
Trapped from Mister Callous

Callista gritted her teeth while maintaning herself from groaning after the cold breeze of air welcomed her adding up also the pain that suddenly greeted her after waking up with her hands tied up behind her back. Her body was damaged real bad and she's aware of it, but what she wasn't aware of was the man with dark features standing right in front her. " You were asleep for so long that i thought i've killed you already" Just by hearing his voice she knew exactly who it was, from their brief encounter it was not hard to forget him. Especially how he was the last man she saw before passing out in the middle of a bloody hall inside of Valkusz mansion...

anonnonon · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
7 Chs


The sudden appearance of that strange man that seem to forgot to even wear a mask for the ball, sends a strange feeling inside of her, instantly made her regret the decision of coming here.

The grand hall that accepted countless of wealthy guest filled the place with laughter and the sweet fragrance of their joy but they where oblivious at what's happening in the center of the ball where two stunning dancers stared at each other in fear and amusement.

"Layla Pedmend, right?" He asked with his deep husky voice that made Callista flinch after hearing his voice.

'Who is this man? What does he need from Layla? ' Callista had thoughts full of doubts and confusion that made her completely blank at the moment.

"Are you okay? Don't say i just scared you?" He spoke again which force Callista to answer him.

"Oh yeah i'm fine, I'm sorry for being rude" She answered suddenly unsure on what she just said, she gritted her teeth feeling quite annoyed at herself ' Why am i acting like this? Its not like his someone capable of doing something in the middle of the crowd' She thought to herself trying to stay calm.

"So? Are you Layla Pedmend?" 'He keeps talking to me without honorifics? Who is he anyway? '

"I think you should introduce yourself first..... s-sir" She said gulping, she try to avoid his curious eyes by turning to the side pretending to watch the others dancing. 'Why does it seem like were dancing for forever here?' she impatiently thought, she slowly try to peek at his face which she instantly regret after seeing he was intensely staring at her.

"Apollo Valkusz, in your honor of your presence Milady" He answer surprising her when he suddenly pause their dance and bowed in front of her, while Callista's eyes turn round.

'Why the freaking monkey is he stopping just to bow?'

"Layla Pedmend-" when Callista was about to introduce herself as Layla, she suddenly froze at her spot when a struck of realization hit her.

'D-did he just said V-Valkusz?'

'What would the great multi-billionaire that could mostly bought an entire country would want from Layla?!- I mean why now?!?!'

Callista was in the verge of panicking if Apollo hadn't suddenly took her hand to lay a gentle kiss above it.

"I-I...." She was quickly cut off by Apollo who has the nerve to continue their dance as if that awkward moment never happen. She doesn't even know what to say to him or even want to utter a word, she even wish for the man in front of her would just disappear. She was looking down at their own feet that is dancing in sync ignoring the way how Apollo watch her movements like a viper.

She wanted to get away from him in that instant but why does it seem like this man doesnt have the intentions to let her? Her eyes gave a quick look at the other partners and she was in complete shock to saw that they were far from the group already and it was too late to realize that this man have forced her to head towards the balcony by dancing.

"W-Wha-What are you doing?!" She unintentionally yell at him almost tripping when she stop her movements, she could have fallen down embarrassingly if this nasty man hadn't caught her by her waist but also use that chance to force her inside the balcony before he close it behind his back.

Her eyes were wide open in fear but also frustration at the sudden scenarios occurring, She's confused and doesn't even have a slight idea on what this man is about to do to her.

She slowly glance at Apollo who find this very situation entertaining, he smirked at her way thinking of some ways on how to distract himself using this girl. Feeling quite suffocated Callista removed her mask before speaking.

"Y-you, Do you think you could just force me here just because you have a higher rank than i am?" She bravely stated fixing her posture by standing up with her chest out and stomach in.

They were covered in silence for a moment before the man suddenly blurt out a chuckle, Which added the annoyance inside Callista. 'His making fun of Layla just because his someone higher than her? Hah! This man is unbelievable'

'I could feel her fear towards me... But it's amusing to see her bravely talking to me like that' Apollo was currently lost in his thoughts while observing the lady he picked to play with.

'This is making me more curious on what kind of human she is.....' He pushed himself by the balcony door and walked towards her.

"Why aren't you answering me? What do you even want? Are you just gonna keep smirking there-" Callista's complaints were paused for a moment when Apollo walk past her and in that short moment the scent of mint and expensive cologne could be easily smelled from him.

She clenched her fist and walk towards the balcony door with the intentions of leaving 'He may be on a higher rank than Layla but that doesn't mean she would just let him treat her like that.

But the small hope in Callista's heart was crushed when she turn the doorknob to only found out that it was locked.

Her expressions turned dark by the little betrayal fate gave her.

'The lock is inside so how did he lock it?'

She turn around to look at the strange man who was currently laying its back in the railings with both of his elbow on top while watching her with a sly smirk in his lips, clearly enjoying the way she felt disbelief.

"Do you like the stars... Layla?" He strangely ask which aroused Callista's desire on punching him for toying her, is stars more important now than telling her the reason on why his doing this?

But nevertheless she still answer him to make this bullshits of him come to an end....

