
Transmigration Into One Piece

A man wakes up on a random beach in a new world with a system. See the story to find out the rest.

Ivinok · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 6: Koby and Moss-Head

After Luffy announced to the world for probably the millionth time we were off. Floating aimlessly on the open ocean, leaving Dawn Island as nothing but a speck in the distance.

"So, Captain where are we headed?" I ask fully aware that he doesn't have any idea or does he care.

"Wherever the boat takes us! Shishishishi." Luffy was happily laughing as if nothing mattered. Soon he had eaten the whole barrel of food, leaving us nothing to eat. I sat down in the boat and closed my eyes, I needed to learn to suppress my 'Aura' so that people wouldn't be able to tell how strong I am. There are certain people in which I don't care if they know how strong I am. However, there are some people who if they knew, I would probably not have a fun time.

'Guess, I'm not quite free yet' I thought. Although, I am excited to fight humans if you can even call some that. Having spars or fights with monstrous people who think more when they fight than relying on pure instinct will be incredibly helpful for boosting my stats more.

Suddenly I heard the sound of something I knew would come, the whirlpool.

"How careless of me, I wouldn't have thought that on such a nice day there would be such a disaster," Luffy said, calmly. 'If he thinks that now just wait till he gets to Paradise'

"Well, Captain how do we get ourselves out of this?" I asked, Luffy, of course, having no idea. I told Luffy to hold on to me, then proceeded to jump into the air. 'Floating' in the air for a moment, Luffy had stars in his eyes, exclaiming "SO COOOOOL!! YOU CAN FLY!?".

"Not quite, I'm just jumping off the air," I responded. To which Luffy just responded with "So it's a mystery power then." I shook my head saying "I have lots of mystery powers, so which way Captain?"

Luffy pointed in a random direction as I pushed my observation haki to the limit. Flying around with a screaming Monkey on my back was not the easiest of tasks, but I finally found the Island I was looking for. An uninhabited island that had a particularly girly ship docked at it. It had a flag with a sideways skull and a heart in the middle, I, of course, knew this was Alvida's ship. I was not looking forward to meeting this fat hag.

"So, Captain do you think we should 'ask them nicely' for a ship?" I asked. Luffy, of course, wanted to go meet the pirates and get a ship so using Geppo I went downwards to the ship.

As we got closer to the ship we heard the hag speak, "KOBY, WHOS THE MOST BEAUTIFUL WOMAN ON ALL THESE SEAS." Before Koby could respond, all they heard were two voices yell "INCOMING!!" and as they crash through the floor of the ship.

With wood splinters flying everywhere Luffy and I were in the storage area below deck. We stood up and brushed ourselves off before jumping back to the top of the deck.

"Hey! Do you guys have a ship I can use? I lost mine in a whirlpool." I sweatdropped, I didn't think he'd take my comment of asking them nicely seriously, but this is Luffy we are talking about. I shook my head and looked at Alvida, my eyes popped out in fear and I went blind. Not really, but she was even uglier in person. "Who's this fat hag?" I asked, knowing it would get Alvida riled up. Alvida screamed something about use having to die. Launching her big bludgeon towards my head I stood still and took the blow head-on. Alvida dropped her chin on the floor in surprise, just as the bludgeon turned into dust. Releasing my tekkai, I, after all, don't want to kill anyone.

I pulled my arm back and hit Alvida sending here flying off into the sky. After the sparkle of her disappearing, I turned back to Alvida's crew, releasing a small wave of conquerors haki for a test. Everyone but Koby fell unconscious, Koby was scared out of his mind. All he could think about is how he was saved from Alvida, but might be killed by these mysterious strangers.

"Shishishishi! I knew I was right, Grifin you are strong!" Luffy grinned widely, with stars in his eyes. Knocking out a whole pirate crew without moving would raise questions, but Luffy is naive and Koby was too scared to think about it.

"Hey, you! What's your name?" I shouted towards Koby.

"Um, me? My name.. is.. Koby." Koby replied timidly, still obviously scared. I told him to get us a boat.

