
Transmigration of the Godly Chef

A great chef found himself transmigrated in a parallel world. This world is almost similar to his own. Except there was an uprising caused by vegetarians nearly 80 years ago, which made it dangerous for people to consume meat. As a result, innumerable vegetarian delicacies appeared and meat-based dishes became almost non-existent. With the virus gone, the government is trying to reintroduce meat-based dishes again. But sadly, many recipes for meat dishes have been lost during the uprising. Armed with his knowledge as a chef of all kinds of dishes, meat, fish and more, will Chef Ye Chui be able to bring about a revolution in this vegetarian-based world? *** Read 10 chapters ahead at: patreon.com/NizearaOsaiyol It's a translation. 1 chaps/day. If I have got more free time someday, it might be 2 chaps. Alternate titles: 重生之超级食神 Author: Li Huo Jia Nong Bao

Nizeara_Osaiyol · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

Beauties don’t have to pay

Because the price of 'Premium Lamb Skewers' was reduced by half, some customers who were looking for a bargain moved to the opposite lamb skewer stall. In the blink of an eye, the number of people queuing on both sides had once again reached a delicate balance. 

Seeing this situation, the anger on Cao Kang's face, who was sitting in a car on the side of the road, finally eased a little. Fang Jun's tense mood also relaxed a little. This was the first time he had helped this young master Cao, and if he messed up this matter, he would never be able to climb up to the other party in the future. 

However, the two of them did not relax for long before they realized that the number of customers at the 'Premium Lamb Skewers' stall was starting to decrease again. The lamb skewers here were cheap, but the taste was no match for Ye Chui's. 

The few who were looking for a bargain were just that, and more people still wanted to eat Ye Chui's authentic lamb skewers. As a result, the number of people gradually changed again. 

It had only been about ten minutes. 

The face of Cao Kang, who was sitting in the car, had turned black. He glared fiercely at Fang Jun and gritted his teeth, continuing to say, "Continue to lower the price for me. I don't believe I can't attract all the customers!" 

"Okay...okay." Fang Jun felt that it was inappropriate to continue lowering the price, but he couldn't refuse Cao Kang, so he agreed and immediately took out his phone and dialed. 

In just about ten minutes, the price of the 'Premium Lamb Skewers' had been reduced by half again. The two stall owners shouted loudly. 

"Our lamb skewers are only five cents a skewer, which is a great bargain. Don't miss it!" 

"Buy three and get one free, you'll definitely be full!" 

The lamb skewer's price was reduced four times in a row, but this time they did not attract customers as much as they did before. 

"They were still two yuan a skewer just now, how did they become five cents a skewer so quickly? The lamb must be bad, right?" 

"I just felt that the lamb skewers here didn't taste right. They must be using bad lamb!" 

"Cheap goods are not good, it's better to eat authentic lamb skewers here. Don't eat theirs, you might get sick." 

In the midst of such discussions, even the customers who had originally bought the lamb skewers from the 'Premium Lamb Skewers' stall were afraid to eat them anymore. They threw the leftover skewers directly into the trash can. 

The people who were originally queuing in front of the 'Premium Lamb Skewers' stall also quickly left, one by one. There were certainly people who were greedy for a bargain, but the skewers here were too cheap and strange. Who would dare to buy them? 

Ye Chui, who was sweating profusely while grilling the lamb skewers, noticed this situation and smiled slightly. He then continued to lower his head and grill the skewers in his hand. He had never taken the other side seriously from the start. 

Cao Kang, who was sitting in the car on the side of the road, could no longer suppress the anger in his heart at this moment. 

Originally, he had only been dissatisfied with Ye Chui for making him lose face in front of Lin Wei yesterday, so he had devised a plan to frame Ye Chui. However, he had not expected his plan to be so easily defeated. This made him completely furious, and he felt that Fang Jun was useless. As a chef of Wan Lai Fu, he couldn't even deal with a small snack stall! 

His face was ashen as if it were about to freeze. He took out a phone from his pocket and dialed a number. The other end of the line soon connected. 

"Tiger," Cao Kang said coldly to the other end, "I need you to do something for me..." 


A clear and melodious voice rang in Ye Chui's ears, "Boss, give me five lamb skewers please!" 

Ye Chui skillfully picked up five skewers of grilled lamb skewers from the barbecue grill in front of him, and just as he was about to hand them over, he suddenly froze, realizing that the melodious voice sounded somewhat familiar. Upon a brief recollection, he immediately identified the owner of the voice. 

Hurriedly and with a hint of eagerness and surprise, he raised his head and looked forward, confirming that it was indeed Lin Wei standing gracefully in front of him, someone he had been thinking about for quite some time. 

Her lively eyes looked at him mischievously, a faint smile on her lips. 

"You...how come you're here?" Ye Chui stammered for a moment, as if he were a young boy with a crush, "If you want to eat grilled lamb skewers, just tell me, why do you have to queue?" 

"With so many people queuing here, how could I directly come and ask you?" Lin Wei's eyes shifted from Ye Chui's face to the lamb skewers in his hand. Ye Chui clearly saw her discreetly swallow a mouthful of saliva—she truly was a little glutton. 

She looked back at Ye Chui, and with a hint of mischief, said, "Hehe, I've been thinking about this taste since yesterday after eating it." 

"If you want to eat, just come over. No need to wait in line," Ye Chui, who had somewhat regained his composure, smiled and looked to the customers waiting behind, "A beauty like you, even if you want to cut in line, I'm sure no one would mind, right?" 

In this world, the one thing that is never lacking is a crowd cheering on. Moreover, in the presence of a beauty like Lin Wei, upon hearing Ye Chui's question, the customers in line started laughing and shouting: 

"Exactly, we wouldn't mind at all!" 

"If the beauty wants to cut in line, she can come in front of me. I'll gladly give up my spot!" 

"This was your idea, so quickly give up your spot for me." 

"Oh, come on, fatty, get lost!" 

"I think, boss, you should establish a rule. In the future, when beauties come to buy grilled lamb skewers, not only should they not wait in line, but it should also be completely free." 

Hearing these comments, Ye Chui smiled and said to Lin Wei, "See, I wasn't wrong, was I?" 

With a slight blush on her face, Lin Wei chuckled, accepting the five skewers of lamb and taking out a ten-yuan bill to hand it to Ye Chui. 

However, Ye Chui refused to accept it, saying, "Didn't you hear what someone just said? Beauties get free grilled lamb skewers from me. How can I take your money?" 

The people in line immediately joined in the teasing, saying, "That's right, beauty. Since the boss refuses to take your money, don't decline." 

"Hey, if you insist on paying, we'll gladly accept the money on behalf of the boss." 

Lin Wei clearly hadn't experienced such a situation before. Her face became even redder. When she looked up at Ye Chui, she saw his eyes fixedly staring at her with intense warmth. 

She quickly avoided Ye Chui's gaze, feeling even more flustered. After hesitating for a moment, she swiftly took back the money and then hurriedly turned to leave. 

However, at that moment, a group of people suddenly stormed towards them. Coincidentally, they collided with Lin Wei. Lin Wei let out a soft cry, and her body started to fall backward. Fortunately, Ye Chui's sharp eyes didn't miss this opportunity to play the hero. He rushed over and caught Lin Wei just before she could fall. 

As for the leader of the group, he wasn't as fortunate. The skewer that Lin Wei had in her hand happened to hit his clothes, probably even poking into his flesh —Lin Wei had gripped the lamb skewer with extra force due to nervousness. 

In the nearby car, Cao Kang, who was eagerly anticipating a good show, had his face frozen in shock. "Lin Wei...What is she doing here?"