

WARNING: MATURED CONTENT.... Do you love me Lockshay?.... Lockshay blinked severally.....he captured her lips again and her whole being stilled... Lost of words at his actions and beautiful kisses she just like this new side of him...

Peterson_89 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs



a young blond girl turned slowly at the call of her master Lockshay Luo is a resident of Korean, she has a jet black hair, big round eyes, small pink lips, she also have a nice skin color, her eyes sparkled as she ran to Yun Zaki.

Yun Zaki was in his early 20s young and agile , lockshay was only 8years when both her parents died on a mission it was a bloody one. Lockshay now had to be guarded by this man Yun Zaki till be turned 18

"Lockshay" his voice sounded a bit hoarse and Lockshay ran to him, her hair a bit messy

she stared at him with her big round eyes he was like asking her how she have been coping learning all he taught her about Magic but the cute girl frowned " Mr Yun, actually Magic is a difficult task so..... I don't think I can master such moves in a such short notice" Lockshay said and Yun Zaki stared at her without uttering a word for a while


" Lockey... please take this seriously I haven't seen your enthusiasm in magic yet" Yun Zaki said his eyes still locked on her's and Lockshay sighed

i never wanted magic you know.. Lockshay said and Yun Zaki smiled immediately Lockshay saw him smile she was instantly on cloud nine she was so excited she have never seen him smiled before that left Lockshay wondering if he was alright at all

"you have it now" his voice brought her back from the train of thoughts and that instant her mood was killed because his smile was nowhere to be found like it was never there in the first place he was like giving her a warming advice that she should take the training seriously and just like that he left leaving Lockshay alone and the innocent girl pouted in frustration.

Lockshay sat down on her bed in her room

she reflected on what Yun Zaki said to her earlier about Magic

"oh no... concentration isn't easy at all" Lockshay cried, she spread out her fingers and colours dazzled, mixture of different colors. The light emanating from her was becoming brighter that she quickly closed her hands into tight balls as she heaved.

In the whole of Royal Magical Academy she is the only one not getting serious about her magic, she believes that her magic was a mistake, she had already showed how un interested she was and begged them to take it from her but for some reason, the powers couldn't leave her body so she had to be trapped in the Academy.

Reflecting her life back when she was in Y City back in Philippines living a peaceful life, working as a waiter in some bar, doing her daily duties of course under her mom's best friend's care, it was there Yun Zaki met her and took care of her until she became 16 and discovered that magic Yun Zaki also realized that before things could get out of hand she needed to be kept in the Academy.

Remembering about her wonderful life she tugged harshly on her hair till she felt the pain it was just too frustrating for her right now because until she was willing to learn, then there's no way out for her since no one could get rid of her magic...she just...."heck! I need my normal life back l need to go to my normal school" Lockshay gritted her teeth "HAX!!! she suddenly screamed as a golden book materialize into her hand she picked the heavy book and out of anger she threw it but it suddenly hanged mid air and Yun Zaki materialised holding the golden book who's name was HAX he gracefully strolled to her top shelf and kept the book and came back to her staring at her with his poker face and Lockshay flinched seeing him giving her that look of warning but he left afterwards.

It was early the next morning after dawn, HAX had already reminded Lockshay about her training with Zaki, actually the information was that Mr Yun would train them in a combination of other classes put together and Lockey was not feeling good about it since she was going to mix in with more students, Lockshay was already used to been the only student Mr Yun would train so she pouted sadly and she met her poker face teacher.

"this is not fair! was her first statement to him, his eyes widened slightly,

but Lockshay held in whatever she wanted to blurt out.

The training hall was crowded, and no one allowed Lockshay to over take them to the front, so she was at the back but she made sure she was able to hear all of his instructions

Yun Zaki paired everyone in group of five's and Lockshay was paired with some girls and a boy Mimi Ku, Xiao Lu, Ashli Mi and Xanda Chen.

The instructions was to surpass every trace of electric shock by using their invisibility spell but this went horribly wrong that because of lockshay her group got the shocks like 10 times in a row

" urghh! you're so useless" Mimi screamed aggressively Xiao pushed Lockshay and she fell to the floor "who in their right mind wouldn't be able to utter a common invisibility spell damn you're a fool" Mimi said

oh common Mimi, Xanda cut her off and he helped Lockshay up Ashli immediately spat on Lockshay's face and the girl froze.

The three girls walked out, they knew their Time was up by some minute plus there was no positive effort been made so they lost in their training session.

Lockshay's face darkened at what Ashli did to her, her mood dropped the more even after washing her face "please don't mind them in fact I will go and talk to them" Xanda said but Lockshay stopped him '"no no don't bother them now" Lockshay had tried insulting them inwardly thinking that she would feel better but heck it wasn't even working.