Koby found us a boat after I stole all the money from the Alvida pirates, which wasn't much. We hopped on the boat. "So, Koby, What were you doing on a pirate ship? You're obviously not a pirate." I mentioned. Hoping to get the conversation started so Koby would build his resolve.

I don't want to necessarily keep cannon intact but there are some things that I shouldn't change. I think Koby becoming a Marine will be an important factor in the future.

Koby went on to explain how he accidentally got on the wrong boat and ended up being forced to be a chore boy for Alvida.

"You're pretty stupid and useless" Luffy stated emotionlessly. Following up with " and you seem kind of wimpy too. I don't like you"

Koby instantly became depressed, murmuring something along the lines of "How blunt". Koby picked himself back up and asked why Luffy was sailing, which of course got the response. "I'm going to become the Pirate King." While Koby was muttering words about how that's impossible and that he needs to find the one piece. Luffy punched him.

"OW!! Why'd you hit me!?!" Koby cried.

"I can't stand you," Luffy said. I just sat there looking at them.

"I'm not afraid of dying, because it's my dream, that's why I won't mind dying for it," Luffy stated with a small grin.

Koby thought for a little and asked "Will I also..... be able to accomplish my dream? If I'm willing to die... WILL I BE ABLE TO BECOME A MARINE?!"

Luffy and I just stared at him, Koby exclaimed "LUFFY I KNOW IT MEANS WE'LL BE ENEMIES. BUT CATCHING BAD GUYS... HAS ALWAYS BEEN MY DREAM!!" I nodded smiling slightly, not noticed by the other two on the boat. "DO YOU THINK I CAN DO IT!?!"

Luffy and I just replied, "I wouldn't know." After that, it was silent for a while before I asked, "Wait, guys, we are we going?"

After confirming we were going to Shells Town, we went to do our own thing, Koby was making sure we were still on track and navigating. Luffy was sitting on the bow of the ship and I was training my observation haki.

I finally decided to say "Hey, Captain, I heard a strong bounty hunter swordsman was being held at the Marine Base in Shells Town. We could use another member."

Luffy smiled and said "YES! Let's head to Shells Town and get our swordsman!"

I sweatdropped thinking 'You know, technically I'm a swordsman as well.' Shaking the thought off I went back to training my observation haki for the remainder of the journey. We had finally arrived at Shells Town.

"WE'RE FINALLY AT THE MARINES' BASE!! You're great Koby!" Luffy exclaimed after getting off of the ship.

"Of course! That's the basics of navigation!" Koby sweatdropped.

Koby was muttering something about navigation and pirates. Luffy wasn't listening as he exclaimed "Alright!! Let's go eat!!" I was excited, to have proper food prepared by a cook, and at that with ingredients, I didn't need to get myself.

We went to a restaurant named 'Food Foo' after eating some food Luffy put his hand on his stomach saying "We'll go our separate ways here! You do your best to be a great marine, alright?"

Koby responded "I will!! Luffy, you have to become a great pirate too... although we'll be enemies." After ending his statement Luffy questioned, "Say, I wonder if Zoro is still being kept at the Marine Base." Everyone in the restaurant jumped and froze in weird positions, with some knocking their tables or food over. Luffy and Koby looked confused.

"Of course they'd overreact, Zoro's a criminal remember?" I stated, surprised at the stupidity of my captain and Zoro. Koby proceeded to mention something about Captain Morgan, the same reaction happened. "Koby, there is one thing you need to know as a Marine, there are some Marines that are bad, who abuse their power or follow 'Absolute Justice'. As there are bad marines there are also good pirates. The world isn't as black and white as you think it is. The world is more like various shades of grey, overlapping each other. I just hope that as you become a great marine, you will be able to make judgments and decisions based on your own merit." I made a statement that'll hopefully solidify Koby's, ability to be a good marine in the future.

After that, Koby had been pretty quiet. We silently walked towards the Marines' Base. "It looks pretty ugly up close," Luffy stated before climbing up the wall. "Monster... I wonder where he is?"

