
Transmigrated with Unlimited soldiers in spatial pocket

Being transmigrated is not a new topic but my golden finger is Unlimited soldiers with a space pocket. I don’t have to feed them take care of them they will still lay their lives for me. What’s next is just how i conquer this world and many more through the secrets of the space pocket.

I_am_Lazzyyy · Fantasy
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44 Chs

Pathetic liza Cronwell

A girl who looked to be in her teens walked over and picked Jia Lee up, she's beautiful like a constant filter is fixed around her. 'That's story world for you' he heard T's voice in his mind and started cursing in his mind while the girl was looking at the grumpy cat making expressions like an slapstick comedian.

"Hahahahah" her giggling, soft and sweet, like a spring breeze in a desert, or sweet water to a person parched from thrust, like a hot chocolate in winter, like a … 'stop it before I go on rampage' said Jia to exaggerated T. "Meow" he meowed at Liza who calmed down and said "You are really my soul animal, just a simple expression can make all the stress run away from me, you're the best thomus." she hugged the cat and brought him to the room along with her, while Jia Lee was having fun being stuck in her embrace.

She entered her room with burnt marks everywhere and sighed again "now stay here sweetie, I need to prepare this portion today or I will be the only one failing the assignment." As she said that she started reading a book on her desk and took out some materials from a bag on the side.

While she was doing that, jia lee was talking to T 'So what's the back story here' he asked.

T as always ready with the explanations "It's a world actually created by an Heavenly King to get the power of faith, it was originally a story he read on passing and put the story in motion in his own world, but the thing is, he actually died in a tribulation and this world is stuck in a loop of space consuming not only it's own energy but also from the planets it passes by due to the torn space loop it's stuck in, that's the problem this world is facing and coming to this girls problem, she's actually the best friend of the protagonist of this world and although she's portrayed as a smart person, to make the FL shine she's taken as a comparison, being a good hearted and jolly person she herself actually demean's herself and says stuff like 'oh my god, you are so good at it, I can't even start to think how you did it so well'. That's not it, she also gets bullied and ostracized so often, because she's friend of fl, the female lead actually never helps her much as she thinks that if liza wants it to stop, she need to try standing up for herself, but the main point Fl is missing is, liza is facing all that trouble because she stood up for the female lead and even her parents doesn't support her for going against those rich ladies for the poor scholarship student, so even if she complains, she end up being left alone. At one point, because FL provoked someone and they retaliated, the FL obviously was not harmed, but they went for the BFF of the FL next to threaten her and after beating her up they tore her clothes and just when they were about to rape her female lead came to save the damsel with police and some friends. She was saved, but lost her reputation and rumours of her being not clean were all over the city and liza being traumatized by the incident and then facing public scrutiny broke down and jumped of the school building while shouting 'I am clean, I was and i will be, but I don't need your validation as it's the end of this chapter for me, and hope a new beautiful chapter will open up for me in next life.' She jumped right after the FL opened the door to terrace. That's when the female lead decided to fight for her dead friend and bring an end to the sect that actually killed her friend, and during this adventure she met the male lead and they together finished of the sect and the following year FL came to deliver flowers to her grave and told her how she took revenge on her adversaries."

Everyone sighed with heavy heart after listening to the story through transmission from T, Jia Lee actually jumped and hugged the girl with tears in eyes, scaring her into emptying a whole bottle of grass that she was just supposed put one blade of, she screamed and sat down with Jia lee in her arms and a blast went of making a hole in the roof. They were in a huge tower and they were on the second floor while third floor belonged to her elder brother Liam Cronwell, soon enough they saw a face full of black dust, looking down and shouted "LIZA CRONWELL!! Back to your room NOW!"

"B b b.. but brother I wanted to practice for my practical tomorrow, please" she joined her hands and begged for his mercy. "Hmph, come upstairs i will help you, don't want the whole magic tower burnt to ashes by the time you are done."

She nodded her head and brought Jia Lee along, while scolding him, "you little idiot, what happened to you out of no where, I might have lost my head to that blast, if I hadn't moved away from the pot on time."

Although she was scolding Jia lee, but she never stopped caressing the cat as if to calm it down from the scare of blast just now. Jia lee confirmed something with T and used his mouth to speak "I am sorry, I didn't mean it"

"It's fine just be careful next t…" she looked at Jia lee while her eyes almost as wide open as saucers. "D d d …. Did you speak, Just now"

"Stop here for a second and listen girl, I am a magical beast and I am almost reaching 200 years in age. So i am like an ancestor to you, i was just under a magic spell where my age and memories regressed to the time, when i was just a little kitten. But the blast today actually somehow broke the spell and freed me from the curse. To thank you and keep up the soul oath between us, i will help you in your future endeavours." Said Jia Lee, making up the story on the go.

Before the girl could respond he heard the cranky male voice from before again "is that so 'ancestor', you better be ready for my questions then, otherwise, you can get ready to have a life long trip in dark prison, their's not a single person ever who escaped the place in history, not even their ashes. You must be aware since you are the oldest here right." Their was a smirk on his now clean and handsome face.