
Trapped from Mister Callous

Callista gritted her teeth while maintaning herself from groaning after the cold breeze of air welcomed her adding up also the pain that suddenly greeted her after waking up with her hands tied up behind her back. Her body was damaged real bad and she's aware of it, but what she wasn't aware of was the man with dark features standing right in front her. " You were asleep for so long that i thought i've killed you already" Just by hearing his voice she knew exactly who it was, from their brief encounter it was not hard to forget him. Especially how he was the last man she saw before passing out in the middle of a bloody hall inside of Valkusz mansion...

anonnonon · Fantasy
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7 Chs

The sudden Massacre

"Offer ourselves?" Callista mumbled, Feeling a cold shudder in her body. Tyler who have heard her was about to ask something when someone scream from the near door, turning the atmosphere around the place into a complete horror.

The woman who was about to leave the place by the door, was stopped by a single guard who pierced their sword directly at her throat.

The host could be heard laughing by the microphone, that joyful laughs from the wealthy crowd earlier had left the hall and have replaced by their horrified screams and cries, everything went wrong just by a single night and Callista can't bear it.

It was a total massacre, blood splashing to the clean walls and floor, The guards tearing off the body parts of those guest, some group of the guest was hiding behind the catering table or trying their best to escape but none of them succeeded on keeping themselves alive.

Callista stood there in complete shock, no words or expression can be heard or see on her, Tyler who was in a state of panick was trying to convince Callista to run but when he failed to hear a respond from her he left her there to be only shot at the head with throw knife.

' This can't be happening, how could this even happen? Why am i experiencing this? Why why why?!'

Callista was quiet but her head was in a state of exploding from comprehending on what was currently happening in front of her, both of her hands was shaking while she tried to cover her ears to stop herself from hearing the nightmares.

The grand hall was covered by blood in less than 10 minutes, The guards who was suppose to be guarding and protecting those wealthy guest was murdering every single human in that place except for a single human who was watching every killing that is being show in front of her.

'Was this an assassination? Or a fun entertainment for them like what the host said? Do i really have to die now?!'

Callista knelt down in the ground shivering, if she's gonna die, she only wished to hear her mother's voice and as much as she hate her brother she dont want to leave the world without hearing his voice too.

Callista hopelessly opened her purse with her eyes looking cold and dead, her shaky hands pull out her phone, trying her very best to call her mother, Her face lit up when she saw the calling ID of her mother and while waiting for her mother to answer, her eyes caught the sight of blood slowly reaching her glamorous gown, she wanted to run away. But how? She's not a fool to not realize she's the last person left to be killed by those guards, the screaming was stopped and the grand hall was full of evil laughs and scoffs from those murders.

A single tear fall down on her eyes when the call was turn off, she only wanted to hear her family's voice but why can't she even have that?

Her deadpan eyes slowly move to look straight at the man who ruined her night, with an evil smirk in his lips and eyes red as blood.... Slowly walking towards her while playing the knife by his fingers.

But before that man could get any more closer to her, Callista fainted. The mobile phone she was gripping slipped down from her hands suddenly glowing again with a call coming from her mom

"Tsk, and here i am greeting her from hell" Apollo complain throwing the knife somewhere before walking more closer to Callista, lifting her up by throwing her to his right shoulder like a sack of rice before glancing at his brother's soldiers.

"Clean the mess" he ordered which they respond with a nod.

Everything that happened was all according to his plan, all of it just to capture the daughter of Robert Pedmend. The person who has something great from him and also has a knowledge about his secret, he lured that man to send his daughter in the ball, he would either threaten the man or killed the daughter if she became a useless subject, but he doubt the man would give up his life just for his daughter.

That's because humans are indeed selfish beings who thinks they're the most knowledgeable creatures around the whole universe.

"what a pity" Apollo mumble wen he harshly lay down the poor girl in the back of his car while he enter the driver seat. He has high expectations for the girl so if that girl ruined those expectations who knew what he would have to do to her.

"MOM?" Callista called out in the dark hoping to see her mom.

"C-Cajel? P-Please just anybody?" Callista was desperately trying to call for anybody to tell her she's alive or she's not in hell. But nothing appear nothing can heard in the dark space, Callista pressed her lips, her heart feeling like it was about to explode.

"So i really did die" She stated, the empty shallow swallowing her slowly.

But in that darkness a small light was lit and when she tried to reach for it flashbacks was shown in front of her, the time she was talking with Layla, the moment she entered the mansion, the scene where she was with Apollo and lastly the horrifying scenario of the massacre.

She clenched her fist and shut her eyes to force herself to wake up in those nightmares, and when she did an unwelcome place and terrifying feeling alerted her.

Callista gritted her teeth while maintaning herself from groaning after the cold breeze of air welcomed her adding up also the pain that suddenly greeted her after waking up with her hands tied up behind her back.

Her body was damaged real bad and she's aware of it, but what she wasn't aware of was the man with dark features standing right in front her.

