
Transmigration: Revenge Of The Fallen Heir...

5-6 chapters Weekly ****** (Original name- Vanquisher: Monarch Of Beginning) This is a transmigration/reincarnation story set in a modern fantasy world in a novel. I know you must have encountered many such stories, but please tag along for this journey because you might love this one. ****** Kaizer’s only solace in his life after 11 years of suffering was the parents who adopted him. The love, joy, and happiness they brought him were everything in the world to him. Kaizer’s life took a dramatic turn when his parents were killed in front of his very eyes. In rage and anger, he set out on revenge, but the result of fulfillment was filled with bitter death. But is death the end of everything? Awakening in an unfamiliar place and regaining his memories as he realized his past as Kaizer Aster, a character in the novel he once read, he set out on the quest to rescue his mother. But his world turns upside down when he realizes that the who was the reason for his suffering is also alive in this world. With anger and fury in his heart, he led on the path to revenge and rescuing his mother. A path that will unknowingly be the beginning of his realizing his fate as the fallen heir. ****** Join the story of Kaizer Aster as he traverses through all the obstacles in a quest to save his mother and realizes his destiny under the guidance of the ancient king. The path of a character who would have died as a discard to the course of a ruler. {The start might be a bit slow with some flashbacks, but please tag along .} ****** [Discord server: https://discord.gg/RwpjjUX3]

moon_light_02 · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Chapter 4 [System(1)]

[Kaizer's POV]

"Ugh…" I groaned from the headache as slowly, my consciousness returned, and I became aware of the darkness that shrouded the room, indicating the passage of time into the night. 

My senses began to sharpen, and as my eyes adjusted to the dim surroundings, I noticed an ethereal glow emanating from a mysterious source. 

Before me materialized a translucent screen, glowing softly as words formed upon its surface, capturing my attention and stirring a sense of intrigue within me.

[I greet my master with reverence.]

"Master? Huh?" I blurted involuntarily.

[Sir, I am the SYSTEM created for you and will aid you in your journey.]

I calmed my agitated heart and tried to reason with the recent events I had been through. 

I was at my wit's end from the drastic changes that had transpired in my life, and I had read too many novels with this system interface to ignore it. 

Although contrary to my personal preference for novels without a system, I have some hope to understand the situation comfortably.

First, let's reply to this system. 

"Hey, if you are here to assist me, can you answer some questions?" I tried to keep my voice calm as I was still unstable mentally.

[Yes, Master] the system answered politely.

I concurred that it was odd since its voice didn't sound like an AI. 

I have read so many novels that I can't feign ignorance for this SYSTEM cliche. 

"Okay, question one…Reincarnation or transmigration?"

[Both master]

"I ain't asking about your preference… I am talking about me." I replied.

[Even I'm not telling my preference.] he retorted bluntly.

"Huh… where's your politeness gone?... What do you mean both?" I was bewildered by the blunt tone.

[I am an advanced system, so I also have emotions, so when you said you don't care about my preference, I was offended.]

His reply somewhat angered me as my thoughts were still filled with my past and the new memories I had experienced.

Breathe… It is just a system.

I calmed myself.

"Hey, I am sorry… if you are an advanced system, then you must be aware of my turmoil of emotions. Can you please explain everything, along with reincarnation and transmigration?" I asked politely.

[Yes, Master, first you answer that you have both transmigrated and reincarnated. You are a missing piece of the original soul fragment of this body. The fact that you are you in this body is that you have your soul fragment transmigrated. But you and the original soul are the same because the original soul had lived in a coma for roughly seven years, so your memories show dominance and confuse you.]

As the system continued the story, my face gradually darkened after realizing the truth, and tears flowed down my eyes.

As my mind cleared, a sense of familiarity washed over me, tinged with a bittersweet realization. 

The name I bore, the essence of my identity, stirred memories of a character from a novel I had once read—a character for whom I had once harbored deep sympathy. It was as if the threads of fiction and reality intertwined, blurring the boundaries between the two realms. 

The realization struck me with curiosity and trepidation as I wondered how my narrative would unfold in this intricate tapestry of existence.

Is this world based on the same novel I once read? 

I didn't read the complete book, but I have read a portion.

I subconsciously touched my left earring and tried to calm my agitated heart while remembering that she was still alive. 

I once came across that novel by chance, and it wasn't anything famous. I couldn't even find the book's author, and I stopped reading at one point because one of the characters died.

She couldn't get her revenge, and she, her father, and her brother were falsely framed and died. 

The author made me so mad that I was ready to throw hands.

'Haa…There are more pressing issues than my hatred for the novel.'

Shaking my head, I returned my thoughts to the novel's contents.

I was also mad about one of the characters related to her family. His name was Kaizer, which made me feel a sense of kinship because we shared the same first name.

