
Trapped In A Kiss BL

Walls Street is on its way to doom and it just so happens to be caused by a bi curious bad boy. Closeted Gay CEO Mason who is secretly in love with his straight bestfriend and business partner found himself on a mission to eradicate his younger sister's new boyfriend from the face of earth when he gets caught in the trap of the bi-curious bad boy. It could have been the right time but with the wrongest person ever Just how do you survive falling flat on your face from the closet with someone that shouldn't be Aphrodite was at work and she definitely wasn't wearing the armor of niceness .

kayd_0928 · Realistic
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24 Chs

Knowing What

"Did the board meeting start already?" Mason asked as soon he stepped into the hallway

"no sir but Mr Evans came looking for you "Ben replied standing while adjusting his glasses

"when was that though?" Mason asked

"he came in an hour ago after informing me about the 1 board meeting. I sent you a mail immediately " he replied

"Yeah, I saw it on my way back"

"Is he currently in the company?" Mason asked

"I believe so sir, I can help ask Kendra to confirm ,if you want?" Ben questioned already proceeding to call Evan's hot secretary who Mason was kind of jealous was because of just how much Evans likes her

"Mason checked his wristwatch "Never mind that, I will check on him myself" he stated and was already on his way back to the elevator while Ben returned to his work with a sigh

Kendra stood up straight as soon as Mason stepped into the hallway

"Good Morning sir "she said

"Morning Kendra, is the VC currently busy? " he asked

"he has an appointment soon but not currently occupied. You can go in sir" Kendra stated politely and Mason smiled at her formally before stepping in to Evan's office which almost seemed the same as his but smaller

Evans was right there like stated by Kendra, seated in his office on his twirling chair with his legs crossed and as usual, looking as hot as he usually was in Mason's wet dreams, scrolling through his phone like usual.

"What went wrong?" he asked without looking up from whatever he was doing on his phone

"What do you mean?" Mason asked as he came in and shut the door behind him

"You haven't been in in my office in months, Mason, do you know that?" Evan asked still without looking and that's when Mason realized it on his own even though he didn't think Evans would notice, he had started avoiding going to Evans office because it thought it would expose him, when Evans started working as the Vice CEO alongside him, Mason couldn't exactly hide the joy that he would be seeing Evans looking freaking hot in a suit all day that he made sure to visit him every now and then and at a time, he felt like it was going to start becoming too much that he tried to reduce his frequent visits and then suddenly, he just stopped and then it became better because instead Evans came to visit him instead .

"Things have been busy around here" Mason replied

"Yeah right" Evans replied

Mason took a seat on the visitor's chair opposite Evans' and then cleared his throat

"ahem.. I heard you came looking for me" He stated just to start a conversation as if it wasn't the usual

Evans sighed, shutting off his phone screen, he put it down and then started

"Are we okay ,Mason?" he asked ,his voice sounding suddenly serious

Mason seemed surprised at the question then prepared for the worst as he asked

"What do you mean?"

"you seem more distant than ever and I was wondering if there is something going on with us that I am not aware about" His best friend replied

Mason sighed and wondered just how you tell your best friend you have been in love with him forever and you are avoiding him to avoid heartbreak

"You rejected my offer to go to the club day ago and today you just left without telling me anything" Evans finally explained and Mason sighed in relief as he tried to scrap the surface of his life

"Its Lisa" he stated and that made Evans sit up straight and seem concerned

"she didn't run away again, did she?" he asked as he was quite of past evets of when she did

Mason chuckled slightly

"no no, she is just being rebellious lately, I just found out today that she has been hanging out with a dropout from her college and she has not been listening to me or anything lately. she refuses to eat or talk to me, instead she just eats in her room and eave when I leave and comes back and locks herself in her room just because I told her I wasn't in support of it" Mason explained

Evans chuckled and commented

"Like brother, like sister"

Mason sighed as he leaned back in his seat ,tired and a bit tapped out

"What is that supposed to mean now?" he whined out

"I can't believe you are all grown already, and although you bare a CEO of a company and 23 years, you still manage to behave like a child. "Evans stated

Mason frowned slightly to the idea of Evans calling him out on his age "You are only 2 years older, dude"

Evans couldn't hold back his laughter

"Why are you laughing now? " Mason asked

"Nothing Nothing" Evan replied amidst laughter and it only finally died down when the glare Mason was sending his way got intense

"okay okay. Here is the idea I have. You used to be like that too when you are angry. Have you tried understanding her, like just let her give it a try. If you keep being overprotective ,I don't think she will ever stop . you need to see things from her perspective man. Come on"Evans advised but Mason wasn't on the same page

"Its not that I don't want her to hangout or stuff but not with him. see it from her perspective ? from her perspective, I will just be the ignorant girl hanging around with an ex-convict who was arrested for assault and battery while refusing to listen to my brother who is just trying to look out for me" Mason said and Evans chuckled then his face was a bit solemn

"Hmm though, that's a bit extreme. Assault and battery? Well have you tried and meet up with this guy she is been with?" Evans asked

"I intend to try that if my current solution doesn't work out" Mason replied

"and what is that?" Evan asked, narrowing his eyes at his best friend and Mason gave his usual smirk that Evans knew too well

"You will see" he stated .