" You were asleep for so long that i thought i've killed you already"

Just by hearing his voice she knew exactly who it was, from their brief encounter it was not hard to forget him.

Especially how he was the last man she saw before passing out in the middle of a bloody hall inside of Valkusz mansion...

'W-Where am i? Why is that strange man in front of me now? What exactly does he even want from me?!'

"W-Why-" callista couldn't finish what she was trying to say when her voice cracked, her throat felt like knives are inside , she can't speak because of that disturbing pain!

"Shhh, Don't speak Milady..."Apollo said with a tone sounding like he was making fun of her, and that felt worst for Callista.

"To give you a little help, i'll explain to you the reason why i'm doing this" Hearing those sentence from Apollo felt like a huge stress lift from her.

'Finally, a reason for all of this shits' Callista thought, Apollo gently lift her face so she could see him.

It confused Callista on why she was in a clean room, it felt like it was this man's room which made her cringe just at the thought, but because it was a clear room she could also clearly see the handsome features of the man.

Apollo's features furrowed when he examine Callista's beat up face, gently placing a hand in her cheek to caress it, but that action only worsen Callista's situation.

"I think i went too far on punishing you" He stated, Callista wanted to roll her eyes if she could and wanted to ask him the reason on what's the point on beating her up, Her mind and heart is already beaten up badly there's no need for this.....

"Your father has something from me" He started, Callista could barely hear anything but because this man adjusted himself to say it beside her ear, she could clearly hear his voice that had the hint of danger in it.

"Something that i could care less but since it might cause some future problem to me i don't have a choice....." Apollo paused for a while before moving away from her to show his sly smirk.

"I have high expectations for you, so you better behave..... That's it for the day since i'm getting bored. " Apollo said before standing up to untie her hands from behind and leaving her there, alone.

'That's it?'

' That's the only explanation he would tell me?'

Callista's expectation on hearing an explanation that is enough to explain everything that just happened was something she can't even have? Even with this pitiful situation?

'I'm literally on hell right now' She said in her mind.

Seconds, Minutes , Hours or a day has passed ever since he left her cold there, she fainted shortly after his leave and when she woke up she found herself laying in the bed at the same room she was earlier.

"My wounds are gone" She stated when she sat up, checking her whole body that is completely clean without any left marks of an beating or anything.

"strange, But where is that crazy man?" She thought of Apollo who still owe her a big explanation, that's if he would really explain anything to her.

Her eyes travel around the room to see any opening for an escape but sadly, there were no windows and the only thing that she could use for an escape is the door.

But she knew the door is locked.

She let out a heavy sigh before pulling her knees at her chest and hugging it, she covered her face in her knees and quietly dwell in he cold room.

"I hate my life" She mumbled feeling the heavy pressure in her heart. She flinched when she felt the sting on her eyes, she forgot about the contact lenses she was wearing to pretend as Layla, she removed it along with the blonde wig 'Now that i removed this, i wonder if i still have the chance to escape? Admitting that i'm not Layla could either kill me or Layla or even both, but if i kept lying that i am Layla what would happen to me?

Would such a huge lie be able to work?

"I could see that your only pretending to be Layla huh?" Someone suddenly spoke from her side which surprised her, almost jumping off the bed from the sudden fright.

Her eyes widen when she saw Apollo sitting at the chair beside the bed wearing a suit with his tie on lose, he was leaning forward with both of his elbow at his knees and a sly smirk plastered at his lips,

she cleared her throat before giving him a serious look.

"Do you really think so?" She replied to him which made Apollo chuckle before lifting the wig with his right hand.

"Then what is this?" He questioned her, Callista gulped predicting every reaction he would made by her reply.

"A wig" She answer him.

Apollo nodded throwing away the wig on the ground.

"Precisely Milady, A wig and contact lenses would be enough to fool others that your Layla-"

"Then who am i?" She cut him off, she doesn't have the intention on admitting she wasn't layla since that could only lead Layla into danger, and saying that could also get her family killed.

Apollo was silent for a minute, his either surprise or amuse at her bold attitude, and because of that he doesn't know what to answer. Because if she's not Layla then who? If she's an imposter how did she got inside his mansion? There's a verification before she could enter and if that verification let her in then....

"Then explain me this props of yours" He said to her, looking at her intensely trying to find any sign of weakness from her.

Callista look back at him without batting an eye to convince him she's the real one without looking so desperate.

"Every girl has a period of time where they want to look special" She answered in a sincere way, Apollo nodded slowly before surprising Callista by dragging himself towards her to seize her right hand and pull her closer to him, their face inches away from each other.

"W-what the hell?!" Callista exclaimed at Apollo who is strangely smirking at her.

"Would you allow me to have a taste of you sweet blood?" Apollo asked gripping her hand. Callista's hazel brown eyes with mesmerizing golden fleeks stared at him with his own red ones.

'What is he talking about? Is he planning to kill me now?! Is he high? That red eyes of his isn't normal!'

Callista stopped from breathing when the pale handsome man in front of her touched her cheek to turn it to the side while he dive his face in her neck .

"Would you?"