger strides towards Lisa's room, ignoring the rest of Mary's sentence and hoped it was not what he thought he was.

The "KEEP OUT "Sign outside his sister's room did nothing to stop him as he kicked the door open, the faint sound of music he had heard earlier was louder now and there she was seated on her bed laughing joyfully but somehow, her expression changed immediately she saw him and all. However it was not only the sound of her joyful laughter he had heard because right there in the corner of the room ,on the chair he had gotten for his sister for her piano lessons which faced right into the balcony ,there was a slightly deep laugh and some words came through, belonging to the person Mason was hoping to slam dead

Mary was at the door all this while though,silent and maybe expecting the worst.

"why did you stop laughing, the lyrics are really funny , ain't they?" a voice deeper than Evan's asked and Mason's blood boiled with anger

Then Mason caught sight of some ruffled hair that seemed to be black mostly and withsome tint in it, The face became its reveal as the body turned slightly and Mason's throat itched with anticipation as the mysterious blonde guy rose full length from the chair ,turning to look at Lisa before he finally realised he was not alone, it wasn't until he turned fully to see Mason and Mary standing right behind the latter did Mason notice the little hawk tattoo on his chin he had seen the day he saw his sister get off the power bike . Mason had a hard time maintaining whatever patience he had left as the irritating scene of the guy chewing gum loudly echoed in the door.. throughout all this while ,however, Lisa remained silent and indifferent waiting for her brother's actions

Bryan smiled in a way that was more of a smirk at Mason and moved closer by walking to where Mason stood speechless at the scene happening before him as he brought out his scared hand "Nice to meet you sir, I am Bryan Holding"