
Transmigration in a Hentai and Fantasy world

Set in a time where everything is set in a time where there isn't any rules only thing is who is conquered

Dracoking · Fantasy
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7 Chs

chapter 03 Unexpected Encounter pt. 1

Meanwhile in another place in the city of Koah while William had started his training in his dream scape with Bahamut we could see four voluptuous and Curvaceous women inside of a dinner. But these aren't ordinary women in fact these women were devils who wasn't very happy at this very moment and these women were Grayfia Lucifuge, Venelana Gremory, Cora Phenex, & Mei Mei.

These four women normally get together for some girls night out or to vent about their husbands or family Venelana ( ughhhh I can't stand this first I was forced into a lovelies marriage with Zeoticus which he has a Harem which I don't mind but he chooses to stay with them and now he wants to give my only daughter to someone who wants to treat her like a trophy) she says while downing her whiskey in one gulp Cora ( I'm sorry to hear that and I didn't have a say in the matter and for Riser he gets his attitude towards women from his father ) she says while letting out a long sigh.

Mei Mei (Ughhhh I know what you mean Cora Sirzech haven't even touched me or looked at me every since I had Malicus while he's talking with lord Phenex about Lady Rias arriange marriage). As the four female devils was having their conversation about their love life and family drama a young teenage boy around 16 year of age had walked into the dinner this man was no other than our protagonist of the story William Drako himself.

Back to the MC's Pov

After spending the entire morning training in my dream scape with Bahamut I decided to check out a local dinner since I currently didn't have any food at the moment. As I stepped into the dinner I could feel all eyes turned towards me Grayfia ( who is that person I can sense something coming from him)? She asks her fellow devils while I was making my way to the front counter but before I could take another step the four mention had stopped in front of me William's thoughts ( Well shit).

Bahamut's thoughts ( Well partner how are you going to get out of this situation)? Not knowing what my inner dragon was thinking I was watching the four women who were standing right in front of me Venelana ( well hello young man I haven't seen you here before) she greeted me while being a little tipsy. William ( um yea I just got into town and I don't have a lot of food in my home) Cora ( what about your parents)? She asks me which I could smell the alcohol on her breath William ( I currently stay alone due to some circumstances). Cora ( I'm sorry to hear that) William ( oh it's ok) I said with a bright and charming smile which causes the four women to blush Mei Mei ( would you like to join us we have plenty of food we could spare)? She asks me while avoiding eye contact with me.

Soon we sat down to enjoy our meal but I could tell that they were watching me Bahamut's inner voice (say partner I just wanted to warn you that the four women in front of you are devils we dragons attracts all type of people allies and enemies as well as the opposite sex and what I could tell is that the three milfs especially the brunette and white hair are lusting after you). William's inner voice (yea partner you're right I could sense it all so smell their arousal) Bahamut's inner voice ( you're right and I'm surprised that you are adopting to your new senses).

As both me and Bahamut was having our own private conversation with one another which they came to a silent agreement with one another Venelana ( say we never introduced ourselves now did we)? William ( um no I don't think so) Venelana ( oh then I'll start my name is Venelana G) she introduced herself as I felt something rubbing up my inner thigh. Grayfia ( and my name is Grayfia L it's a pleasure to meet you) the silver haired beauty introduced herself as I continued to feel someone running their foot up my leg.

Cora ( my name is Cora P) the blonde bombshell had introduced herself Mei Mei ( I'm Mei) the four she devils introduced theirselfs to me William (my name William Drako and its my pleasure to meet some gorgeous ladies) when they heard my compliment they couldn't help but blush Venelana ( should we go somewhere else to have our own little party)? She asks out of the blue which caught all of us off guard.

( A/N Grayfia isn't married to Serzeches but Mei Mei is )

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