Luffy suddenly took off running while, Koby stated something along the lines of, "You can't find him that easily, he's probably locked up." Luffy stopped running and once again climbed the wall, Koby followed suit but instantly fell off onto his ass, freaking out. "It... It's him!! It's RORONOA ZORO!!" The aura was intimidating, completely unlike Luffy's. Luffy and I were unfazed. I just watched the situation using my observation instead of jumping on the wall.

While we were discussing and Zoro was trying to intimidate us, a small girl plopped a ladder against the wall. She climbed the ladder and went over to Zoro.

"AH..!! Don't do it! It's dangerous!!" Koby yelled. Zoro was brooding "Hey what are you doing here? Do you want to die or something..? GET LOST!"

"Uhm, I made some onigiri for you! You haven't eaten for a long time, right?" said the child. Zoro, still brooding, yelled "I'M NOT HUNGRY!! GO AWAY!" The child looked visibly upset. "I'll kill you if you don't go!" Zoro yelled, clearly trying to get her away from him.

The gate opened and a lanky man with an onion-shaped haircut walked in with two marines. This was, of course, Helmeppo, the son of Captain Morgan. Koby said "He must be someone important in the marines... Thank goodness the girl is safe now."

I just shook my head as Helmeppo walked up to the little girl and took an onigiri. After taking a bite, he spits it out, stomping the rest and the other one into the dirt. "THIS IS HORRIBLE! YOU PUT TOO MUCH SUGAR IN IT!!! YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO USE SALT" Helmeppo exclaimed. He continued to smash the onigiri into the ground while the girl was trying to stop him. "Th... That's so cruel! That girl worked so hard to make them!" Koby said. I was getting angry at this arrogant son of a bitch, but I'll hold my self for now.

The girl was on the ground crying, while Helmeppo was talking about the penalty of helping the prisoner. Helmeppo ordered the goons to throw the girl out, threatening to 'tell his dad' if they disobeyed. As I expected, the goon threw the girl over the wall and Luffy jumped to grab her. They landed without injury.

Helmeppo left, mentioning the promise and such other pointless things. Luffy had ended up in front of Zoro. "I'm looking for someone to join my pirate crew." Zoro yet again still brooding, said "Pirate? HEH...! So you just gave up on life and became a criminal huh?"

"It's my dream! There's nothing wrong with being a pirate!" Luffy exclaimed. "...Hm? Don't tell me you're gonna set me free and force me to join you?" I then appeared right next to Luffy. "That's exactly what he'll do," I say. "That's just how Luffy does things."

"A bad guy, huh? I'll never join you," Zoro stated. "I made a deal with that bastard kid, and I'll do everything I can to stay alive, and fulfill my dreams!"

Luffy and I proceeded to walk away before Zoro asked "That... Can you pick it up for me?" Referring to the onigiri covered dirt. Luffy asked if he was sure, then proceeded to hand it to him.

After struggling to get it down, Zoro said "Tell that little girl 'The Rice balls tasted very good' and 'Thank you very much'"

Luffy laughed and it was at this moment that he decided Zoro would be part of his crew. I just smiled knowingly, "Hey, Captain I'm gonna do something real quick. I'll meet you back at 'Food Foo'." I disappeared, as I ran into the Marine base to grab Zoro's swords beforehand. Zoro's mouth dropped, surprised at me just seemingly disappearing before his eyes. Thinking he was hallucinating, he shrugged it off soon after. He realized he was once again, alone.

I walked into Helmeppo's room. It was disgustingly girly, I almost vomited up my food from early. I quickly spotted the three swords and headed off towards 'Food Foo'. When I had got back Koby was holding Luffy back. 'Damn, I missed all the fun.' I thought before stopping and watching the rest of the spectacle.

Helmeppo threatened to tell his dad. To which Luffy responded with "Just fight me yourself!" Soon Helmeppo was being carried off by two of his father's goons. "You'll regret hitting me!"

"It's meaningless to hit people like him," I said walking up to Luffy. Luffy nodded in agreement. Rika's mother came running and grabbed Rika away, not wanting them to be labeled as friends. Rika was exclaiming how they're not bad people, just like Zoro.

