
Transmigrated with the strongest summoning system

Dawn lived a life full of regret. He always regretted his life choices. Thankfully, it wasn't over for him. One night after being lectured by his father he suddenly woke up in a strange new world, filled with magic. In the magical world, Dawn was able to awaken two Heaven-defying talents never seen before in the history of mankind. Armed with the power to summon creatures from another dimension and supplemented by his levelling system. He will stop at nothing to achieve his goal of Eternal life. . . "Oh, you can defeat one barbarian, what about 10,000 barbarians," Dawn said with an indifferent voice.

tjjfche · Eastern
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129 Chs

Havok Tribe

Dawn and the girl hid behind the boulder, He scanned the surroundings to get a clear picture of what was going on.

The area Dawn was in was surrounded by 5-foot walls made of wood, the walls had sharp edges to ward off invaders, and the woods were tied with each other with the help of a thick rope.

Behind the soldiers dressed in shabby leather armor were holding a shield in their hands, and were looking at the wall with serious expressions on their faces.

Dawn could hear the sound of orderly footsteps from behind the wall.

"Don't let me catch you, the bastards of the Havok tribe." the girl with a gentle voice cursed in anger.

Dawn turned his head in the direction of the girl to take a look at her.

A beautiful girl with a frown on her face was standing beside him.

Her silky white hair was like a white cloud tied together with a blue hairpin. Her skin was paler than snow and smoother than ice. The black leather armor elevated her curves, making her appear like a goddess that most men would dream of seeing. She was just perfect.

Before Dawn could ask her questions.

Whoosh! Swish!

The sky was filled with arrows moving towards Dawn and his army with remarkable speed and precision.

"Prepare for the impact." One of the men from Dawn's side, in a white beard, shouted.

Following his command all the fifty soldiers raised their shields over their heads to protect themselves from the impact.

With swift and silent grace the arrows found their mark, striking their target with a resounding thud.

Some of the war-weary soldiers weren't able to absorb the impact and fell to the ground, ruining the entire formation.

Dawn and the white-haired beauty Raven were safe behind the boulder. The arrows weren't powerful enough to damage the boulder.

After 3 minutes the rain of arrows finally stopped, Dawn and Raven came out of the hiding spot.

"Brother Lucas!" Raven suddenly cried in anguish and ran toward the army, her eyes grew teary.

Dawn also looked toward the men dressed in Red armor, some of them had wounds on their legs, blood was oozing out of their wounds dyeing the ground red.

"Brother Lucas you have to hold on.." Raven thought in her head as she ran towards a man lying in the pool of his own blood.

The men in black armor were looking at Lucas with girl expressions on their faces. Lucas was seriously injured. An arrow had managed to pierce his left lung thereby puncturing it.

Lucas was having trouble breathing, whenever he tried to breathe, he felt as if thousands of ants were chewing him from inside. 

"Benjamin! Benjamin!! Why are you standing here? Take him to the healer fast." the white beard commander Harmon shouted at one of the men who was standing there like a statue.

Benjamin immediately ran toward Lucas, picked him up from the ground, and started in the opposite direction.

Harmon looked at the departing Benjamin with Lucas on his shoulder, he hoped that Benjamin would be able to make it in time.

Raven looked at the departing figure with a sad look in her eyes, Harmon looked at her and muttered with a sad face.

" I am sorry, I was negligent in my duty." Harmon knew how sad Raven must be after all Lucas and Raven grew up together, and he could only apologize.

Raven heard his words and didn't say, she knew he wasn't the one to blame, she could only direct her anger at the bastards of the Havok tribe.

Suddenly a person in black armor ran toward Harmon and shouted.

"Commander, they are once again preparing to launch another volley of arrows."

Harmon's expression darkened after hearing the news, his men wouldn't be able to handle such an attack without suffering huge losses.

They could only defend, they did have the firepower to counterattack.

Harmon glanced at his men, they were wounded and tired. None of them were in a condition to fight.

"My brothers it is you or your family, I am willing to bear all the hardship so that my family don't have to face any." Harmon words resounded in the surroundings.

The implication behind his words was clear, either they fight here or watch their loved one die. 

It was their choice!

Harmon words ignited a fire of resolve in the hearts of men, they picked up their shields with a resolute look in their eyes, the situation didn't allow them to rest and lament.

Dawn looked at the action of Harmon then back at the wall, and pondered about his next course of action.

When Dawn was pondering, a voice resounded in his head.

[Act-1, Protect your men and territory from the Danger. It is a compulsory mission you can't decline.


1. trust of the people from your territory

2. Tribe management system]

Dawn was easily able to identify the voice, it belonged to Sugar but unlike before it was more robotic.

"Sugar what is this," Dawn questioned her in an indifferent voice. He still remembered how she treated him.

"What… Oh, I get it." Sugar's cheerful voice echoed in his head.

"That's the help Jewel of Emptiness is going to provide in your mission." Sugar patiently explained.

"How." Dawn just uttered one sentence. 

"I don't know if it changes according to the Master." Sugar helplessly said, she really didn't know how Jewel of Emptiness worked although she was a part of it.

After hearing her words, Dawn realized nothing useful was going to come out of her mouth. He ignored her and started walking toward Harmon and the others.

After seeing him walking over, Harmon hurriedly bowed. He wanted to open his mouth to speak but he was stopped by Dawn who raised his hand to stop him.

"All of you stay here and let me take a look at the enemy," Dawn spoke in an emotionless voice.

The face of Harmon and the soldier behind him changed. What the young chief was trying to do, he wanted to die alone. But they keep their thoughts to themselves.

"Chief Dawn, you have just began cultivating 3 months ago, please don't be reckless," Raven pleaded, she couldn't understand what he was trying to do.

Dawn ignored them and started walking towards the wall, Raven saw him moving towards the wall and muttered resolutely.

"I will follow you, I can't allow anyone to hurt my friend."

Dawn stopped in his tracks after hearing her words, "Please follow what I have told you, don't make me repeat myself." Dawn's emotionless words echoed in the surroundings.

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