
Transmigrator In The Palace Harem

In the year 3030, the world was invaded by aliens called Zergs. Humans were losing and the Zergs were winning, humans hide in fear as they wait for their death but that is until a genius among geniuses was born. At the age of 1, she can already talk fluently. At the age of five she was already solving college math problems and at the age of 10 she had invented the greatest weapon that could defeat the Zorgs, her name was Qi Xunmei. Laser beams and cannons, laser swords, and guns name it and she will make it. Genius may they claim, but she was still betrayed by her lover who was jealous of her. Now, reborn in a new world where relatives scheme and kill each other, Qi Xunmei vowed that never will she fall in love foolishly. But not all plan is a foolproof plan when someone just had to destroy it and will even chase her to the ends of the world if they had to. Qi Xunmei: You devilishly handsome man, stop chasing this aunty will you! ????: Wife, you eat but not taking responsibility, it looks like your etiquette teacher died early. Qi Xunmei: When did I ever eat your tofu? Stop! Where are you touching?!

Harmonieca · History
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10 Chs

Chapter 1 Transmigrating Into An Unknown World

"Xunmei, die! Please just die!"

A deranged woman stab the woman laying on the cold ground, her blood dyed her white robes as she lay there still.

'What's happening?'

Qi Xunmei look at her surroundings only to find a crazy woman stabbing her.

'Wasn't I suppose to be dead after that bastard betrayed me and push me off the building to be ruthlessly eaten by the Zergs? Why am I still alive, and who the heck is this crazy woman?'

Qi Xunmei could feel that all of her body were numb and it hurts when she move even just a little, she could not help but gasp in pain when the deranged woman suddenly pull out the knife from her stomach.

"Hehehe... it looks like you are still alive despite all that. What? Why are you looking at me with those eyes, hehehe... everyone loves you because of your beautiful face but what would happen if I ruin that for you!"

The deranged woman hovered the knife above Xuanmei's face as she prepared to bring it down and carve on her face.

'Shit! This woman is crazy!'

Despite the unbearable pain, Qi Xunmei stop the oncoming attack of the deranged woman with bare hands.

She held the tip of the knife with her left hand and quickly punch the woman on her stomach making her stumble backward.

Qi Xunmei immediately seize this chance to get away from the deranged woman as far away as possible.

Qi Xunmei held her bleeding stomach as she quickly stand up and put a distance between her and the deranged woman.

She was a soldier and this kind of pain is nothing to her compared to the wounds she had in the past.

"You bitch! Stop moving around if you don't want me to torture you more, you better stay still as I take away your life!"

The deranged woman angrily stood up from the ground and slowly walk her way towards Qi Xunmei with an arrogant face.

"Do you think I'm dumb? Why would I stay still if someone wants to kill me, why don't you stay still instead and let me f*ck you over!" Qi Xunmei spat out as she glared at the deranged woman coldly.

Her eyes were so piercing cold that the woman stop advancing for a second when she felt her cold glare.

"Haha! Do you think that you can scare me with that glare of yours? You look more like an injured rabbit than a tiger when you act like that, why don't you just give up since there is no way for you to escape dying today." The deranged woman bravely said despite cold sweats littering her back.

"Heh~ Poor thing, you don't know what you are up against."

Qi Xunmei's face was hidden by her hair that hid her face from the woman's view, her expression was unknown because of her face being hidden behind her hair.

"Xunmei, prepare yourself to d--"

Before the deranged woman could finish her words, she fell on the ground lifeless as her blood dyed the ground red.

"I told you, I won't die."

Qi Xunmei's hand held a broken piece of wood that had a taint of blood, she could feel herself fainting because of exhaustion and maybe because of the loss of blood.

Her world turned black as she fainted but not before hearing someone calling for her name.

"Xu'er!" Not far away, an old man was running towards Xunmei who had already fainted on the ground.

"Miss, are you alright?!" A muscular guard called out when he reached the spot where Xunmei is.


The old man held Qi Xunmei in his embrace as he check for any signs of life on her pulse, he sighed in relief when he felt her pulse.

"I'm sorry Xu'er, Grandpa was not there for you when you needed me most. Grandpa is very sorry."

"Sect Master, it's not your fault it's the Lu family's fault! They had been eyeing the position of the Sect Master for a very long time now, they must have done this to end your bloodline since Miss is the only bloodline left of your Qi family. Killing her will end your bloodline and ridding of the heir is a future problem for them, killing two birds with one stone."

The old man had a serious face as he stood up carrying Qi Xunmei in his arms.

"Let's discuss that later I still have to save my precious granddaughter...."

The old man despite his age was like a humongous mountain that never bends or breaks for anyone, he was like a mountain that carries the whole sky on his shoulders.


Qi Xunmei could feel the wounds all over her body aching because of pain, mostly the wound in her stomach that was the main source of her discomfort.

Qi Xunmei slowly opened her eyes as she scans her eyes around the moment she opened her eyes.

She slowly sat up enduring her wounds and slowly made her way to a full body-length mirror in the center of the room.

Qi Xunmei gasp when she saw the otherworldly beauty in the mirror, her skin as white as snow and can be compared to the most beautiful jade, her petal-like lips as pink as the cherry blossoms petal.

Her face is as mesmerizing as a goddess that just descended the earth and let's not forget her teardrop shape mole on the right side of her face just below her beautiful sapphire eyes that added to her already otherworldly beauty.

"Is this me?"

Qi Xunmei touch the glass of the mirror as she stared at the figure in the mirror.

"Who the hell even are you?"

When those words left her lips, her in the mirror suddenly frowned as she look at Qi Xunmei who was outside of the mirror with visible sadness.

"I am Qi Xunmei the granddaughter of Qi Mubai."

"Qi Xunmei, we have the same name." Qi Xunmei replied to the her in the mirror.

Though she was surprised of seeing the her in the mirror speak she did not dwell on it too much and moved on.

"We do. Please, I have a favor for you, please help me in exchange for you using my body." The Qi Xunmei in the mirror begs with tears in her eyes.

"Alright, tell me. I will do it if it's within my capabilities." Qi Xunmei said as she listened to the ghost of the late Qi Xunmei.

"Please, take care of my grandfather. He is already old and some of our relatives are eyeing my grandfather's position and they would do everything to take it from him. I'm the only relative left of my grandfather and with me gone there would be no one left to take care of my beloved grandfather so please take care of him. That is my only wish."

The ghost Qi Xunmei shed a heartbreaking tear as she asks Qi Xunmei to take care of her grandfather.

Seeing this made Qi Xunmei realize how the ghost Qi Xunmei love her grandfather very much that even in death she was worried about her grandfather.

"Don't worry, Xunmei. I will fulfill your wish I will take care of your old man for you so rest in peace in the afterlife as I also deal with the people that killed you. This is thanks for letting me borrow your body and letting me live again."

"Thank you very much, Qi Xunmei. As a thank-you gift, I will give you my memories so you can completely live in my place."

The ghost Qi Xunmei put her forehead against Qi Xunmei's forehead as she glowed brightly and memories came flooding into Qi Xunmei's mind.

After the last memory was installed in her mind, Qi Xunmei opened her eyes and saw that the ghost of Qi Xunmei was already gone.

"This world is really interesting."

Qi Xunmei mischievously grins as she look at her reflection in the mirror that had already returned to normal, no more ghost Qi Xunmei.