"I do not particularly care about it" She answered honestly before letting out a sigh, she narrowed her eyes at him when he moved his right hand to get something inside his pocket, she gulped at the sudden movement he made hoping he wouldn't shoot her, which is quite unreasonable on why he would.

She relaxed when he took out a box of cigarette inside, lighting it up with a cigarette lighter which he also got it inside of his pocket. She slowly walked towards the railings to rest her back on it, the minute she did her feet ache in pain from the high heels she had been wearing for hours.

" Your relaxed now" Apollo pointed out inhaling the cigarette, he blow the smoke with the intention of looking cool and sexy in front of her.

He knows his hot, so he was also wondering why this girl known as a party addict wasn't throwing herself at him, was he too rude earlier? But regardless of being rude or not women still loves him, or was she just playing hard to get?

"I'm not, so please let me go now" Callista replied to him coldly while crossing her arms in front of her chest as if it was meant for a defense.

"I will..... If you allow me to have another dance with you" He demanded, Callista rolled her eyes before quickly agreeing, the only thing in her mind right now was to leave.

"But" She suddenly added, glancing at him with a serious look which almost made him laugh.

"Yes? What do you wish to request?" He teased her but unfortunately she did took it seriously.

"After this leave me alone-" She was about to say what she wanted when the image of her friend pops up in her mind.

'Rejecting and continuing this behavior of mine might cause Layla some future disturbance or error just because of letting my feelings control over me' she reminded herself, she didn't want to but she change her request into something that has a benefit for layla.

"Hmmm?" Apollo turn to completely face her while placing his left elbow in the railings with his chin on top of his palm.

"I mean, support the future products and projects my father would make, in another words support us" She said hiding her clenched hands behind her.

"If it's from you then i would gladly accept it"

Apollo threw the remaining cigarette in his hand to the ground before bowing in front of her which Callista also did to show courtesy, He smirked at her way while Callista respond it with a forced smile before they started the dance with their eyes locked at each other.

"May i know the reason of your rude actions" She demanded for a an answer ignoring the way he smile at her.

"I'm not being rude, i'm trying to make you savor your freedom while you can" He said making Callista furrowed her eyebrow in confusion.

"I was savoring my freedom earlier if you hadn't just appear" She barked at him, she made the request that she hope he would do so being rude to him now is just a payback to him.

"Oh? But you should know its inevitable to meet me since i owe this mansion" He pointed out. 'His bold personality irritates me, Layla has a bold personality but it wasn't as irritating as him.....

He still hadn't give me a reason on why his doing this to layla'

In the end she avoided his eyes when she felt uncomfortable, She just realize that those eyes of his is enough to give her intense pressure on whatever is happening at the moment, But Apollo on the other hand seem to notice how uncomfortable she is by his stare, His itching for her to look at him .

"But you seem off today Milady, I never heard that you have this savage side of yours" He said in a nonchalant way, Callista was about to speak but then the host spoke first announcing that people should gather to hear about an important news.

"I think we should stop-" Callista was again cut of but now by Apollo who suddenly push his face closer to her making the expressionless Callista show her shock features.

"You think? Does that mean we could continue this-" Callista was getting tired of getting cut off today that she can't help but cut him off.

"It means i want to end this faster"

He looked at her for a second before backing away chuckling at her, she was about to leave when he caught her hand. "Till we meet again Milady" he said kissing the top of her palm, but Callista rolled her eyes at him

"Then let's meet in hell-" She was unable to finish her sentence she suddenly felt a pang of pain in her head, her eyesight slowly turning into a blur and she suddenly felt so weak that she didn't realize how her knees fell down on the ground with her groaning in pain, she looked up to see the man in front of her smirking devilishly.

"Yes, Let's meet in hell"

"WHERE have you been Milady?" Callista flinched when someone grabbed her from the shoulder which made her turn to her back with an expression ready to punch someone but she relaxed when she found out it was owner of those black mask which belong to Tyler, After that confusing time in the balcony she found herself alone there with people inside the staring at her with weird faces, Surprise on why the Layla Pedmend is in her knees at the balcony.

Callista overcome that situation by ignoring them and fixing herself, wearing the mask she needed to convince others she's Layla, before walking out the balcony while massaging her forehead, It wad indeed an embarrassing moment and she wish that people who saw her would just forget it.

"Oh Tyler, I was in the balcony..... I was just getting some fresh air" She answer him with a lie, But Tyler didn't notice the small lie and gave her a sincere smile.

" Is that so? I was worried for a moment since you disappear suddenly along with a strange man" He said scratching the back of his head, yLooking like he was shy for saying that.

'Right, He was just a strange man.. All i need is to forget about that man and quickly leave this place' She said to herself while giving Tyler a smile.

"We were so grateful to every one of you for attending, we would like to show you ladies and gentlemen a quick show of entertainment, we hope that all of you would enjoy it and offer yourselves for this." The host excitedly said confusing everyone at his last sentence.

"Offer ourselves?" Callista mumbled, Feeling a cold shudder in her body.

She don't know what to say about the future circumstances that will occur shortly....

If she only knew this would happen she would rather be killed by herself.