"Looks like we're gonna be in a lotta trouble!! If the captain finds out ab-" *BONK* I hit Koby on the head, "It ain't no trouble, that Captain Morgan, Isn't worth our time. Also, one my Captain is set on something there isn't anything that's gonna hold him back." I smirked.

Luffy, Koby and I headed back to the marine base. "Yo," Luffy said casually. "It's you again? I told you I don't want to be a pirate!!" Zoro glared at Luffy.

Luffy ignored the glare and the statement made. "I'm Luffy, if I loosen up the ropes, then you're gonna join us, okay?!"

"I've told you clearly!! I have things that I need to do, besides I'm not gonna become a criminal." Luffy responded, "Everyone already thinks you're a bad guy."

"I DON'T CARE WHAT THEY SAY ABOUT ME!! I WON'T BECOME A PIRATE!" Zoro exclaimed. "I don't care! You are going to join us!" Luffy declared, not caring what Zoro thinks.

I finally spoke up saying, "If you join us, we can stop you from getting executed in three days. Helmeppo never planned on keeping his promise, just ask."

"That Bastard... I knew he wouldn't hold his part of the deal" Zoro snarled. "I'll cut you a deal, if I let you lose and give you back your katanas, You'll join us. Deal?" I was trying to make it seem less like a demand, not that it mattered. He would join the straw hats either way.

"Fine, however, If you get in the way of me accomplishing my dream. You'll have to answer to my blade." I smiled and agreed. 'That would never happen as if he could beat me.' I handed over his three swords, quickly ripping the ropes apart with my bare hands.

"Alright, let the fun begin." I jumped straight to the top of the marine base and shattered the giant statue of Morgan with a light punch. Everyone started chasing me due to Morgan's order to have me executed, I jumped straight down to where Zoro and Luffy were. Quickly a firing squad appeared, lining up aiming at us.

"Gomu Gomu no FUSSEN!" Luffy exclaimed, blowing himself up like a balloon blocking all the bullets and bouncing them back.

"Resisting the marines here will make you an outlaw Zoro. You sure you want to do this?" I stated.

"Screw that! I rather become a pirate then die!!" Zoro declared before launching himself at the Marines, slashing them down. "Hey Luffy, you mind if I take care of Morgan?" I ask.

"Go ahead, Griffin." I use soru appearing straight in front of Morgan. I stop looking at him with disgust, "You really shouldn't have become so conceited."

"I AM THE STRONGEST!! I DESERVE TO BE CONCEITED, RANK AND POWER MEAN EVERYTHING!!" I shook my head. Morgan swung his ax towards me, I grabbed it between two fingers and using armament shattered it. I lifted my leg and said "Rankyaku" a compressed air blade was shot out impacting Captain Morgan in the chest diagonally going down to his waist. It instantly knocked him out and sent him flying into the streets of Shells Town. "That's what you get for destroying Koby's dreams"

All the marines erupted in happiness that their oppressor had been defeated. Zoro ended up collapsing on the ground from not eating, then proceeding to take out over half of the marine base. Luffy took him to get some food, and I followed close behind.

After eating we were kicked out of town by the marines, Luffy fought with Koby. Koby went off to be a great marine and Luffy, Zoro and I were drifting aimlessly one again.

'Finally, someone to spar with. I can't use WorldBreaker or my full strength. But, he should progress quickly if I push him enough' I thought.


Main Character won't need to use full strength for a while so... the fights will be fairly laid back for a little while.

I know almost nothing was changed from canon, as most things in the east blue saga won't be. The East blue saga has a lot of important things that shouldn't be changed much if possible. It gets the main crew members to bond and trust each other as well as grow. Lots of the major changes will start to happen in the Grandline.

I'll try my best to not repeat too much from canon, but I'll end up repeating a decent amount. If you don't know the canon and need me to explain some of the canon elements to you, you probably shouldn't be reading a One Piece FanFic. end A/N)

Releases won't be consistent due to me being in school and having to work, but I will try my best to release chapters frequently.

Let me know how I'm doing and if you have any constructive criticism, let me know!

Ivinokcreators' thoughts