
Trapped In A Kiss BL

Walls Street is on its way to doom and it just so happens to be caused by a bi curious bad boy. Closeted Gay CEO Mason who is secretly in love with his straight bestfriend and business partner found himself on a mission to eradicate his younger sister's new boyfriend from the face of earth when he gets caught in the trap of the bi-curious bad boy. It could have been the right time but with the wrongest person ever Just how do you survive falling flat on your face from the closet with someone that shouldn't be Aphrodite was at work and she definitely wasn't wearing the armor of niceness .

kayd_0928 · Realistic
Not enough ratings
24 Chs

Mason - Big Brother

It was one of the few mornings that Mason decided to take his time before heading to his office.

"Hey there, what's your name?" Mason called out to one of the maids as she passed him by on his way out of his room looking refreshed now dressed in his business outfit of a blue suit and his well. knotted tie

"Ename sir" she replied with some fear coupled with respect.

"Is Lisa back yet?" he asked.

" I don't know sir" she replied, looking quite unsure as she held the mop she was going to dry out closer to her in defence.

Mason sighed with annoyance and he could hear a slight growl in the room.

"Get me Mary now!"he ordered and the servant replying affirmatively scurried away in search of the housekeeper.

"I am definitely having second thoughts about sending her to college. I should have just gotten her with a private tutor like I did in her high school days ",Mason muttered to himself with some anger as he walked down the stairs, he was down the first step and was going down the second row. Heright in the middle there in the little passage that adjoined the stairs,he heard tires screech in to his mansion and Mason wondered who was driving as he had no driver and although there was a driver for the housekeeper just for when she needs to get groceries ,he was not on duty until Mason left for office .

If Mason had been a little longer,he would have missed the current unbelievable scene unfolding before him. There was the most cherished part of his life ,his one and only sister laughing excitedly as she waved at a guy driving away on a powerbike.

He smiled back at her with a wink that Mason hated so much right at that moment ,chewing gum excessively, and Mason could only see a part of his face briefly right before he shut back his helmet and the only thing he could take notice of just before the biker drove away was the little hawk tattoo on his chin.

Mason stood there for a second, not wanting to believe his 19-year-old younger sister had actually dared to come home with a guy and on a damn powerbike!

At that instant,he was at a loss for actions on what to do until he heard the front door opening and the usual sound of her steps that he was used to getting closer and closer, and suddenly, it stopped.

It seemed she was not the only suprised one as she stood there, ,at the end of the stairs definitely suprised to see him home at that time of the day, regardless of the fact that he was watching out the window, which was clear that he must have seen her get off and laugh .

"Good morning brother"she said ,gaining her voice back as she stared at an upset version of her loving and overprotective brother.

"Lisaa...."he dragged out ,his anger coming through

He turned to face her ,silent and as if expecting an explanation that he knew wouldn't count and even Lisa knew that, but she tried anyway.

" I am guess you saw... "she tried to say, but was cut off.

" You are guessing? No Lisa . I saw alright? a power bike really? If you wanted one, I would have gotten you that alright? Don't sleep out and no idiotic boyfriend. is that too much to fucking ask of you? huh?! "Mason asked Is, as his sister stared at him with a blank expression he couldn't quite read

" It's not about the power bike,Mason. He is my friend, alright, not an ' idiotic boyfriend' "she replied, and left Mason in a speechless state. His sister had never argued with him.

" You have enough friends,Lisa",he tried to reason with her, but to no avail.

"all girlssss, Mason"she stressed All him, afraid he wouldn't get the point.

Mason sighed , took a glance at his million dollar watch which was 9:12am and he realized he had spent so much time at home. He looked up to see her glaring at him, but he was already used to her attitude, so he didn't mind instead,

He walked down towards her until he was standing directly in front of her. He sighed and put a comforting hand on her shoulder ,staring lovingly into her eyes ".you know your big brother loves you and is only looking out for you, right?"he asked.

It took a moment for her to stop glaring at him and even Mason could feel the atmosphere change.

She stormed past him on the stairs and headed to her room, in the process of which his hand fell off her shoulder.

" Get a girlfriend already. I need my own fucking life!" she yelled just as soon as she slammed close the door of her room.

Mason sighed and turned around only to come face to face with Mary, the house keeper whose look said it housekeeper

" You knew about this?" he asked, referring to the recent memory of his sister smiling while getting off the dangerous powerbike.

" I will talk to her, sir"she said, as if to apologize.

Mason sighed again and shook his head before declining his hand in his pocket You know what? You , don't worry Mary. She is just tired. I will talk to her when I get back, okay?"he said and then straightened his coat jacket with his sleeves before walking out the house through the front door.

At his office

"Mr Evans was just here"his secretary,Ben said, just as soon as Mason settled in his chair.

At the sound of his best friend's name ,Mason got active and straightened up with a slight smile.

"what was it that he wanted?"he asked just as he tried to adjust his hair slowly, running a hand through it.

Ben shrugged,"nothing much, but he dropped some documents"he said, and pointed to the documents which were neatly arranged on the table.

Mason sighed with a content smile at the thought of Evan being in his office until just recently.

"You can go"he instructed and just when Ben was leaving,he got caught in his tracks by his boss calling out to him again.

"You know what ,Ben? I have a task for you. If you succeed at it, I owe you an extra package at the end of the month."

They both knew Ben was a big fan of money.

"you had me at 'extra'sir. what is it that you need me to do though?" he asked You around and Mason smiled, leaning forward on his chin.

"I need you to find someone for me."