
Transmigration: Revenge Of The Fallen Heir...

5-6 chapters Weekly ****** (Original name- Vanquisher: Monarch Of Beginning) This is a transmigration/reincarnation story set in a modern fantasy world in a novel. I know you must have encountered many such stories, but please tag along for this journey because you might love this one. ****** Kaizer’s only solace in his life after 11 years of suffering was the parents who adopted him. The love, joy, and happiness they brought him were everything in the world to him. Kaizer’s life took a dramatic turn when his parents were killed in front of his very eyes. In rage and anger, he set out on revenge, but the result of fulfillment was filled with bitter death. But is death the end of everything? Awakening in an unfamiliar place and regaining his memories as he realized his past as Kaizer Aster, a character in the novel he once read, he set out on the quest to rescue his mother. But his world turns upside down when he realizes that the who was the reason for his suffering is also alive in this world. With anger and fury in his heart, he led on the path to revenge and rescuing his mother. A path that will unknowingly be the beginning of his realizing his fate as the fallen heir. ****** Join the story of Kaizer Aster as he traverses through all the obstacles in a quest to save his mother and realizes his destiny under the guidance of the ancient king. The path of a character who would have died as a discard to the course of a ruler. {The start might be a bit slow with some flashbacks, but please tag along .} ****** [Discord server: https://discord.gg/RwpjjUX3]

moon_light_02 · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Chapter 5 [System(2)]

[Kaizer's POV]

[Sir, you don't have to support the main character or anything like that. Your actions could affect the main character or future, but I won't be going against your wishes. Even if the main character died, you won't die.] The system insisted.

"Who will deal with those threats if the main character dies?" I enquired.

[Don't know, why bother?]



"Sorry, I zoned out." I was about to retort how he could be so irresponsible, but then again, I am doing the same thing.

'Actually, I still don't care about the main character.'

"Another main issue I would like to mention is that I will not be your slave. I don't want my actions tied just because you want me to do things against my will."


"Hey, why are you quiet?"

[The main quests will be more of the type that will align with your goals or plans. The quests are more of the class to stop you from going on an abrupt path like you can't avoid going to the Union Arcane Academy.]

"Give me some examples of those quests."

[Kaizer, two of the quests are joining the Union Arcane Academy and getting a high rank in the entrance exam.]

'Well, I had already planned to join UA academy, and I don't want to be those ultra-mysterious hiding powers MC because it's troublesome because who knows when your cover will be blown.'

'This also confirmed one of my suspicions that the System could read my thoughts, although it could also have made me think it can't read my thoughts.'

"Well, since you are gonna force me to do some things, don't you think there should be a line that shouldn't be crossed?" I retorted with a sarcastic smile.

[I know your past life, so I will try not to cross that line.]


"You are aware of my past life?" I asked with a pause in my voice.

[Yes, Master]

"Do you know everything?" I wanted him to deny this, but his answer made me more indifferent. 


"I guess I can cut my jolly act then…well, you know what kind of person I am and what I went through, so there is no point in acting." My voice was devoid of the plethora of emotions I tried to showcase throughout our conservation. 

[Yes, Kaizer. Do you have any more questions?] The system didn't seem surprised by the sudden change in mood as if expecting such an attitude.

"Since I have my memories, what's my actual age?" I questioned.

[It's still 15 years old because your childhood memories in this life are roughly four years accounted because of various factors, and since your past childhood was mostly monotonous, your age and mentality are 15 years old. But your childhood in your past life wasn't normal, so I can't say whether your psyche can be considered similar to what an average 15-year-old kid should have.]

'Well, that is alright, I guess.' I wasn't even thinking that my mentality was usual after coming from that facility. 

"I need information about this whole world. I know the basic info, but still, explain everything to me from the basics."

[I am only aware of the information that you know.]

"Wait, aren't you there to help me on my journey?"

[Bro, I am here to help, not to babysit you.]


'Well, that should have been obvious. I think I am still worried because of shocking events one after another.'

"Then try to concise the major pieces of information for now."

[This world is called Arcancia; its technological development is far superior to Earth's technology. Some examples are hologram technology, high-tech AI systems, Golems, etc. This world is based on Earth, meaning the geographical and political history are the same as Earth. If I have to describe it more precisely, it could be said to be two centuries ahead of Earth. Still, there are also some significant differences due to the incident that almost led to World War 3, which was the introduction of mana. There was much tension among the major forces worldwide, and it would have practically led to WW3 if not for the tectonic plate shifting across some major continents and invasion from races, among which the Demonic race was the most aggressive.]

