
Transmigration of the Godly Chef

A great chef found himself transmigrated in a parallel world. This world is almost similar to his own. Except there was an uprising caused by vegetarians nearly 80 years ago, which made it dangerous for people to consume meat. As a result, innumerable vegetarian delicacies appeared and meat-based dishes became almost non-existent. With the virus gone, the government is trying to reintroduce meat-based dishes again. But sadly, many recipes for meat dishes have been lost during the uprising. Armed with his knowledge as a chef of all kinds of dishes, meat, fish and more, will Chef Ye Chui be able to bring about a revolution in this vegetarian-based world? *** Read 10 chapters ahead at: patreon.com/NizearaOsaiyol It's a translation. 1 chaps/day. If I have got more free time someday, it might be 2 chaps. Alternate titles: 重生之超级食神 Author: Li Huo Jia Nong Bao

Nizeara_Osaiyol · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

Are you a Pig?

"Isn't this that group of hooligans from nearby?" 

"Yeah, the one leading is called Li Hu. Everyone calls him Brother Tiger. What are they doing here?" 

The conversation of two students nearby reached Ye Chui's ears. 

Ye Chui furrowed his brows and glanced discreetly at the two owners of 'Premium Roasted Lamb' across the street. They seemed to be enjoying the situation. This gang of troublemakers coming over to cause a disturbance was evidently related to them. If they couldn't compete for business, were they resorting to force? 

With a cold snort in his heart, Ye Chui asked Lin Wei with concern, "Are you okay?" 

"I'm fine..." Lin Wei realized that she was being held by a male student and jumped up anxiously, resembling a startled little deer. She then looked somewhat embarrassed at Li Hu's stomach. The lamb skewer she had just gotten her hands on was now impaled in his belly. Besides feeling guilty, she also looked a bit regretful – truly a little foodie. 

However, her expression successfully angered Li Hu. He forcefully pulled the skewer from his belly, taking a deep breath. It seemed that the skewer had indeed pierced through to the meat. Waving his arms, he shouted loudly, "Are you blind when walking? You stabbed me directly, hiss...it hurts. Tell me, how are you going to compensate me?" 

Lin Wei was startled by Li Hu's appearance and subconsciously leaned towards Ye Chui. Although she had just recently met this young man, standing beside him gave her a strong sense of security. 

Ye Chui naturally patted Lin Wei's shoulder and pulled her behind him, looking straight at Li Hu. "Just now, she didn't do it on purpose. Why are you making it difficult for her? Let's forget about this matter." 

"Forget about it?" Li Hu snorted, threw the skewer on the ground, and then stomped on it fiercely. "Do you think I am so easy to fool? This matter isn't over. Later, this girl will have to accompany me to KTV to sing as an apology. But now, kid, you should worry about yourself." 

Li Hu's words made Lin Wei feel even more frightened. She tightly grabbed the back of Ye Chui's shirt. However, Ye Chui was taken aback, realizing another meaning from Li Hu's words. "Are you here today to cause trouble for me?" 

"Someone doesn't like the way you operate your business, so they sent us to take care of it for you," Li Hu sneered, clenching his fist with a creaking sound. The other hooligans who came with him also smirked. They pushed and shoved, clearing the queue of people surrounding Ye Chui and Lin Wei. 

At first glance, it seemed like Ye Chui and Lin Wei had a somewhat distressing but mutually supportive relationship. Regardless of what others thought, Ye Chui felt quite confident at this moment. 

As for these hooligans, although they were a bit troublesome, Ye Chui didn't take them seriously. He casually picked up the tongs used for the barbecue. When it came to fighting, he had never been afraid of anyone. 

In such situations, what mattered most was the imposing aura. It wasn't a movie, and flashy moves weren't necessary. The key was to intimidate the opponent with a strong presence, striking quickly, accurately, and most importantly...shamelessly. 