I hated how his life ended. 

I was even reminded about his existence when his mother returned and destroyed more than half of the Aster House after learning what happened to her child.

And now I am that Kaiser Aster.

Or rather, I have always been Kaizer Aster, but I just remembered my past life.

Both statements are factual if I trust this system's messages. But I don't have any reason to trust the system yet.

"Haa…I guess my life is a mess considering what I went through in my previous life and what I would have gone through in this life."

Although now that I know the future events, I can change things, before that, I have to go through all the information.

"Since my earring is still intact, I know she is alive. Can you tell me if her condition is fine? Since you are made for me, you must be aware of whom I am talking about, and has she made a contract?" I inquired as I felt the sharp features of the earring on my left ear.

The earring was filled with intricate designs, and a thumb-sized jewel with a unique structure hung through it. 

[Yes, Master, she is alive and currently hiding, and no, she is yet to sign the contract.] he replied promptly.

"How long do you think she can stay hidden in that place, and can you tell when and why she agrees to the contract?" I worriedly enquired.

Although I thought my emotions were getting the better of me, the memories I went through influenced me to a great extent. 

I tried to calm my agitated state, but the memories of my past life reminded me not to make regretful decisions.

The fact that my earring was intact proved that the other pair of earrings was still intact, confirming that she was still alive.

[Since the place she is hiding is outside the surveillance, she can stay hidden for a long time, and the when and why cannot be answered by me because I am not aware of your complete memories. I am under many restrictions.]

'This complicates things a lot.'

'I need a plan. Now that I know she is well, I must rescue her ASAP. I can't take chances.' My thoughts raced as I thought about her well-being, and hope filled my eyes, which were shrouded in despair.

I was supposed to be a minor villain or someone forced to act as trash in this novel, not even by my choice.

The description of Kaizer as a villain in the novel perplexed me, causing a stir of conflicting emotions.

I grappled with understanding his motivations, knowing jealousy might have affected his transformation. 

However, I wondered if aspects of the story differed from the novel's portrayal and if my interpretation could shed light on a series of events deviating from the established narrative.

'If I remember the contents right and try to make my interpretations, then it could explain a series of events which differ from the novel description and my interpretation of the novel.'

In the novel, it was later revealed that Kaizer was forced to do everything he did.

'In the novel, Kaizer Aster was forced to act as a villain because of blackmail, that too by one of the best friends of Sierra Skylar, because he was jealous of the care Sierra showed for Kaizer.'

When Sierra learned the whole truth after Kaizer's suicide, she was the one most affected by it because he was the one who saved her life, and because of her, he died.

This further fueled her downfall and ultimately led to her death.

'I could care less about her and her family, but I think at least repaying them for saving me is one of the least things I can do.' My emotions were distinct, considering that my thoughts and memories differed significantly regarding the novel.

Adding that to the fact that I cared about my mother's well-being as soon as I recovered my memories, but my feelings regarding the Skylar Household aren't vital means that I am not mainly influenced by something, especially this system, although whether I can trust this judgment is another matter.

'I have to get my series of actions planned. I would have been more baffled if I didn't have my memories. Although they won't help me much because most of them are traumatizing, I don't think it will be that difficult because I can plan my actions after gathering more information.'

Before that, I should finish clearing up all my doubts about this system.

"Hey, who is the author of the book I read? "

[Information not recorded]

'Hmm… I wasn't expecting much, but I am still concerned about this anomaly.'

"Hey, you mentioned something about the creator, right? Who created you?"

[Information regarding creator is not recorded]

'Well, this is concerning. I should ask something that will give me more information regarding my current situation.'

"Okay, why did your creator make you for me."

[My creator sent me to you to help you on your journey.]

'Is this a joke? That's the answer?'

"Haa…I think I will get more confused if I inquire about this creator. If it's to help me, I can look over it for now." Exhaling, I brought my thoughts back on the topic.

'But I still need to keep my guard up.'

"Tell me more about yourself and your system, and you can decrease the frequency of calling me master. You can even call me Kaizer."

[Master, I will be acting as a more advanced version of the Status Screen. I have a shop function and a quest function. Some quests are forced, and I apologize for them. If not done, the penalty could be -]

"Wait, I don't think we are on the same page, but I will clarify one thing: I will not be one of those supporting characters for the main character who tries to befriend the MC on every step and help him from the shadows." 

"Besides, I don't have an excellent opinion about the MC of this novel or world, if you prefer. I won't be doing trivial tasks that go against my wishes." I continued without waiting for the System's response.

"And I will not be a slave to the system. If the quests don't align with my thoughts, I won't care about them." I drew the line as harshly as possible.

"Whether they are forced or not, I don't care." I voiced my thoughts without sugarcoating them.


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