'So, my knowledge regarding Earth will be quite helpful, but it isn't enough. Besides, judging by my body condition, I don't think I will even be able to protect myself, let alone think about standing out in the academy.'

[This world also has mana and aura as energies derived from the lumen as its energy source. Some humans can use mana or aura and are called Awakeners. They are mostly affiliated with either Hero Association, Pioneer Federation, or Wanderer Alliance. There are guilds as well as kingdoms that have aristocratic influence. The aristocratic system occurred due to the fall of significant nations and the emergence of new superpowers, mainly Awakeners' unions and families, and thus, some major kingdoms were formed. The powerful Awakeners protected places; some were established as Royalties while the people who supported them were nobilities. The significant kingdoms are-]

"Stop. I think that's enough about the kingdoms because even I skipped major information about the Kingdoms."

[Yes, Master, I will explain about the foreign races and other important stuff. The alien races known till now are Demons, Angels, Elves, Orcs, Vampires, Beastkins, Valkyries, Mermaids, etc. There are also rumors about dragons and phoenixes as heavenly races. Still, most races who interacted with human society avoided topics regarding them.]

[Demons are downright hostile towards humans because they think humans are weak. Angels are divided into two factions, arguing whether they should start the conquest of the universe against demons. They don't have an excellent opinion regarding humans because demonic races easily sway them. Elves hated humans, but then they showed friendly interactions when one of their Royalty was saved by a human. Orcs and beasts don't even think about humans because their hands are already full against the demonic race, and vampires don't even think about humans. Valkyries are battle maniacs and rare to encounter, but they aren't against humans. They have always shown a neutral attitude regarding humans. Mermaids are mermaids, and they love water.]

"This is quite stressful…it's like enemies surround this world, and I am not even completely aware of all the future events. I only read a part of the novel, so I can't expect it to help me in my future endeavors, but at least something is better than nothing."

"Well, how much time until I need to start attending the academy?"

[According to the schedule, you must attend the academy in about eight months.]

"That's a positive. Good thing I didn't transmigrate during my academy time and dropped into chaos."

[Any more questions, host?]

"I think I know I won't be able to get anything for free from your system shop, but let me know what the currency is and how I can earn that currency."

[Host, the currency for System is System points, which can be obtained by completing quests.]

"Okay…I think that's enough information for today. Can I talk to you without the screen, maybe telepathically?"

[Like this?]

'Yeah, cool.'

[Thank you]

There was some silence between us, the awkwardness that emerged from the weird experience of the existence of the System, and my memories further led to such an ambiance.

But my thoughts drifted to the last memories I had with them, closing my eyes as I reminisced in the silence as I was confronted with the joy, sadness, and grief I encountered.

Clenching my fragile fists, I tried regaining my thoughts.

Truthfully, I wasn't surprised by the current series of events. 

I can connect the dots and understand why I awakened my memories. 

The events of my past life could also be connected to this life.

The regrets of my loss still weigh heavily on me, but I remember the last promise Mother made me make, and now I can accomplish that promise.

"I will live the life she wanted me to live…I will be in your care till then, Grade."


"That's your name, and it's weird always calling you System."

'[I have a name…this is one of the happiest moments of my life]'

[Why did you choose Grade?]

"Oh…That, well, I just wanted to try something funny?'

[Funny? How is Grade funny?]

"Grade, which grade will I join in the academy to select which grade weapon to get academy grades to earn grades worthy of the quests provided to me by Grade so I can be graded accordingly."


"Hey, how was that?"


'[I want to die, this is the worst moment of my life, why was I born, why is he my master, System suicide option? Host change option? Anyone?]' the System questioned its existence for the first time.

"I was just joking. Don't you think we should be comfortable with each other?"


"Okay, sorry, dude, but it's still a good name."

Contrary to my jolly attitude, my thoughts were more lucid.

The system reacted excessively and showcased emotions, so I must be careful with him.

I can't blindly trust this system.

I need to gauge various situations.

Who knows how I could end up if I have blind faith and get stabbed in the back in the most vulnerable moment?

But I will still go with that bizarre idea to name this system.

Quite frankly, I like the name for its weird usage.

[Fine, Kaizer]

I guess even he doesn't want to argue.

"Goodnight, Grade. Tomorrow will start with many introductions, and I must brace myself." I made myself comfortable in my bed as I fell asleep. 



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