
Chapter 73: Sephiria Vs Cedric

[Gritonnia Academy]

The next day the second part of the selection match started as this time the numbers of students that will be participating has halved

On contrary the matches will be held in three phases, namely the elimination round, qualification round, free style round

In elimination round the students would of course undergo series of battles against each other that will be randomized selection of the Academy's system, in time the numbers that would succeed would be halved

Next was the qualification round where the number of students would probably fall less after this match, in here the students would again undergo matches with each other in a randomized order, the only difference here is that the students fighting each other would have potential In competing for the joint Academy tournament, in other words powerful opponent's

Third is freestyle round wherein the participant would have to show off their skills through a match, and the only selected ones will be the only people who will get the attention of the judges who will in turn pick four students that will participate on the upcoming tournament for 2nd years

The only difference of this day from the other days was that the moment Shun got inside the arena, the whole podium and seats were already at the brink of being full due to the combination numbers of students from 1st years to 3rd years

Apparently when he made Rengar investigate about the other competition, he found out that the cases of events was different for each years namely the 1st year will have to undergo joint 1 week trip to the magic training camp, 2nd years will undergo a Joint tournament, and 3rd years will undergo a Joint nature survival for 2 weeks In an unknown island and there activities would be broadcasted by the Academy on their whole activities for two weeks thus making classes cancel their activities to support the survivors

But most of all the irritating part was that some of the students here have formed some kind of faction that was provenly aim to support their targeted 2nd years like a fan base

From afar Shun could hear 'kyaaa' sounds coming from 1st to 3rd years that was aimed at the person who was full of himself as his presence was filled with arrogance, pride, and confidence for himself

If it serves him right then this guy must Be super popular among the ladies of this school as even though he was placed to Gamma Class

On the other hand Shun could see other fan girls cheering and screaming their support towards the other capture targets which included Cedric among them

This in turn made.it hard for those five to concentrate their full attention on Wendy cause of all the attention, so distracted that Wendy herself has actually managed to slip past them and arrived beside shiny with a wry smile on her face

This in turn greatly shocked Shun as he almost spit the can of coffee that he was currently drinking from who knows where right to her face

"Mmm?!?... Pfftttt!!!!.... . . *Cough*cough... Wendy? You scared the daylights out of me!!!"

"Ehehehe! Sorry about that, I should've spoken up right? But the thing is... . ."

"I know full well" said Shun as he suddenly felt sorry for Wendy

"Really? You do?" Asked wendy with eyes glittering

"Yes! It's hard being unpopular right? You must be anxious on why you don't have a fan base... . . So sad poor you" said Shun flatly

Hearing this Wendy immediately lost interest as she felt that shun was making fun of her, so in retaliation she inputted a lot of strength on her fist and punched Shun's guts which made him arch in pain as he went on his knees while clutching his stomach

Of course later on both Sephiria and Aria arrived on the scene and was also surprised cause of the crowd that has been formed up by students from all grades

"This... . . This is a big event I see... . . " Commented Aria as she observed the surroundings

"Well yeah! And you know what I heard that 1st years has some kind of joint trip to the training camp from other Academy's, doesn't that mean Sephiria experienced all of that?" Stated Shun

"Really? Then Wendy must have experienced that too!!!" Exclaimed Aria

As both of them grew curious they begun to try and get the impression of the training camp from both Wendy and Sephiria who for some reason turned gloomy as they suddenly remembered something that happened during the week in the training camp

"The camp was hell" stated Wendy

"That place is made to create demons... . .a hellish place for training" said Sephiria as she shivers in fright

Some time later both of their eyes would drift away just by remembering the torturous training during their 1st years

I'm order to lighten both Aria and Shun supported both Wendy and Sephiria towards the part of the stadium that was meant for the participants in the tournament

In those seats both  Shun and Aria cheered up the both of them as they tried all their best to make them forget about their nightmarish 1st year event

Of course the sitting was like this starting from the right





Due to this order of having both girls on his either side, the other boys of the group glared daggers on Shun as they felt irritated that he was being surrounded by three girls

For them this sight was like a group of harem squads, but I'm actuality this was a group of friends and acquaintances sitting with each other

Of course before things gets heated and some boys trying to provoke Shun, the rest of the people namely Cedric and friends come up and seated beside Wendy as expected

This in turn added to the number of people grouping up together that made any people that dared to provoke Shun back away

- Rachel

- Aria

- Sephiria

- Shun

- Wendy

- Cedric

- Elliot

- Stan

- Emille

- Kaiser

This group of people were currently sitting together in a single row like a group of friends, above all Shun actually Invited the all quiet but smart and observative Rachel to Join them during the time when Cedric and the other capture targets were busy trying to seat on their preferred arrangements

Soon after in the future this particular group will be rumored around the school as a mysterious group that somehow cam together due to one guy (particularly Shun) being involved on both groups

Soon an announcer suddenly showed up in the middle of the arena and started to say it's piece through the use of a Lacrima crystal that was refined to as a mic that will respond throughout the arena

