
The Strongest Summoning System

warning: it was the first time I wrote anything so expect a lot of grammatical mistake. Dawn lived a life full of regret. He always regretted his life choices. Thankfully, it wasn't over for him. One night after being lectured by his father he suddenly woke up in a strange new world, filled with magic. In the magical world, Dawn was able to awaken two Heaven-defying talents never seen before in the history of mankind. Armed with the power to summon creatures from another dimension and supplemented by his levelling system. He will stop at nothing to achieve his goal of Eternal life. . . "Oh, you can defeat one barbarian, what about 10,000 barbarians," Dawn said with an indifferent voice.

tjjfche · Eastern
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129 Chs


Dawn felt the air escaping his lungs, devoid of air he tried to breathe. His head was buzzing due to the impact.

"What the fuck!" Dawn roared at the top of his lungs, his eyes filled with fury. Veins started to bulge in his forehead.

Dawn was beyond furious, he wanted to smash this bitch out of existence, he didn't care about her reasons.

"How dare she." He muttered inside his head, Dawn felt like he was going mad from anger.

The situation was not good for him! 

He breathed deeply while still lying on the ground, Sugar bent her knees and came down beside him.

She still had an indifferent expression on her face, as if Dawn's thoughts didn't matter.

She raised her finger and pointed over Dawn's heart.

'Did you forget about how you got this." She uttered those words in a frigid tone, reminding Dawn about the Origin heart that he got with the help of Jewel of Emptiness.

Dawn was finally able to calm himself, Dawn. He wanted to argue with her, as to how she had nothing to do with the heart, but words refused to come out of his mouth.

He wanted to get up but failed to do so, a strange force was pinning him to the ground.

Sugar brought her finger closer to Dawn's chest and lightly pressed with it.

Such an insignificant action of hers made Dawn groan in pain. creak! His bones started to shake and suddenly blood started to come out of his mouth.

Dawn felt the Grim Reaper scythe hanging on his head, Dawn realized he didn't have a choice in this matter.

He was unwilling! But it doesn't matter how unwilling he was, he had to bow down today.

"I will accept the mission." His voice filled with unwillingness.

"If you had been willing before, why would I have to persuade you?" Sugar's expression instantly changed. A shiny smile bloomed on her face.

"Persuade? You call this humiliation persuasion." Dawn thought in his head, Dawn was going to make sure once he was strong enough, he was going to make her pay.

Sugar got up and walked back to her chair, she sat down, placed one leg on the other and looked at Dawn with an amused expression on her face.

"The mission is mandatory, you will have to do it if you want to live." Sugar spoke in a friendly voice, acting completely different from before.

"Ok! What's the mission," Dawn said in an annoyed voice while wiping the blood from his mouth.

"Conquest!" Sugar smiled and said one word.

She ignored Dawn's annoying expression and continued," You will have to conquer a planet in 100 hundred years."

"Are you out of your mind? Do you think I can overthrow Dynasties that have been in power for centuries?" Dawn sarcastically smiled and spoke.

Although he had good talents that wasn't enough, he needed time to grow.

"Pfft!... You are too funny." Sugar suddenly started laughing. After one minute she stopped and said with a serious face.

"You think too highly of yourself even if I gave you a thousand you still will not be able to conquer the planet of Goldfire." She spoke as a matter of fact. 

The water on the Planet Goodfire ran too deep, even she had to lay low and bid her time and this youngling thought that he could conquer this planet, it was just too funny she couldn't control herself.

"Then what," Dawn questioned her, if not this planet then what?


"That's not in my hands, to be honest." Sugar spread her hands and spoke as if this had nothing to do with her.

"You will be transported to a random planet, you will be assigned a random identity.."

"If your luck is good you might start as prince and if it's worse…..." Sugar looked at Dawn before dragging her words and saying.

"You might turn into a pig on the chopping board." She smiled strangely while speaking those words.

"Ok! But what will I get out of it?" Dawn voiced out the question that was on his mind.

"Your life." Sugar said with an indifferent face.

"Now enough talking, Just go to sleep and you will know about everything else later." After speaking, sugar fell silent.

Dawn too didn't want to talk about it, he lay on his bed and fell asleep.



Whoosh! Whoosh!

Dawn had suddenly appeared in a strange environment, before he could examine his surroundings he heard a whooshing sound.

Dawn forced open his eyes and focused, An arrow was flying toward him at a fast speed from above, the arrow made a sharp, slicing noise as it cut through the air.

He hurriedly summoned mana in front of him in the form of a shield.


The arrow clanged against his shield.

The arrow had not penetrated but had taken the shield, disorientating Dawn. His hands shook from the impact. The force of the arrow sends him backwards.

"Danger! protect the chief!"

Someone was screaming at the top of his lungs, his voice hoarse and tired.

"Oh God! The Chief is wounded! Help!"

Another voice came from Dawn's side, filled with worry.

Dawn suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder, he hurriedly turned around and summoned tens of mana bullets.

"Are you alright chief?" Before Dawn could fire all the mana bullets a gentle voice filled with worry reached his ears.

"Chief?" He was chief now, was his mission finally started?

"Yeah, it has begun. You are really lucky for you to start as chief." Sugar's voice echoed in his mind.

Hey! Those son of bitches down there are trying to breach the walls again!" A soldier pointed at the army dressed in Red Below the walls.

"Shit! Shit! Someone tell me why they have archers!"

"Soldiers get ready, brace for the impact!"

Dawn heard the commands being shouted and chaotic footsteps.

"Chief! Take cover." a gentle voice said in an urgent tone.

Dawn turned his head around to look at the source of the voice. 

A perfectly postured female appeared in front of him. He nodded in her direction.

"Follow me!" she started running towards a big slab of stone. Dawn followed her from behind.

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