As he was thinking about these key points of fighting, Ye Chui suddenly paused, looking strangely behind Li Hu. He saw a tall man walking over, wearing a seemingly harmless smile on his face. The man lightly patted Li Hu's shoulder. 

"Who the hell slapped me..." Li Hu angrily turned his head. 


A fist the size of a sand pot directly smashed into his face. The tall man, who seemed to be smiling, made a ruthless move. It was fast, accurate, and shameless. After knocking Li Hu down with one punch, he proceeded to skillfully deal with the other hooligans. Just as the others were reacting, they were firmly sent to the ground by the tall man. 

Ye Chui released the tongs he was holding, unable to help but be amazed. He thought to himself, "There really are heroes in this world?" 

Leave the job of saving people to the hero, but when it comes to chasing girls, it's best to do it yourself. Ye Chui turned to look at Lin Wei, intending to express some concern, but found Lin Wei's expression somewhat strange —she seemed to know the tall man. 


"Oh no, why is it him?" In the car on the side of the road, Cao Kang saw the tall man, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead. 

He was holding his phone, intending to contact Li Hu and tell him not to offend Lin Wei. However, before he could make the call, the tall man took action. The few hooligans were no match for him. 

"Cao Shao, who is this guy?" Hearing Cao Kang's words, Fang Jun whispered. 

Cao Kang was extremely disappointed with Fang Jun's performance tonight, but he patiently explained, "He is the bodyguard and driver of Lin Wei's father Lin Zhengdao, named Yu Yan. I heard he is a retired special forces soldier and is quite skilled. I didn't expect him to be here. This situation is going to be big. No, I have to go over and explain." 

The immediate task was to quickly distance himself from the relationship between him and Li Hu. Cao Kang was a resourceful man, and he quickly formulated a plan: later, he would casually walk over to greet them, and while talking, he would signal Li Hu with his eyes. Li Hu was a small follower Cao Kang often hung out with, and he was clever enough to understand Cao Kang's intentions... 

With this in mind, Cao Kang straightened his clothes and walked over. 


"Yu Ge, what are you doing here?" After the tall man finished dealing with the hooligans, Lin Wei finally dared to leave Ye Chui's side. She greeted the tall man with a cheerful voice. 

(T/N: 'Ge' - It's used by someone to address their actual older brother, or someone older they consider close and want to show respect and affection to. This is the most common meaning.) 

"The old master saw you sneaking out at night, so he asked me to quietly follow you." Yu Yan clapped his hands, smiling as if the act of dealing with seven or eight hooligans was trivial. He looked at Ye Chui with a wry smile, then continued, "The old master was initially worried that you were secretly dating, sneaking out so late to meet someone you like...Well, I didn't expect you to come here to eat." 

Seeing Yu Yan's helpless smile, it was evident that Lin Wei's reputation as a foodie was well-known. 

Lin Wei blushed, but Yu Yan's words reminded her. She glanced at the skewers that Li Hu had thrown on the ground, then turned to Ye Chui with a pitiful expression, "My grilled lamb skewers..." 

Ye Chui immediately broke into a sweat and said with a smile, "I'll grill a few more for you later." 

A joyful expression appeared on Lin Wei's face. However, at that moment, an incongruent voice suddenly rang out. It was Cao Kang walking over. His tone carried a feigned surprise as he greeted, "Wei Wei, and Yu Ge, what are you doing here? Haha, what a coincidence..." 

The sentence hadn't finished yet, and Li Hu, who had just been knocked down to the ground by Yu Yan in a flash, suddenly got up hurriedly. His face showed a pleasantly surprised expression, as if he had found a savior. Without waiting for Cao Kang to continue his words, Li Hu rushed to Cao Kang's side. 

With an arrogant look, he shouted towards Ye Chui's direction, "Damn, do you think you're impressive because you can fight? Do you know who this is? Have you heard of Cao Kang, the young master Cao? There's no one he can't deal with. Be smart and apologize, or you'll regret it in the future!" 

Cao Kang: "...Are you a pig?"