Following his announcement about the event of the day, series of projections popped up infront of the students to showcase the fights based on the perspective of the Lacrima crystals that was refined to become somewhat a real time close-up projection of the fight

With this the spectators wouldn't have a hard time  looking down on a seemingly small silhouttes of the people in the arena

Of course the screen can capture every bit of detail as such specs can actually keep up with people that has speed that go beyond light speed in order to provide the number quality fights for the viewers

Upon hearing this Shun muttered

"This crystal is amazing! I must have my own!" He exclaimed

Hearing that Rachel suddenly commented on which was caught or heard by the others

"Looks like we know what Shun will like to have as a present on some events"

After saying that Aria gleamed into a happy expression, while Sephiria suddenly turned bright and embarrassed at the same time after thinking about it

As for Wendy she suddenly wore a cheeky smile as she thought about a gift for Shun, while Cedric wore a smile that seemed like he was planning on doing something that would actually surprise Shun to the point of beating him up

With different objectives in mind, they all concluded their own thoughts as the qualification rounds started

Of course before any prominent fight goes on, there were already 3 to 4 matches that has fought inside the arena as time passed by

Of course among the capture targets Stan, Kaiser, and Elliot has already finished their own matches resulting to them winning cause of their nonsensical plot armor as the capture targets

During the day about before noon, before the 6th round the arena once again was fixed through restoration magic before announcing the next upcoming matches

Surprisingly the pair that will be matched greatly surprised the group as they couldn't decide who to support


Next round

Sephiria Maelstrom Vs Cedric Gallahad


As such words showed up on the projection both Sephiria and Cedric stood up as they looked at each other

"Looks like the match that was intended for me to acknowledge your strength has come so sooner than expected" said Cedric

"Don't worry! I'm surprised by this too, but I'll show you how much I've improved and let you know that I've become stronger through the help of other people" said Sephiria

"Foolish! Didn't I tell you that being dependent on someone else will be the death of yours? Are you that foolish of a lady? Haven't you learned anything?" Asked Cedric

"I heard you alright! But when I was thinking about it, then how come Shun became stronger through the help of his summons? Wasn't it because they helped him? I believe that one could still grow even if they were dependent on someone else, one can only grow so much by itself" answered Sephiria

"Summon and humans are different, don't mix them up! I'll show you how mu statement is correct while yours is false" stated Cedric

"Fine! But I'll show you and prove that having someones help in growing yourself or improving yourself wasn't useless at all" replied Sephiria

"Is that so? Then prove yourself" challenged Cedric

"I will" answered Sephiria

With that both of them went towards the hallway leading down to the arena below

As for Shun and the others they seemed stunned from the fierce exchange of both Sephiria and Cedric that made the both shock and excited for their match

"Damn! That confrontation of words was great! I've should prepared a popcorn for that" said Shun

"That was thrilling" said Aria

"Well... . . Why do I feel like I'm watching some kind of a k-drama confrontation?" Wondered Wendy

As everyone have different comments about the confrontation of words from both Sephiria and Cedric, the person themselves managed to arrive at the arena few minutes after their descent

As both split ways, they soon turned and faced each other with their own battle uniform at that

Sephiria was of course wearing the battle clothes that was meant for mages that both Shun and her have picked the other day, while Cedric wore some kind of a light leather armor that was meant for swordsman but with no weapon or sword hanging on his waist

Confused by his lack of weapons, Sephiria instead fully focused on the match that was about to be held

Soon the match begun to countdown from ten




With this everyone begun to stay silent In order to catch every detail that the fight will show




At that the Judges or more particularly the higher-ups of the Academy started observing both of them




As silence spreads out the sound of heart beating can clearly heard by Sephiria herself as she grip her staff in case Cedric decided to end the match through speed alone



At that announcement as expected Cedric dashed towards Sephiria in a light speed as he broke through the wind barrier and appeared behind her while hammering down the sword that was conjured by magic in his hand

Seemingly expecting that Sephiria casted a ice and flame barrier behind her, which in turn blew her away as both the sword and shield collided against each other cause I g a huge shockwaves

After stumbling for awhile Sephiria using her nails took a hold unto the rocky ground which dirtied her hand and casted immediately a huge fireball and sent it towards Cedric himself

In response to that Cedric opened up his palm while dashing straight towards the fireball and started to conjure a small blue flame on his hand in which he threw it directly towards the fireball spell

Upon collision both fire spell exploded upon impact with the hue of blue and orange/red flame

With a slash Cedric cuts through the flames as he quickly shifted his grip and attacked Sephiria herself

Unfortunately Sephiria already casted a water spell infront of her as she called out it's name

"Water torrent!!!"

With that a huge cool me of water shot out towards Cedric which pushed him far away from him due to water pressure

"Sephiria... . . You... . ." Bellowed Cedric

"I won't give up that easily! I'll prove to you that I too can become stronger with the help of others"