
Transmigration:- Wakeup as imperial consert [ bl]

" who think that I will died and transmigrated into another world another era and fell in love with the king of this era ( chuckles) I find that day to much funny when I came here ( giggles) so cute .... " baby where are you " ... " I am here honey " ...... ( he excitedly run outside) ..... What do you think was it real a transmigration or a struggle to fine his lost soulmate

Silentknight1994 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

I wanna regret ( M )

" What do you think why did he call us here "۔

" I don't know honey Maybe he is busy that's why . I call him yesterday but he didn't pick so I think he is busy " ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔

" Mom when is he coming downstairs. We are sitting here for almost two house . It's 9 O'Clock already. Didn't you said he is strict towards his time . " ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔shao wen asked irritatedly because she wake up early and get dressed in short dress to impress him but there was no sign of him coming downstairs. Lee just roll his eyes and close his eyes . His sleep was so precious to him unlikely to them who wake up at 6 and came here.

Unknown to them a couple is still sleeping while cuddling. The beautiful boy more snuggle in CEO'S chest who chuckles. Yesterday after getting knowing each other they had dinner together and slept late because our little Niang was not sleepy so they play video games all night till 3:00 am . Then Yan zhantian persuade him to sleep and niang who was already sleepy nodded with half close eyes , pouting helding out his hands. Yan zhantian laugh at his cute baby and carry him to bed and slept while cuddling.

Now he was admiring his sleeping beauty instead of waking him up because he doesn't want to disturb his sleep . After sometime he stirred in sleep and woke up blinking his eyes. His cheeks turned red with shyness and hide his face immediately۔۔۔۔۔

" Haha why so cute hmm "... kiss his head..." Let's get ready your so called family is waiting downstairs" Hearing this Niang's face went blank but he smile at Yan۔۔۔۔

" Okay you fresh up first then I will " ۔۔۔۔۔

" Okay sweetheart " ... He kissed his head and went to bathroom after getting fresh he went downstairs ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔

" Ru Yi why my emotions feels so real towards that so called family. It's feel like I was the one enduring everything" ۔۔۔۔۔۔

Ru Yi came out of pin snuggling in his neck purring letting Niang pat his furs...

" It's rule. If you don't feel the same then you can't take revenge." ۔۔۔۔۔

Yan zhantian walked downstairs with his usual poker and cold face. He walked straight to dining table and sit . The Shao family immediately walked to dinning table .

" Good morning Mr Yan " ۔۔۔۔۔۔

" Hmm " ۔۔۔

He just hummed and sign them to sit . They fastly sit on thier seats and waits for maids to serve but they were standing still looking towards stairs . Shao family was confused.

"Mr Yan why are we not start feasting " Mr Shao asked confusingly making Yan arck his brow .

" Waiting for my fiancee " he said dropping bomb on thier heads.wen looked at her mother with shocked face who came out of shock and asked...

" Yan when did you get engaged. You didn't invite us for engagement. Who's the person do I know her " ۔۔۔۔۔۔

She asked controlling her anger waiting for his answer but was answered by someone else .

" Oh Mother it's me " ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔

Everyone looked towards Shao Niang and frozen on thier places . Shao Niang smirk and walked straight to Yan zhantian who smiled and held his hand out ۔۔۔۔۔۔

" Good morning sweetheart " ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔

He pull him on his lap and peck his lips . Who giggles shyly pinching Yan's cheeks .

" Good morning you to honey " ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔

The whole Shao family looked at Shao Niang with hatred and anger who looked pleased seeing their red face.

" Shao Niang what do you mean by this . When did you get engaged to him and why the hell you didn't came home yesterday. Your principal called me saying you didn't attend your classes yesterday" ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔

Mr Shao groal angrily at shen Niang who's smile vanished. Yan zhantian looked at him angrily.

" Shut up if you don't want to disappeared from this world " He bang on table angrily making them flinched. " He was with me yesterday and for your information. Mrs Shao Niang's mother and my mother already arranged our marriage when he born and he is my love I don't need anyone consult to whom I love or not . Are you cleared " His roar shaked thier whole body and mind . They nodded thier heads and looked down. Shao Niang admire his hot fiance biting his lips ...

" Honey calm down . Let's eat I am hungry " Shao Niang pout cutely attracting him who smile shockingly other .

" Sorry sweetheart. Maids serve the breakfast "

Silent coverd the whole dining table . Yan zhantian feed his baby and also eat himself. Mrs Shao and Lee was burning in jealousy and anger . Mr Shao was angery because meena didn't told him everything about thier engagement or he could use that to get profit for his business.

After eating breakfast they settled into living room for the discussion he called them here. Shao Niang hug him putting his head on Yan's chest . Yan hug his waist possessively.

" Mr Shao I called you here to confirm my deal with you personally. I am busy so I can't waist my time at your home now you all can leave " He spoke Coldly sending them away . Mr Shao was happy because of deal but his wife and daughter was planning to destroy Shao Niang.

" Would you like to go university or wanna spend some time with me sweetheart " Yan rub his soft lips whispering making Niang shudder.

" I would like to be in your arms honey " Shao Niang said seductively biting his lips. He wants to feel him , his love .

" Are you sure what are you saying sweetheart " he whisper against his lips . Who finished the distance and pressed thier lips together. Yan growl and pull him on his lap kissing him hungrily. Shao Niang moan pulling him more closer by neck . His fingers caressed Yan's soft silky hairs grinding on his lap .

" B,baby stop or you will regret " Yan back away both panting heavily"I wanna regret daddy take me . I want you " shao Niang mumble capturing his lips again . Who immediately carry him towards thier bedrooms.

Yan came into room locking the door and pinning him against wall ravaging his intoxicating lips . Their hands roam around thier bodies creating more heat in them.

" You know you are so beautiful baby"

He whisper sucking his jawline . Shao Niang was too busy in pleasure that he couldn't said anything. Yan's lips travel to his beautiful neck sucking, biting leaving a Shao Niang a moaning mess . Thier lowers parts grind against each other۔۔۔۔۔۔ making them moan in pleasure.

" Baby I can't wait anymore" Yan walked towards bed putting him on bed and tore the clothes on his body kissing every inch of his body leaving dark purple hickies. Shao Niang's body twitch in pleasure under him . Yan lick his navel and pull the pants down leaving him naked . Shao Niang coverd his little brother with his hands making Yan chuckles.

" Don't hide it baby let's gege love you"

He pull his hands away and take the whole member on his mouth making him moan loudly . His hand clench on Yan's hairs and hips thrust upward because of fast sucking and licking. He came hard in his mouth and Yan gulp everything before leaving himself naked . Shao Niang blushed but widen his eyes seeing the long thick shaft making Yan smirk .

" I, it's


Big GEGE " ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