

WARNING: MATURED CONTENT.... Do you love me Lockshay?.... Lockshay blinked severally.....he captured her lips again and her whole being stilled... Lost of words at his actions and beautiful kisses she just like this new side of him...

Peterson_89 · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Can't stay here anymore

2 weeks gone Lockshay wasn't at peace, ever since the incident at the training hall, she continuously bumped into the girls, and they had continuously pranked her to no end using their powers it was really frustrating.

Ever since they discovered where Lockshay's room was she couldn't even get a good sleep sometimes she would be glued to her bed and would be trapped in her room until Yun Zaki comes in with his punishment for over sleeping. Sometimes her bed would fold in two trapping her in the bed for almost six hours before help would finally come. Constantly she has been getting insults and it was driving her nuts she couldn't take it anymore.

She always complained to Yun Zaki about it but he doesn't support her, he even thinks that she was purposely doing all that because she wanted to skip classes and so that she won't have to learn about her magic Lockshay didn't get any support neither did he understands her or what she was passing through so she decided that everything ends now.

Lockshay refused to talk to anyone she made her escape plan, she was going to leave the school without anyone's notice. Lockshay managed to practice a powerful spell, and she knew how long it took her to perfect that spell and that was how she was able to prevent others from teleporting right into her room. It was a really strong spell, mastering that spell really took a whole lot of energy from her, she relaxed on her bed as she tried to recover all of her drained energy.

she switched off her mobile phone so that Yun Zaki won't contact her, she knew that normally he appears in her room to watch her but if he discovered that he isn't getting access into the room, he might try to call.

Lockshay have already gotten the magical lock that would open the portals leading out of the Academy and when everything was ready it was totally an escape plan successful. She was able to slip out of the Academy and again with her powers and also without Yun Zaki's notice.


Lockshay found herself in Y City she immediately locked HAX up in her pink fluffy bag and she magically teleported the lock back in her room in the Academy.

Walking aimlessly around the city Lockshay had really forgotten how busy the roads in Y City normally is. She was fascinated by the looks of the town as her lips curved up. One thing she realized is that she was now in a new other world where no one knows about her magic so she decided to stay low-key been extra careful when using it or else she would have to end up in a government lab somewhere if caught by humans.

Distracted with her thoughts a high pitched screeching noise was heard and the next minute a car ran Lockshay over which threw her and she landed on the hard floor but she was barely wounded. The car halted and a young man dashed out, Lockshay knew she had no injury whatsoever so she had to create one, and that's how she got a bleeding head.

She tried to stand up and a young handsome man showed in her vision

"are you alright?

he asked worried and suddenly his mood changed drastically

" are you coming from the village, or is this your first time in the city that you almost forgot about your road safety?

he asked seemingly angered his face darkened, Lockshay jolted seeing as that deadly aura reeked from him and for some reason she felt intimidated but she remained quiet

"please next time you watch out, now get into the car so we can get your wounds treated" he said and Lockshay laughed

"you're not planning on kidnapping me, are you?

when the man refused to reply, she quickly and quietly entered the car looking around like it's her first time seeing a car, actually it's been ages since she sat on a vehicle so, having a feel of how good it is to be in a vehicle was her biggest achievement.

"what's your name...

" am Carlos Huo"

"Carlos Huo..... she repeated and smiled brightly

am Lockshay Luo... she said and the man replied a "mm" .

Carlos got to City Hospital.... he stared at Lockshay's bleeding head, it was seriously bleeding and it seems like she doesn't care at all about herself.

"come... he dragged her and met the male doctor known as Chen Lionel

" um doctor, please check her she's bleeding profusely!

What Happened to her?

" mm my car ran her over... please check her up"

Lockshay hearing the word "check her up" jolted in fear immediately she swallowed "um.. Don't check me up a_am fine" she said and Carlos frowned

"Look at your cloth, it's soaked with your blood and you don't seem to feel weak about the so much blood you're loosing right now... Carlos said and pulled her pink fluffy bag off her shoulders

"let me keep this for you, go get cleaned up" Carlos said for a minute nothing occurred to Lockshay as she smiled weirdly but she realized that HAX was in her bag immediately she snatched the bag from him

"um.. something's important in here"

"don't you trust me?

"uh- we just met a couple of hours ago"

"yeah that's true" Carlos agreed and frowned, he ran his hands through his hair and sighed

"look girl am supposed to be with my girlfriend right now, we are on a date, but you ruined it all" Carlos said annoyed

"oh my.... don't stay here, please go meet your girlfriend you Know you don't want her to be upset do you? Lockshay said and pushed him leading him to the exit but Carlos pushed her back to the doctor

"go get your wounds dressed, I will be waiting for you" he said and the doctor dragged her.

It's been 15 minutes and Lockshay ran out, her head bandaged round

"let's go... she said.

"I want to hear from the doctor if you are completely ok" Carlos insisted

"no! he wanted to check me up but I refused, there is no need I think am fine now" Lockshay said smiling

"you think... Carlos said staring at the smiling girl.

Hello guys this is actually my first book on web novel so I would like to apologise if there are any sort of grammar errors.

Peterson_89creators' thoughts