
Transmigration:Rampaging Tentacle Monster

In a twist of fate, Yann, once a fearsome Lich King in a previous life, finds himself reincarnated as a tentacle monster in his current one. But what happens when a delectable little girl crosses paths with this unlikely creature? "Others may traverse realms to become heroes, but I traverse to become a tentacle monster," Yann jests. "While others wield cheat codes, I become the cheat code for others. And while others command legions of magical beasts, I become the pet of another, albeit fortunately, the pet of a lovely young maiden. And you there, dare to harm my little maiden? You won't escape my grasp after school! I'll make sure of it!" "My dream is to use my tentacles to ensure a blissful life for my little maiden at home! Anyone who dares obstruct me from building our crystal palace will face my wrath!" With such determined words, Yann sets out on a whimsical yet ambitious quest, using his unusual abilities to protect and provide for his newfound charge, all while dreaming of a brighter future in their crystal abode.

Billy_7484 · Fantasy
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60 Chs

An Esteemed-level at the Pinnacle Level

Yann couldn't even probe the opponent's specific strength; even when sitting there, Yann couldn't sense anything!

It was a bit terrifying. Didn't Niya say that Lugansk Zoia's place was just an oddly named but ordinary shop?

Yann didn't think so now. The background of this cafe was far from what Niya imagined; it's just that Niya's power was too weak to discover the intricacies here.

While Yann was secretly observing these two individuals, Slav and Lugansk Zoia were also observing Yann.

Slav and Lugansk Zoia believed that their level was countless times higher than Yann's, so they were unbridled in their exploration.

And Yann? As a former sovereign-level warrior, if he couldn't conceal his exploration from these juniors, it would truly be a joke.

Slav and Lugansk Zoia used their Psychic power to scan Yann like human radars. They scanned Yann repeatedly, ultimately confirming that Yann was indeed a "normal" undead.

Psychic power, a special technique only esteemed-level and above. psychic power materialized one's spiritual strength, transforming it into an all-encompassing scan, different from sensory exploration based on vision and hearing.

It was a form of mental scanning, projecting all the attributes of surrounding objects into the brain, even accurately detecting the vibrations of a ladybug's wings on a blade of grass.

The trajectory of flight, the amplitude of wing vibration, the speed of flight, and the angle of turn...

Moreover, Psychic power was also an ability detector, able to gauge roughly a person's combat strength. Of course, it could only estimate, detecting the amount and attributes of internal combat energy or magic power.

With a strong aura of death and a standard skeletal form, Slav and Lugansk Zoia confirmed with a glance.

The result of their mental exploration showed that the entity beneath the black armor was indeed an undead warrior.

Seeing the exchanged glances between the two, Yann lightly chuckled inwardly.

They thought their mental exploration wouldn't be discovered by Yann, so they scanned without restraint. But how could they know that Yann was secretly conducting a counter-scan using the opportunity they provided?

If they hadn't explored so recklessly, Yann wouldn't have dared to probe them so boldly. After all, Yann's strength hadn't fully recovered; even his Psychic power had been weakened countless times. Any slight carelessness could have alerted them.

Realizing that Yann was actually using Psychic power to probe him, their reactions to Yann could be imagined. This little tentacle monster, no matter how many magical items he had, couldn't change the fact that his strength was far inferior!

A high-grade esteemed-level and an esteemed-level at the pinnacle level!

These two were actually senior experts of the esteemed-level! Representing the supreme martial power on the Roland Continent! If others were to learn that the middle-aged uncle wiping cups was a high-grade esteemed-level, and the golden-haired young man sitting beside him was an esteemed-level at the pinnacle level, this seemingly inconspicuous Rabbit Cafe would surely become the most terrifying place in the entire Sacred Heart City!

"Niya, who is beside you?" Niya bowed to Slav to show respect. Although Niya had lived in poverty, she was very attentive to personal etiquette, perhaps precisely because of her poverty.

Seeing Niya bow to Slav, Lugansk Zoia's hand paused as he wiped the cup, then he resumed his action.

For the descendants of such a terrifying family to show such respect to an outsider would surely become a joke if it were to be spread within the family.

"This is my magical pet, just tamed. It's an undead warrior, very powerful. Thanks to him, I can... um, enter the second year." Niya was originally going to say "to avoid failing again," but she thought it sounded too self-deprecating and changed her mind at the last moment.

Yann stood by, pretending to be a loyal undead warrior pet. Yann knew clearly that Niya's words had no effect; Slav and Lugansk Zoia had already probed with their Psychic power.

These two were deliberately acting to see what the purpose of it all was. What were they trying to achieve?

"Um, although I don't know how powerful it is, it looks very impressive. Oh, someone like me without any professional talent completely can't understand your world. Anyway, congratulations, Niya, congratulations on finally advancing to the second year," Slav said with a raised coffee cup, smiling.

Pretense, continuing the pretense. What Yann despised most was people pretending to be weak. Wasn't this the legendary strategy of pretending to be weak and then striking hard? Moreover, this young man named Slav was a super handsome blond with azure eyes!

Such people in novels are either protagonists or super villains!

"Um," Niya responded obediently.

Then Niya handed over the gift box she had prepared to Lugansk Zoia.

"What's this?" Lugansk Zoia looked bewildered at the gift box in front of him.

"Of course, it's a gift from little Niya to you," Slav interjected for Niya.

"Um." Niya nodded, "I've always been under the care of Mr. You haven't been repaid, so this is a gift I bought with the money I earned from work."

Lugansk Zoia was not a talkative person. From the moment Niya entered until now, most of the time Slav was the one talking to Niya. If no one deliberately talked to Lugansk Zoia, he wouldn't speak.

Lugansk Zoia didn't say anything, just silently accepted the gift box, then patted Niya's head.

Some things didn't need to be said much; this kind of quasi-affectionate feeling could exist even between people without blood ties. The so-called affection didn't necessarily have to be mediated by blood ties.

Lugansk Zoia opened the gift box in the expectant eyes of Niya, then took out a set of cups.

"Oh, it's coffee cups. It's no wonder Niya would support your work, Lugansk Zoia," Slav teased about Lugansk Zoia's job.

Sure enough, hearing Slav's teasing about his job, Lugansk Zoia's mouth twitched for a moment. To think that he, now running a cafe, serving these idle grandmasters every day. What a sad story.

Lugansk Zoia quickly regained his composure, unusually put away the coffee cups, and thanked Niya.